Camunda Platform 8.2.0-alpha1
- Export escalation records to ElasticSearch (#10767)
- Create EscalationRecord and EscalationIntent (#10762)
- Support link events (#10563)
- Support undefined tasks (#10562)
- Export missing records to ES (#8337)
- Improve error message in case of uncovered BPMN features (#7282)
- Needs to transfer the variables when failing a job has variables (#10700)
- Needs to set the variables locally when failing a job with variables (#10698)
- I can use bpmn model api to create a script task with feel expression (#10692)
- I can deploy a process definition with escalation event (#10688)
- None end events calculation of output parameters (#10613)
- Add signal events support in the bpmn model api (#10530)
- Support user task candidate users (#10346)
- I can set variables when failing a job (#9404)
- Introduce a less pessimistic backpressure algorithm (#8298)
Bug Fixes
- Fail to export the process instance modification record to Elasticsearch (#10732)
- NPE terminating both multi-instance body and child elements during PI modification (#10537)
- Using modification, I can't activate an element if an interrupting event subprocess was triggered (#10477)
- Broker startup fails when disk usage monitoring is disabled (#10735)
- Ensure RaftStore lock files are created and updated atomically (#10681)
fails because member isACTIVE
(#10545)- Writing TaskResult in ProcessScheduleService can block complete processing (#10526)
- ZeebePartition caught in a loop transition to inactive after a dead partition (#9924)
- Failed to take snapshot in leader because index entry is not found (#9761)
- Update 1.1.1f-1ubuntu2.13 to at least 1.1.1f-1ubuntu2.15 (#10800)
- Migrate the StreamProcessor tests to the new StreamPlatformExtension (#10455)
- Remove the additional submit (#10291)
- Create a StreamProcessor Module (#10130)
- Preserve output of flaky tests (#10109)
- Improve feedback when a partition is starting (#9963)
- Disable the Jenkins CI Pipeline (#9137)
Merged Pull Requests
- ci: fix dependabot PR approval (#10666)
- deps(maven): bump version.camunda from 7.17.0 to 7.18.0 (#10650)
- deps(maven): bump version.archunit from 0.23.1 to 1.0.0 (#10622)
- Migrate StreamProcessor test (#10468)
💊 Bugfixes
- backend: fix incident import for migrated flow node instances (#3503)
- dmn: disable ELS indexing of DMN input and output values (#3541)
- Fix Identity authentication for non-empty context path (#3515) (#3521)
- Add audience check of JWT for SaaS (#3502)
- backend: add null check for JWT payload scope (#3500)
- backend: add AccessDeniedHandler to Error (#3511)
- deps: update dependency bpmn-moddle to v8 (#3458)
- enable adding variables for new parent scopes (#3494)
- backend: use Zeebe 8.1.0 for tests (#3492)
- preview-env: Add missing input for teardown worflow
- preview-env: Add missing env
🧹 Chore
- backend: update Zeebe and Identity to 8.2.0-alpha1 (#3581)
- type fetchProcessesInstancesStatistics API and refactor tests #3576 (#3577)
- type fetchProcessesCoreStatistics API and refactor tests (#3576)
- type fetchGroupedProcesses API and refactor tests (#3575)
- type fetchProcessInstances API and refactor tests (#3573)
- Dockerfile: update Docker base image to be temurin 17 (#3544)
- type fetchProcessInstanceIncidents API and refactor tests (#3572)
- type fetchProcessInstance API and refactor tests (#3571)
- implement api mocks and refactor detail page tests (#3489)
- improve typing for requestAndParse method (#3570)
- Update Browserlist DB
- type api functions (#3528)
- preview-env: Cleanup old preview env actions (#3536)
- preview-env: Use the new global preview env teardown action (#3530)
- qa: fix migration test setup (#3540)
- seed: rename notification skip trait to comply with new plugin version (#3518)
- preview-env: Use the new global preview env action (#3508)
- Update Browserlist DB
- refactor bpmn flow node types (#3505)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#3493)
- Update Browserlist DB
- deps: bump java-jwt from 4.0.0 to 4.1.0 (#3498)
- deps: bump zeebe-test-container from 3.5.0 to 3.5.2 (#3426)
- deps: bump version.micrometer from 1.9.4 to 1.9.5 (#3490)
- deps: bump elasticsearch from 1.17.3 to 1.17.5 (#3462)
- deps: update bobheadxi/deployments digest to 9d4477f (#3160)
- improve types for bpmn-js modules (#3477)
- qa: fix test conditions in integration tests (#3474)
- backend: Adjust importer modules add 8.2 remove 8.0 (#3475)
- Update Browserlist DB
- fix flaky variable panel tests (#3464)
- preview-env: Split the deploy-preview actions into create and destroy actions (#3472)
💊 Bugfixes
- backend: Use email, username as assignee (#2158)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#2173)
- deps: update dependency @carbon/react to v1.15.0 (#2166)
- deps: update dependency @carbon/elements to v11.12.0 (#2165)
- deps: update dependency @bpmn-io/form-js to v0.9.7 (#2152)
- deps: update dependency sass to v1.55.0 (#2145)
- deps: update dependency @carbon/elements to v11.11.0 (#2144)
- deps: update dependency react-router-dom to v6.4.2 (#2087)
- deps: update dependency @bpmn-io/form-js to v0.9.6 (#2143)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#2137)
- deps: update dependency @carbon/react to v1.14.0 (#2091)
- preview-env: Add missing input for teardown workflow
- preview-env: Add missing env var (#2139)
- Revert dep update
🧹 Chore
- backend: update Zeebe abd Identity to 8.2.0-alpha1 (#2225)
- pom: update Spring Boot to 2.6.13 (#2223)
- Dockerfile: update Docker base image to be temurin 17 (#2208)
- Update Browserlist DB
- preview-env: Escape special characters from branch names (#2209)
- deps: update actions/add-to-project digest to c7ca843 (#2205)
- preview-env: Cleanup old preview env actions (#2198)
- preview-env: test the new global preview env teardown action (#2199)
- deps: update hashicorp/vault-action digest to 132f1c6 (#2201)
- deps: update actions/add-to-project digest to 9eaa856 (#2200)
- seed: rename notification skip trait to comply with new plugin version (#2177)
- deps: update actions/add-to-project digest to 8f9378c (#2197)
- preview-env: test the new global preview env action (#2168)
- deps: update dependency @types/node to v18 (#2193)
- deps: update hashicorp/vault-action digest to 32d00a1 (#2192)
- deps: update actions/add-to-project digest to 73dbef5 (#2190)
- deps: update dependency @testing-library/testcafe to v5 (#2185)
- deps: update dependency @types/node to v16.18.0 (#2187)
- Update Browserlist DB
- deps: update actions/add-to-project digest to 7e0e2c5 (#2179)
- Remove Operate team issue to board automation
- deps: update actions/add-to-project digest to 394bc02 (#2172)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#2167)
- deps: update dependency @types/jest to v29.2.0 (#2170)
- add add_to_hto_project action (#2169)
- Update Browserlist DB
- deps: update hashicorp/vault-action digest to 32838a0 (#2163)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#2160)
- bump zeebe-test-container from 3.5.0 to 3.5.2 (#2116)
- bump netty-bom from 4.1.82.Final to 4.1.84.Final (#2156)
- deps: update node.js to v16.18.0 (#2157)
- bump elasticsearch from 1.17.3 to 1.17.5 (#2129)
- bump byte-buddy from 1.12.17 to 1.12.18 (#2150)
- bump version.micrometer from 1.9.4 to 1.9.5 (#2151)
- deps: update amannn/action-semantic-pull-request action to v5 (#2155)
- backend: adjust importer modules add 8.2 remove 8.0 (#2141)
- deps: update dependency @types/node to v16.11.65 (#2149)
- deps: update dependency @types/jest to v29 (#2148)
- Update Zeebe for E2E tests
- Fix deploy action (#2146)
- deps: update bobheadxi/deployments digest to 9d4477f (#2006)
- deps: update dependency zeebe-node to v8.1.2 (#2142)
- deps: update dependency testcafe to v2 (#2092)
- Update Browserlist DB
- preview-env: Split the deploy-preview actions into create and destroy actions (#2134)
- Fix version on package.json
- deps: update definitelytyped (#2049)
🚀 New Features
- include keycloak theme in identity image (
- display email in user details (
💊 Bugfixes
- update dependency i18next-browser-languagedetector to v7 (
- update dependency @carbon/themes to v11.11.0 (
- update dependency @carbon/react to v1.16.0 (
- update dependency com.auth0:java-jwt to v4.2.1 (
- update dependency com.auth0:auth0 to v1.44.1 (
- update react-router monorepo to v6.4.2 (main) (
- update dependency com.auth0:java-jwt to v4.2.0 (
- update dependency com.auth0:auth0 to v1.44.0 (
- sdk: check Void type in RestClient correctly (
- update dependency i18next to v21.10.0 (
- update dependency com.auth0:java-jwt to v4.1.0 (
- update dependency @carbon/react to v1.15.0 (
- update dependency com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind to v2.13.4.2 (
- update keycloak.version to v19.0.3 (
- update dependency org.ehcache:ehcache to v3.10.2 (
- update dependency io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-prometheus to v1.9.5 (
- update dependency com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind to v2.13.4.1 (
- update dependency i18next-browser-languagedetector to v6.1.8 (
- update dependency @carbon/themes to v11.10.0 (
- update dependency @carbon/react to v1.14.0 (
- subpath e2e check path and notifications (
🧹 Chore
- update dependency @types/node to v16.18.3 (
- update dependency to v5.7.5 (
- update dependency @types/jest to v29.2.1 (
- update dependency @testing-library/testcafe to v5 (
- update dependency org.slf4j:slf4j-simple to v2 (
- update dependency com.tngtech.archunit:archunit-junit5 to v1 (
- style Keycloak login page with Carbon v11 (
- update typescript-eslint monorepo to v5.41.0 (
- update dependency @types/react-dom to v18.0.8 (
- update dependency @types/react to v18.0.24 (
- update dependency cypress to v10.11.0 (
- update dependency @types/node to v16.18.2 (
- update maven:3.8.6-eclipse-temurin-17 docker digest to c7bdb59 (
- update dependency babel-jest to v29.2.2 (
- update dependency @types/react to v18.0.23 (
- update dependency @types/react-dom to v18.0.7 (
- update node.js to v16.18.0 (main) (
- update dependency eslint-plugin-react to v7.31.10 (main) (
- increase timeout for detail page assertion (
- update jest monorepo (
- update dependency eslint to v8.26.0 (
- update typescript-eslint monorepo to v5.40.1 (
- update spring boot to v2.7.5 (
- update dependency to v5.7.4 (
- update dependency eslint-import-resolver-typescript to v3.5.2 (
- update dependency @babel/core to v7.19.6 (
- update postgres docker tag to v15 (
- make build step independent of backend test step in ci (
- update typescript-eslint monorepo to v5.40.0 (
- update slackapi/slack-github-action action to v1.23.0 (
- update dependency babel-jest to v29.2.0 (
- update dependency eslint to v8.25.0 (
- update dependency cypress to v10.10.0 (
- update dependency @testing-library/dom to v8.19.0 (
- update dlavrenuek/conventional-changelog-action action to v1.2.2 (
- update dependency testcafe to v2 (
- update actions/checkout action to v3 (
- add keycloak v19 to matrix (
- update dependency @types/jest to v29.1.2 (
- update dependency body-parser to v1.20.1 (
- update dependency @babel/preset-env to v7.19.4 (
- update maven:3.8.6-eclipse-temurin-17-alpine docker digest to 6e208b6 (
- update maven:3.8.6-eclipse-temurin-17 docker digest to 3017f23 (