This library provides all the lovely icons in the open source Phosphor Icons package as hiccup, usable from both Clojure and ClojureScript.
With tools.deps:
no.cjohansen/phosphor-clj {:mvn/version "2025.03.14"}
With Leiningen:
[no.cjohansen/phosphor-clj "2025.03.14"]
Usage from Clojure is straight forward:
(require '[phosphor.icons :as icons])
(icons/render :phosphor.regular/x)
;;=> [:svg
;; {:xmlns "",
;; :viewBox "0 0 256 256",
;; :style {:line-height "1", :display "inline-block"}}
;; [:rect {:width "256", :height "256", :fill "none"}]
;; [:line
;; {:x1 "200",
;; :y1 "56",
;; :x2 "56",
;; :y2 "200",
;; :stroke "currentColor",
;; :stroke-linecap "round",
;; :stroke-linejoin "round",
;; :stroke-width "16"}]
;; [:line
;; {:x1 "200",
;; :y1 "200",
;; :x2 "56",
;; :y2 "56",
;; :stroke "currentColor",
;; :stroke-linecap "round",
;; :stroke-linejoin "round",
;; :stroke-width "16"}]]
More on the render
function below.
The Phosphor icons package contains thousands of icons. You probably do not want to include all of them in your build. To work around this, the library provides a macro that "installs" an icon into your build. After you've installed it, you can render it as much as you want.
(require '[phosphor.icons :as icons])
(icons/render (icons/icon :phosphor.regular/apple-logo))
This will both pull the Apple logo icon into your build and render it.
needs only be called once per unique id. It returns the keyword, so
can be used where you build data - it doesn't have to sit in your rendering
(def data
{:name "Christian"
:icon (icons/icon :phosphor.regular/person)})
(icons/render (:icon data) {:size 32})
More on the render
function below.
You can also install icons in a separate namespace and forget about icons/icon
in the rest of your application. The important part is that
is called once for every icon you intend to use, and that
it is called with the static keyword - it is a macro, and cannot dynamically
look up refs. This will not work:
;; Doesn't work, don't do it!
(for [id [:phosphor.regular/person
(phosphor.icons/icon id))
Icons are identified with a keyword. The keyword has the following anatomy:
is one of:
is the icons id. Use the Phosphor icons
website to find icons.
The render function takes two arguments:
(render id {:size :color :style :class})
All the map options are optional.
is a number that is used for the icons width and heightcolor
is the icon's color. Icons usecurrentColor
, so you can also set color with CSS in parent
is a map of styles for thesvg
is either a compatible format for specifying CSS classes that your rendering library supports (usually either an array of strings or a space-separated list)
The remaining map is merged into the SVG element's attributes, e.g.:
(require '[phosphor.icons :as icons])
(icons/render (icons/icon :phosphor.regular/x) {:on-click (fn [e] ,,,)})
;;=> [:svg {:on-click (fn [e] ,,,)
;; :viewBox ",,,"
;; ,,,}
;; ,,,]
Occasionally, the Phosphor package adds or updates icons. When that happens, the icons must be re-imported into phosphor-clj and a new version cut (since phosphor-clj distributes the icons in its jar):
make update-icons
Then cut a new release by manually updating the version number in pom.xml and the Readme, and run:
make deploy
This requires access to the Clojars repo.
Update to Phosphor Icons 2.1.0
Breaking change: phosphor.icons/render
no longer defaults to rendering icons
with display: inline-block; line-height: 1;
. This was a mistake that breaks
text alignment. This change should not impact you if you are already taking
control of icon styling in your app. If you happen to rely on the old faulty
behavior, use phosphor.legacy/render
, which behaves exactly like before.
Copyright code in this repo © 2023-2025 Christian Johansen
Distributed under the MIT license.
Phosphor icons also use the MIT license, see their Github.