This repo contains the starter code for Lecture 5: App Structure.
Here, we're building an app to let users browse CIS 19xx minicourses. The app will start by showing a list of courses, and when the user taps on a course, it will navigate to a new screen displaying the course's description. We'll also add other useful features, like favoriting courses so they appear on the top and animations for course icons.
Here's a walkthrough of the steps we cover in lecture:
We'll start off by setting up the navigation between the root list view and each course detail view. To do that, we'll need to wrap the contents of RootView
in a NavigationStack
struct RootView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationStack {
List(Course.minicourses) { course in
CourseRowView(course: course)
Next, we'll update CourseRowView
to use NavigationLink
with CourseDetailView
as a destination. This will make it so that when we tap on a course, the navigation stack will bring us to its description:
struct CourseRowView: View {
let course: Course
var body: some View {
NavigationLink(destination: {
CourseDetailView(course: course)
}) {
Label("**\(course.code)**: \(", systemImage: course.icon)
To make the user experience better, we'll add titles to each screen. We can do this by adding the .navigationTitle
modifier to the list in RootView
List(Course.minicourses) { course in
CourseRowView(course: course)
For the course detail, we'll use the course's code. This time, we'll also use the .navigationBarTitleDisplayMode
modifier to make the top bar appear smaller when we navigate:
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
// ...
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity, alignment: .topLeading)
What we have so far is great, but it can get unwieldy putting the CourseDetailView
in CourseRowView
- ideally, we want CourseRowView
to be as small and simple as possible. Fortunately, NavigationStack
supports navigating based on values. Let's try it out.
Update the NavigationLink
in CourseRowView
to this:
NavigationLink(value: course) {
Label("**\(course.code)**: \(", systemImage: course.icon)
Now CourseRowView
is a lot cleaner, but how will our navigation stack know where to navigate to? To answer that, add a .navigationDestination
modifier to RootView
, like this:
List(Course.minicourses) { course in
CourseRowView(course: course)
.navigationDestination(for: Course.self) { course in
CourseDetailView(course: course)
With this, NavigationStack
will know to show CourseDetailView
when we tap on the link.
Navigating based on values doesn't just make our code cleaner - it also lets us control navigation programmatically rather than just relying on NavigationLink
s. To demonstrate this, let's add a button that takes you to a random course.
In SwiftUI, navigation stacks can be driven by what's called a NavigationPath
- think of it like a URL or a path that tells you where you are in an app's hierarchy. All it takes to set one up is to initialize it and store it in a @State
@State var navigationPath = NavigationPath()
Then, we can tell our NavigationStack
in RootView
to use the path:
NavigationStack(path: $navigationPath) {
// ...
Some food for thought: Why did we need to pass in a
with the$
Now, let's use the .toolbar
modifier to add a button to the top right of the navigation bar. Note this must be applied inside the NavigationStack
since this is what is managing our navigation. Therefore you can place this modifier at the end of the List
's modifiers.
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem {
Button("Random Course", systemImage: "dice") {
// You'll do this in a bit...
And when the button is tapped, we'll append a random course to our NavigationPath
using the .append
Understanding check: Why is it okay to "force unwrap" this optional here with the
Build and run the app, then tap the dice button on the top right - you'll be taken to a random course, all without having used NavigationLink
Now, let's implement the ability to favorite courses. To keep code clean, we'll implement the actual logic for this in a view model so we can separate it from the view itself. Let's make a new file in the "View Models" folder and call it FavoritesViewModel
We'll make a class and fill in its logic:
@Observable class FavoritesViewModel: ObservableObject {
private var favoritedCourseCodes = Set<String>()
init(favoritedCourseCodes: Set<String> = []) {
self.favoritedCourseCodes = favoritedCourseCodes
func isFavorited(course: Course) -> Bool {
return favoritedCourseCodes.contains(
func favorite(course: Course) {
func unfavorite(course: Course) {
var favoritedCourses: [Course] {
Course.minicourses.filter { isFavorited(course: $0) }
var unfavoritedCourses: [Course] {
Course.minicourses.filter { !isFavorited(course: $0) }
You may need to import SwiftUI
or import Observation
for this to work.
We'll then create an instance of it in the Minicourse_BrowserApp
struct and pass it down to our views via a .environment
struct Minicourse_BrowserApp: App {
@State var favoritesViewModel = FavoritesViewModel()
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
Finally, we'll use this to display separate sections for favorited and unfavorited courses in the list view. First, we'll need to add an @Environment
property to RootView
, like this:
@Environment(FavoritesViewModel.self) var favoritesViewModel
This will fetch the view model from the .environment
modifier we added earlier. With this, we can divide the list into two sections, like this:
List {
Section("Favorites") {
ForEach(favoritesViewModel.favoritedCourses) { course in
CourseRowView(course: course)
Section("Others") {
ForEach(favoritesViewModel.unfavoritedCourses) { course in
CourseRowView(course: course)
When you build and run the app, you'll notice the app now has two sections!
If your preview is crashing, you will need to add .environment
to your #Preview
as well. You won't have access to Minicourse_BrowserApp
's view model, so just instantiate a new one:
#Preview {
@Previewable @State var favoritesViewModel = FavoritesViewModel()
macro lets you declare ad-hoc@State
values in a#Preview
View models are fun and all, but our FavoritesViewModel
isn't doing anything useful quite yet. To fix that, we'll add a "Favorite" button to the top bar on the course detail view. We can use the .toolbar
modifier on FavoritesViewModel
to accomplish this:
// ...
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem {
if favoritesViewModel.isFavorited(course: course) {
Button("Favorited", systemImage: "star.fill") {
favoritesViewModel.unfavorite(course: course)
} else {
Button("Add to Favorites", systemImage: "star") {
favoritesViewModel.favorite(course: course)
Of course, we'll need to have CourseDetailView
read in coursesViewModel
before we can actually use it. To do so, we'll add the same @Environment
property to CourseDetailView
@Environment(FavoritesViewModel.self) var favoritesViewModel
Don't forget to update the #Preview
block like we did in step 5:
#Preview {
@Previewable @State var favoritesViewModel = FavoritesViewModel()
NavigationStack {
CourseDetailView(course: Course.minicourses[0])
Now when we run the app, we can favorite and unfavorite courses!