Cloudiator REST Api
- API version: 0.2.0
- Build date: 2019-11-26T14:13:16.944+01:00[Europe/Berlin]
No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator
For more information, please visit
Automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator
Building the API client library requires:
- Java 1.7+
- Maven/Gradle
To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:
mvn clean install
To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure the settings of the repository and execute:
mvn clean deploy
Refer to the OSSRH Guide for more information.
Add this dependency to your project's POM:
Add this dependency to your project's build file:
compile "io.github.cloudiator.client:java-rest:0.3.0-SNAPSHOT"
At first generate the JAR by executing:
mvn clean package
Then manually install the following JARs:
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Java code:
// Import classes:
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
ApiKeyAuth ApiKeyAuth = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("ApiKeyAuth");
ApiKeyAuth.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY");
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
CloudApi apiInstance = new CloudApi(defaultClient);
NewCloud cloud = new NewCloud(); // NewCloud | Cloud to add
try {
Cloud result = apiInstance.addCloud(cloud);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling CloudApi#addCloud");
System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());
All URIs are relative to http://localhost:9000
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
CloudApi | addCloud | POST /clouds | |
CloudApi | addVM | POST /vm | |
CloudApi | deleteCloud | DELETE /clouds/{id} | |
CloudApi | discoveryStatus | GET /discovery/status | |
CloudApi | editHardware | PUT /hardware/{id} | |
CloudApi | editImage | PUT /images/{id} | |
CloudApi | editLocation | PUT /locations/{id} | |
CloudApi | findCloud | GET /clouds/{id} | |
CloudApi | findClouds | GET /clouds | |
CloudApi | findFunctions | GET /function | |
CloudApi | findHardware | GET /hardware | |
CloudApi | findImages | GET /images | |
CloudApi | findLocations | GET /locations | |
CloudApi | findVMs | GET /vm | |
CloudApi | getFunction | GET /function/{id} | |
CloudApi | getHardware | GET /hardware/{id} | |
CloudApi | getImage | GET /images/{id} | |
CloudApi | getLocation | GET /locations/{id} | |
CloudApi | getVM | GET /vm/{id} | |
JobApi | addJob | POST /jobs | |
JobApi | findJob | GET /jobs/{id} | |
JobApi | findJobs | GET /jobs | |
JobApi | jobGraph | GET /jobs/{id}/graph | |
MatchmakingApi | findNodeCandidates | POST /nodeCandidates | |
MatchmakingApi | getNodeCandidate | GET /nodeCandidates/{id} | |
MatchmakingApi | getSolution | GET /solution/{id} | |
MatchmakingApi | solveMatchmaking | PUT /matchmaking | |
MiscApi | installTools | POST /installer | |
MonitoringApi | addMonitor | POST /monitors | |
MonitoringApi | deleteMonitor | DELETE /monitors/{metric} | |
MonitoringApi | findMonitors | GET /monitors | |
MonitoringApi | getMonitor | GET /monitors/{metric} | |
MonitoringApi | updateMonitor | PUT /monitors/{metric} | |
NodeApi | addByon | POST /byon | |
NodeApi | addNode | POST /node | |
NodeApi | deleteByon | DELETE /byon/{id} | |
NodeApi | deleteNode | DELETE /node/{id} | |
NodeApi | findByons | GET /byon | |
NodeApi | findNodes | GET /node | |
NodeApi | getNode | GET /node/{id} | |
PlatformApi | addPlatform | POST /platform | |
PlatformApi | addPlatformEnvironment | POST /platformEnvironment | |
PlatformApi | addPlatformHardware | POST /platformHardware | |
PlatformApi | addPlatformRuntime | POST /platformRuntime | |
PlatformApi | deletePlatform | DELETE /platform/{id} | |
PlatformApi | findPlatform | GET /platform/{id} | |
PlatformApi | findPlatformEnvironment | GET /platformEnvironment/{id} | |
PlatformApi | findPlatformEnvironments | GET /platformEnvironment | |
PlatformApi | findPlatformHardware | GET /platformHardware/{id} | |
PlatformApi | findPlatformHardwares | GET /platformHardware | |
PlatformApi | findPlatformRuntime | GET /platformRuntime/{id} | |
PlatformApi | findPlatformRuntimes | GET /platformRuntime | |
PlatformApi | findPlatforms | GET /platform | |
ProcessApi | addSchedule | POST /schedule | |
ProcessApi | createProcess | POST /process | |
ProcessApi | deleteProcess | DELETE /process/{id} | |
ProcessApi | deleteSchedule | DELETE /schedule/{id} | |
ProcessApi | findProcess | GET /process/{id} | |
ProcessApi | findSchedule | GET /schedule/{id} | |
ProcessApi | finishProcess | POST /process/{id}/{secret} | |
ProcessApi | getProcesses | GET /process | |
ProcessApi | getSchedules | GET /schedule | |
ProcessApi | scheduleGraph | GET /schedule/{id}/graph | |
QueueApi | findQueuedTask | GET /queue/{id} | |
QueueApi | getQueuedTasks | GET /queue | |
ScaleApi | triggerScale | POST /scale | |
SecurityApi | decrypt | GET /decryption/{text} | |
SecurityApi | deleteSecure | DELETE /secureStore/{key} | |
SecurityApi | encrypt | GET /encryption/{text} | |
SecurityApi | retrieveSecure | GET /secureStore/{key} | |
SecurityApi | storeSecure | PUT /secureStore/{key} | |
UserApi | createTenant | POST /tenants | |
UserApi | createUser | POST /users | |
UserApi | login | POST /login | |
YamlApi | parseYAML | POST /yaml |
- Api
- AttributeOptimization
- AttributeOptimizationAllOf
- AttributeRequirement
- AttributeRequirementAllOf
- Behaviour
- ByonNode
- ByonNodeAllOf
- Cloud
- CloudAllOf
- CloudConfiguration
- CloudCredential
- CloudType
- CloudiatorProcess
- CloudiatorProcessNew
- ClusterProcess
- ClusterProcessAllOf
- ClusterProcessNew
- ClusterProcessNewAllOf
- Communication
- DataSink
- DiscoveryItemState
- Distribution
- DockerInterface
- DockerInterfaceAllOf
- Environment
- Error
- FaasInterface
- FaasInterfaceAllOf
- Function
- GeoLocation
- Hardware
- HdfsInterface
- HdfsInterfaceAllOf
- HttpTrigger
- HttpTriggerAllOf
- IdentifierRequirement
- IdentifierRequirementAllOf
- Image
- InstallationRequest
- Interval
- IpAddress
- IpAddressType
- IpVersion
- Job
- JobAllOf
- JobNew
- LanceInterface
- LanceInterfaceAllOf
- Location
- Login
- LoginCredential
- Monitor
- MonitoringTag
- MonitoringTarget
- NewCloud
- NewNode
- NewPlatform
- NewPlatformEnvironment
- NewPlatformHardware
- NewPlatformRuntime
- Node
- NodeAllOf
- NodeCandidate
- NodeProperties
- NodeRequest
- NodeRequirements
- NormalDistribution
- NormalDistributionAllOf
- OCLOptimization
- OCLOptimizationAllOf
- OclRequirement
- OclRequirementAllOf
- OperatingSystem
- OperatingSystemArchitecture
- OperatingSystemFamily
- OperatingSystemType
- Optimization
- PeriodicBehaviour
- PeriodicBehaviourAllOf
- Platform
- PlatformAllOf
- PlatformEnvironment
- PlatformEnvironmentAllOf
- PlatformHardware
- PlatformHardwareAllOf
- PlatformInterface
- PlatformInterfaceAllOf
- PlatformRuntime
- PlatformRuntimeAllOf
- PlatformService
- Port
- PortProvided
- PortProvidedAllOf
- PortRequired
- PortRequiredAllOf
- ProcessMapping
- PullSensor
- PullSensorAllOf
- PushSensor
- PushSensorAllOf
- Queue
- QueueStatus
- Requirement
- RequirementOperator
- Runtime
- Scale
- Schedule
- ScheduleAllOf
- ScheduleNew
- Sensor
- ServiceBehaviour
- ServiceBehaviourAllOf
- SimulationInterface
- SimulationInterfaceAllOf
- SingleProcess
- SingleProcessAllOf
- SingleProcessNew
- SingleProcessNewAllOf
- Solution
- SparkInterface
- SparkInterfaceAllOf
- Task
- TaskInterface
- Tenant
- Text
- Token
- Tool
- Trigger
- Tuple
- User
- UserNew
- VirtualMachine
- VirtualMachineRequest
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: X-API-Key
- Location: HTTP header
It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient
per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.