Library for interfacing with the NFC reader Module MFRC522 on the Raspberry Pi.
is a python port of the "Arduino RFID Library for MFRC522" (
Additionally some code is based on mxgxw/MFRC522-python, ondryaso/pi-rc522
and pimylifeup/MFRC522-python.
There is a lot of documentation available at with useful hints and informations.
NOTE: This is still work in progress and not all ported functions are verified working. Use at own risk!
is a small utility class to simplify interaction with the MFRC522.
- Communication (Crypto1) with MIFARE Classic 1k
- Communication with MIFARE Ultralight
- Firmware self check of MFRC522
Name | Physical pin # | BCM pin # |
SDA | 24 | GPIO8 |
SCK | 23 | GPIO11 |
MOSI | 19 | GPIO10 |
MISO | 21 | GPIO9 |
IRQ | 18 | GPIO24 |
GND | 6, 9, 20, 25 | Ground |
RST | 22 | GPIO25 |
3.3V | 1,17 | 3V3 |
This library requires Python 3 and depends on the following libraries:
Install from GIT:
git clone
cd MFRC522-python
python3 install
This repository includes a couple of examples showing how to read, write, and dump data from a chip. Also take a look at the source code documentation in for MFRC522
and SimpleMFRC522
Example program showing how to use MFRC522
to detect a card and dump its contents to stdout:
from mfrc522 import MFRC522
rfid = MFRC522()
rfid.pcd_init() # Init MFRC522
rfid.pcd_dump_version_to_serial() # Show details of PCD - MFRC522 Card Reader details
while True:
# Look for new cards
if not rfid.picc_is_new_card_present():
# Select one of the cards
result, uid = rfid.picc_read_card_serial()
if not result:
# Dump debug info about the card
print('New PICC')
Example program showing how to use SimpleMFRC522
to detect a card and dump its data decoded as utf-8 to stdout:
from mfrc522 import SimpleMFRC522
rfid = SimpleMFRC522()
rfid.init() # Init MFRC522
while True:
status, uid, text = rfid.read_text() # Blocks until a readable tag is present (assumes that data on the tag is utf-8 encoded text
print('New PICC')
rfid.wait_for_card_removed() # Blocks until all tags are removed from the RFID reader
This library uses standard python logging. The following loggers are used enumerated by names:
Logger name | Description |
mfrc522.log | Log errors and warnings |
mfrc522.trace | Log method calls and steps (verbose - logs only in DEBUG level) |
mfrc522.spi | Log SPI communication (very verbose - logs only in DEBUG level) |
You may subscribe to these loggers for getting logging messages.
This code and examples are licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License 3.0.