A basic peer-to-peer event emitter, built on the Nostr protocol.
This package is designed to work in both the browser and nodejs.
<!-- Browser import -->
<script src='https://bundle.run/[email protected]'></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@cmdcode/nostr-emitter"></script>
// Commonjs import.
const NostrEmitter = require('@cmdcode/nostr-emitter')
// ES6 import.
import NostrEmitter from '@cmdcode/nostr-emitter'
To get started, simply provide a relay server and shared secret to use, then run emitter.connect()
Once connected, the emitter behaves like a typical EventEmitter object.
// Declare a new event emitter object.
const emitter = new NostrEmitter()
// Connect your emitter to the relay.
await emitter.connect(
// Register an event listener.
emitter.on('some-event', eventData => {
console.log('Hello ', eventData)
// Publish events like any other emitter.
emitter.emit('some-event', 'world!')
// Self-published events are filtered out
// by default, but you can enable them.
emitter.opt.selfsub = true
// Specify optional parameters.
const emitter = new NostrEmitter({
version : 0, // Nostr protocol version.
kind : 29001, // Default event type (ephemeral).
selfPub : false, // Filter self-published events.
socket : WebSocket, // Specify your own websocket object.
tags : [], // Add your own tags to each message.
filter : {} // Add your own subscription filters.
The contents of each event is end-to-end encrypted using a hash of the shared secret, then the event itself is tagged with a double-hash of the secret.
Events are filtered by this hash-tag, so each emitter will only see events tagged with the proper hash. Old events are also filtered out by default.
Everything else works like a basic event emitter API. Methods include 'on', 'once', 'emit' and 'remove'.
Some helpful tips:
- For public channels, the shared secret can be something obvious, like 'general-chat'.
- For organizing groups or channels, try using paths as a secret string: 'secret/topic/subtopic'
- You can change the default emitter.filter before calling emitter.connect().
- The main index.js file is less than 400 lines of code. Feel free to change it as you wish!
Noble-secp256k1 Library
Used for identity and signing events.
Websockets (nodejs only)
Used for communicating over a websocket.
Nostr Implementation Possibilities
All contributions are welcome!
Special thanks to supertestnet for his help and guidance.