Snippets & Autocomplete for Redaxo
Install via Package Control, search for redaxo.
Install manually, download the package and copy the files inside your Packages
- OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Packages/
- Windows: %APPDATA%/Sublime Text/Packages/
- Linux: ~/.Sublime Text/Packages/ or ~/.config/sublime-text/Packages
- [$REX] (rex)
- [$REX_ACTION] (rex_action)
- [Modules Input] (rex_module_input)
- [Modules Output] (rex_module_output)
- [Redaxo Variables] (rex_variable)
- [OOArticle] (rex_article)
- [OOArticleSlice] (rex_articleslice)
- [OOCategory] (rex_category)
- [OOMedia] (rex_media)
- [OOMediaCategory] (rex_mediacategory)
- [OOPlugin] (rex_plugin)
- [OOAddon] (rex_addon)
- [ExtensionPoints] (rex_extensionpoint)
- Start typing rex to display inline autocomplete window (only available inside php tags )
- Use Command palette and start typing redaxo
- Use Main menu Tools/Redaxo/.. to insert relevant snippet
Christan Fickinger Twitter : @chrfickinger GitHub :
- 24/02/2014 - First Release
Please direct any feedback via GitHub. Thanks for using Redaxo for Sublime :)