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Did Elspeth make it to work on time?

A static site and associated twitter bot for keeping track of whether Elspeth makes it to work on time.

The production version of the site is at

Pull request are welcome!

Dev setup

npm install
npm i -g netlify-cli
ntl init
ntl dev

Or, without Netlify hooked up:

npm install
npm run start

(In that case you'll need a .env file with at least the FaunaDB key in it)


The site is an Eleventy-powered static site. Backend information is stored in a collection in FaunaDB and compiled into static HTML / CSS at build time.

There's one piece of server-side logic which is in functions/update.js. It will create a new record in FaunaDB based on the state you provide as a query param. After that it will post a related message to twitter, and then trigger a rebuild of the site via a Netlify build hook.

Architecture diagram

Environment variables:

(These will be set up automatically if you're hooked up to Netlify)

Variable Description
FAUNADB_SECRET_KEY The server key for the FaunaDB database to use as a backend.
BACKEND_PASSWORD The password required for using POST /update. I know, it's the worst.
BUILD_WEBHOOK_URL A Netlify build hook URL to trigger at the end of the update function.
TWITTER_API_KEY Twitter auth nonsense.
TWITTER_API_SECRET Twitter auth nonsense.
TWITTER_ACCESS_KEY Twitter auth nonsense.
TWITTER_ACCESS_SECRET Twitter auth nonsense.


To Elspeth, for being an inspirational colleague and generally a good sport. I appreciate you!