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Terraform provider to manage downloading clis to the local system


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Terraform Provider CLIs

Terraform provider to populate a Cloud Native Toolkit gitops repo with a new ArgoCD application. Currently, this provider is a simple wrapper for the gitops-namespace and gitops-module commands in the igc cli.

The provider serves two purposes with this version:

  • Provides more terraform-friendly integration with other terraform modules. This provider removes the need for null_resource resources to call the cli.
  • Performs mutex locking on the git username to prevent concurrent access of the git apis and associated rate limits.


Provider configuration

Add the gitops module to the required providers list:

terraform {
  required_providers {
    gitops = {
      source  = "cloud-native-toolkit/gitops"

Configure the provider block:

provider "gitops" {
  username = var.git_username
  token = var.git_token
  bin_dir  = module.setup_clis.bin_dir

Note: username and token are both optional parameters. bin_dir should point to the directory where the igc cli can be found.

Gitops Namespace resource

The Gitops Namespace resource will add namespace configuration to the repo.

resource gitops_namespace ns {
    name =
    content_dir = "${path.module}/yaml"
    server_name = var.server_name
    config = yamlencode(var.config)
    credentials = yamlencode(var.credentials)

Gitops Module resource

The Gitops Module resource will add gitops module/application configutation to the repo.

resource gitops_module module {
    name =
    namespace = var.namespace
    content_dir = "${path.module}/yaml"
    server_name = var.server_name
    layer = var.layer
    type = var.type
    config = yamlencode(var.config)
    credentials = yamlencode(var.credentials)

This entry provides a replacement for the following null_resource configuration:

resource null_resource setup_gitops {
  depends_on = [null_resource.create_yaml]

  triggers = {
    name =
    namespace = var.namespace
    yaml_dir = local.yaml_dir
    server_name = var.server_name
    layer = local.layer
    type = local.type
    git_credentials = yamlencode(var.git_credentials)
    gitops_config   = yamlencode(var.gitops_config)
    bin_dir = local.bin_dir

  provisioner "local-exec" {
    command = "${self.triggers.bin_dir}/igc gitops-module '${}' -n '${self.triggers.namespace}' --contentDir '${self.triggers.yaml_dir}' --serverName '${self.triggers.server_name}' -l '${self.triggers.layer}' --type '${self.triggers.type}'"

    environment = {
      GIT_CREDENTIALS = nonsensitive(self.triggers.git_credentials)
      GITOPS_CONFIG   = self.triggers.gitops_config

  provisioner "local-exec" {
    when = destroy
    command = "${self.triggers.bin_dir}/igc gitops-module '${}' -n '${self.triggers.namespace}' --delete --contentDir '${self.triggers.yaml_dir}' --serverName '${self.triggers.server_name}' -l '${self.triggers.layer}' --type '${self.triggers.type}'"

    environment = {
      GIT_CREDENTIALS = nonsensitive(self.triggers.git_credentials)
      GITOPS_CONFIG   = self.triggers.gitops_config


Build the application

Run the following command to build the provider

make build

Test sample configuration

First, build and install the provider.

make install

Then, run the following command to initialize the workspace and apply the sample configuration.

terraform init && terraform apply


Terraform provider to manage downloading clis to the local system



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