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Nginx is an HTTP and reverse proxy server, a mail proxy server, and a generic TCP/UDP proxy server. See documentation


Type of Package

Service package


This plan builds nginx and is usable standalone. However, the intention is that a configuration plan should be created to wrap this plan, allowing customization of the service and configuration.

Examples of this are detailed below.


Consuming an Nginx service depends on what ports are exposed. Configuration plans wrapping core/nginx may expose more than a single port, however this core plan exposes a single http port:

hab start <origin>/<app> --bind webserver:nginx.default

The app being started should be configured to read a port binding from the webserver.

For more information see Binds and Exports


Nginx is designed as a standalone service.

For more information see Topologies

Update Strategies

An at-once update strategy is recommended. However this can be changed / altered as you wrap the plan to customize its functionality.

For more information see Update Strategy

Configuration Updates

It is highly recommended that this plan not be used directly as a service to run your webserver.

Use this plan as a dependency of your plan, providing your own configuration and settings.

For more information see Running Chef Habitat Packages


Practical Usage

As mentioned throughout the readme, it is not recommended to run this plan standalone without changes. We highly recommend that you build a configuration plan to provide the functionality that you need, and gain the control you require for your webserver.

This section will detail how to achieve this.

Configuration Plan

A configuration plan is a Habitat plan that has a dependency on another plan, and simply provides its own configuration for the service. They have also been called Wrapper plans.

Wrapping Nginx

Create a new plan:

hab plan init my-webserver
cd my-webserver

At minimum, the should contain the following:


do_build() {
  return 0

do_install() {
  return 0

The default.toml should contain the following:

worker_processes = "auto"
port = 80

worker_connections = 512

Next, you will need to create 2 files. One is the static mime.types required by nginx to serve the content correctly, and the other is the main nginx.conf which will override some compiled-in values from the core/nginx package.

You can download the mime.types file from the Nginx repository.

The nginx.conf file should contain at least the following:

daemon off;
pid {{pkg.svc_var_path}}/pid;
worker_processes {{cfg.worker_processes}};

events {
  worker_connections {{}};

http {
  include        mime.types;
  default_type   application/octet-stream;

  client_body_temp_path {{pkg.svc_var_path}}/client-body;
  fastcgi_temp_path {{pkg.svc_var_path}}/fastcgi;
  proxy_temp_path {{pkg.svc_var_path}}/proxy;
  scgi_temp_path {{pkg.svc_var_path}}/scgi_temp_path;
  uwsgi_temp_path {{pkg.svc_var_path}}/uwsgi;

  server {
    listen {{cfg.port}} default_server;
    server_name _;

    location / {
      root {{pkg.svc_data_path}};
      index index.html index.htm;

The important pieces here are the temp_path overrides that will allow Nginx to write temporary content to the correct directories.

Once you have created the above files, you can enter a habitat studio and build the plan:

hab studio enter

[1][default:/src:0]# build