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Reentrancy Attack


Code Examples:

Quick start

1. starting TestNet

Open a new terminal in order to start start ganache-cli.

    $ ganache-cli
2. Using terminal 2

install, compile and migrate the following contracts

    $ npm install
    $ npm run compile
    $ npm run migrate 

3. Run attacks

    $ turffle test
 Contract: AttackTransferEth
    Test Reentrancy Attack of Bad Transfer Ether Contract
         > Count:  1 Attacker Contract Balance: 500000000000000000
         > Count:  2 Attacker Contract Balance: 1000000000000000000
         > Count:  3 Attacker Contract Balance: 1500000000000000000
         > Count:  4 Attacker Contract Balance: 2000000000000000000
         > Count:  5 Attacker Contract Balance: 2500000000000000000
      ✓ Should able to attack the transfer ether contract (65ms)
