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@cdozdil cdozdil released this 02 Oct 08:55
· 736 commits to master since this release

OptiScaler v0.7.0-pre66

This build adds experimental Frame Generation support to v0.6.8-pre4 for DLSS & XeSS supported games.
Instability and crashes are possible, so be warned.

Frame Generation will not work if OptiScaler is used as nvngx.dll. Please follow these instructions.

For best results please avoid using overlays like Steam/Epic/RTSS.


  • Fixed more resource tracking issues, HudFix should be much more stable now
  • Added auto-fallback to classical FG when hudless can't be captured
  • Added Reflex FPS framerate limit slider (thanks to @FakeMichau #108)
  • Added freetype font for menu (thanks to @FakeMichau #117)
  • Added Immediate Capture option for HudFix
; Enables capturing of resources before shader execution.
; Increase hudless capture chances but might cause capturing of unnecessary resources.
; true or false - Default (auto) is false
  • Added Capture Lists for HudFix, which would help some games (Star Wars: Outlaws etc.)

  • Fixed issues on loading libxess.dll (thanks to FakeMichau)

  • Added option for loading ReShade64.dll

; Loads Reshade64.dll from game's exe folder
; true or false - Default (auto) is false
; Force HDR color space
; true or false - Default (auto) is false

; Use HDR10
; true or false - Default (auto) is false
  • Added auto disabling of Epic Overlay when using FSR-FG swapchain

Mini HudFix Guide
Enable debug view and check different limit values:

  1. If default settings can't capture hudless go to Step 2, if found hudless but it's not stable go to Step 4
  2. Try enabling Immediate and checking again, if still can't capture go to Step 3, if found hudless but it's not stable go to Step 4
  3. Try enabling Extendedand checking again, if found hudless but it's not stable go to Step 4
  4. Find a spot it's always stable and select Create List wait a bit and then select Use List


  • Added FSR 3.1.2 support
  • Fixed spoofed GPU name issue (Thanks to @MapleHinata)
  • Fixed RDR crash issue (only with bundled amd_fidelityfx_dx12.dll)
  • Fixed XeSS not selectable on Capcom games (Thanks to FakeMichau & BayuPratama)
  • Changed to hook dxgi/d3d12/d3d11/vulkan-1 when game loads them. This should increase compatibility with Death Stranding and Capcom games (thanks to Maple)
  • Fixed ini reload logic to not overwrite user changed values
  • Added resource barrier fixes to FG inputs too (Velocity & Depth, again fixes Death Stranding)
  • Added FG Rectangle option for games with black bars (ultra wide etc)
  • Added Source Api info to menu (DLSS/XeSS)
  • In general tried to improve stability and capture accuracy of Hudfix

UE games might need Limit 2 with this update with pre66 not needed

pre23 added fix for regtangle/noise issue when using HudFix

pre22 re-implemented Extended HudFix option which now works with Control (don't forget to disable Motion Blur + Film Grain).


pre21 should increase compatibility and stability of Hudfix and mod in general.

New Options


Frame Generation

Enables & disables frame generation

Allow Async

Enables & disables async compution for frame generation which improves performance.
It usually cause crashes, so use at your own risk

Debug View

Enables & disables FSR FG debug view. Userful for checking if Hudfix working correctly.


Only Generated

When enabled only FG generated will be shown. Used for debug purposes.


Enables & disables hudless image capturing.
It might cause crashes

  • Limit option delays capturing hudless image for capturing correct image
  • Extended option tries to capture more image formats

When hudless image captured correctly you should see it in Debug View. Bottom middle image should not have any HUD elements.


Thanks to Artur, FakeMichau, RazzerBrazzer, BayuPratama and all DLSS2FSR community for helping me on testing this build.