This package contains information to perform architecture recovery and analysis, and supports remodularization proposals for Earth System Models (ESM). This provides an overview on the setup and all shared tasks.
Specific information on each model can be found in the respective models sub directories.
Directory structure:
- oceandsl-tools.tgz = collection of OceanDSL tools used in the recovery and analysis
- TODO python tools.
- models = containing scripts and configuration
- mitgcm
- uvic
- swm
- MITgcm
- UVic
- SWM (not yet available)
The corresponding subdirectories of the replication package contain detailed instructions for each step to be done to setup the experiments and execute them.
We use dynamic and static approaches to recover the architecture and perform subsequent operations on the architecture.
- Instrument ESM with Kieker4C
- Collect instrumentation data
- Process data with dynamic architecture recovery tool (dar) to generate an architecture model
- Perform the configuration and preprocess stage of the compilation of an ESM
- Run esm call and dataflow extractor (based on fparser)
- this is currently located in a git submodule in the directory python-coupling-analysis, can be cloned stand-alone with git clone https://python-analysis:[email protected]/ifi-ag-se/oceandsl/esm-coupling-analysis.git
- Process data with the static architecture recovery tool (sar)
- Use Model Merger (mop) to gain a combined model
- Generate visual represenations of the architecture with the Model Visualization Tool (mvis)
- Generate metrics based on the architecture with mvis
- Interactively inspect the architecture with Kieker Architecture Visualization
- similarly a git submodule, clonable with git clone https://java-restructuring:[email protected]/ifi-ag-se/oceandsl/genetic-restructuring.git java-restructuring
- TODO: This submodule also contains the dynamic and static analysis results of UVic and MITgmc, which are also in the "models" directory of the replication package. It would be better to let the replication package offer a "complete workflow", where each step can either use the results of the previously performed step, or data supplied by us.
All the analysis use the OceanDSL-Tools and TODO @hs. You can either extract the tools from the archive in this replication package or clone and build the tools yourself.
To avoid mixing replication package sources, data from other sources and data from the replication you are executing, we suggest to use separate experiment and install directories.
The envisioned setup is:
- replication
- esm-architecture-analyisis-replication-package
- install
- kieker-lang-pack-c (git repo)
- oceandsl-tools (git repo)
- experiments
- oceandsl-tools (created when following the instructions)
- data
We will refer to the replication
directory as ${REPLICATION_DIR}
in the
In case you want to follow this recommendation, you have to create the
directories as follows.
mkdir replication
cd replication
mkdir install experiments data
Then move the esm-architecture-analyisis-replication-package
(replication package)
directory into the ${REPLICATION_DIR}
You need to install a Java runtime (at least Java 11). Follow the instructions for your respective operating system. Most Linux distributions provide suitable Java runtimes and SDKs.
Installing OceanDSL-Tools from the archive in the replication package:
tar -xvpf oceandsl-tools.tgz
mv oceandsl-tools ${REPLICATION_DIR}
Installing the OceanDSL-Tools from their git repository:
Clone the repository
cd ${REPLICATION_DIR}/install
git clone
Change into the repository directory and build the tools.
cd oceandsl-tools
./gradlew build
tar -xzpf ${REPLICATION_DIR}/install/oceandsl-tools/build/oceandsl-tools.tgz
Kieker is only needed in case you want to reproduce the dynamic analysis i.e., the observation of the model behavior at runtime.
Clone the kieker-lang-pack-c repository.
cd ${REPLICATION_DIR}/install
git clone
cd kieker-lang-pack-c/source
Follow the installation instructions there. In short perform the following
automake --add-missing
Then compile and install the monitoring probes.
./configure ; make
You may also call make install
. However, this may require admin
In case you intend to install the Kieker library in a different location then
you must specify a suitable path with the configure call, e.g.,
./configure --prefix=${REPLICATION_DIR}/kieker
make install
Due to size restrictions, we removed the collector from the replication package. You can obtain the collector from the Kieker releases:
Download from the webpage:
Extract the archive with
and copy from the kieker-1.15.4/tools
directory the file
to the
Future Kieker releases will provide a separate file called
unzip esm-architecture-analysis-replication-package/
Depending on the version this will produce a directory named collector-1.15.4
, collector-2.0.0
or similar.
Please rename this to collector
Additional information on the collector and how to use it to collect monitoring data, can be found in the Kieker documentation page.
In case the collector does not work, e.g., for incompatibilities, you can
download Kieker tools from
in the tools or binary package.
Install binutils which include addr2line
. In debian based Linux distributions, this
is done with
sudo apt install binutils -y
In case you use a non-Debian distribution, install the corresponding package of your distribution.
You may find fxtran
in our fork
repository or
a more recent version in the original project.
To install fxtran
which is required for the static architecture recovery, go to
the ${REPLICATION_DIR}/install
directory and clone the repository
cd ${REPLICATION_DIR}/install
git clone
Compile the tool with
cd fxtran
cp bin/fxtran "${REPLICATION_DIR}"