python binding for Multichain, supports version 2
Its heavy based on python-bitcoinrpc and Savoir but adapted for Multichain server, and replacing the httplib by requests
multichaincli can be installed from PyPi using pip. Enter the following command into terminal:
pip install multichaincli
Alternatively you can clone this public repository by entering the following command into terminal.
git clone
Once you've download the code you should install needed libs
python develop
Finally just use the multichain api documentacion and make calls to the wrapper. Remember to replace the rpc variables with the information of your specific chain
from multichaincli import Multichain
rpcuser = 'multichainrpc'
rpcpasswd = 'YoUrLoNgRpCpAsSwOrD'
rpchost = 'localhost'
rpcport = '22335'
chainname = 'myChain'
mychain = Multichain(rpcuser, rpcpasswd, rpchost, rpcport, chainname)