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Building Elasticvue

Carsten König edited this page Mar 11, 2025 · 25 revisions

If you want to build elasticvue you have to setup the repository:

git clone
cd elasticvue

Then you can build your preferred version of elasticvue.

Browser extensions

To build the browser extensions for chrome, edge and firefox you have to run:

make build_browser_extensions

This will create zip files in ./artifacts, for example

Docker image

You can directly use the included Dockerfile to build the docker image:

make build_docker_nginx
make run_docker_nginx

Cross compile docker multiarch image

To build the arm images while on amd64 we can use buildx.

  1. Install qemu (for arch: pacman -S qemu-arch-extra)
  2. Create your buildx builder
docker buildx create --name mybuilder
docker buildx use mybuilder
docker buildx inspect --bootstrap
  1. Install qemu emulators
docker run -it --rm --privileged tonistiigi/binfmt --install all
  1. Build (make sure to use the Dockerfile_multiarch dockerfile for improved build times)
make build_docker_nginx_multiarch

Web version (for self hosting)

You can check the Dockerfile to see how you can host elasticvue. But to build the dist folder simply run:

yarn install
yarn build

Desktop app


You can use this command to build the tauri desktop app for linux inside a docker image:

make build_docker_tauri

Find the build artifacts in src-tauri/target/release/bundle


Elasticvue uses tauri to create the desktop application.

  1. Install rust
  2. Setup tauri (install the npm tauri cli)
  3. Build for prod make build_tauri

Find the build artifacts in src-tauri/target/release/bundle