Release notes
To make modifications easier for others, removed some scss and replaced with/added new css variables.
Changes now acknowledges Releases page
Converted %link-transition to var(--link-transition)
The transition effect is now transition: background-color .3s, ease-in-out, color .3s ease-in;
New _variables.scss
folder in /scss/abstracts
Added new variables for commonly used box-shadows
Added new variables for different sizes of padding
Added new variables for different sizes of margin
Added new variables for borders
Added new variables for border-radius
Added new variables for text-decoration
Added new variable for indentation guide color
Added new variables for icon dimensions
Admonitions are now themed
Corrected dropdown font to var(--not-editor)
Known issues
Matched letters in cmd/ctrl-o dropdown are sometimes black against the black background
Right-clicking a linked note and choosing reveal in file navigation
will produce a yellow highlight on white text
Visual improvements(?) to minimize, maximize, and close buttons on Windows machines (thanks #9 ).
Visual improvements to the file and folder navigation sidebar when renaming files and folders
Change to font variable names to reflect the updated ones in the base app theme
Full removal of Kepano's Hider CSS and then will style Obsidian's ribbons
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