My dotfiles re-implemented using Ansible.
- Ubuntu
Really it's just Ubuntu for now since that's the only machine I care about for my local development setup. If you're feeling super inspired and want to submit a PR to support other operating systems, I wouldn't say no. Just refer to the contributing section below.
To install, just clone this repository:
git clone ~/dev-environment
To run the ansible playbook use the provided bash script:
cd ~/dev-environment
If necessary this script will bootstrap the system with ansible from the official ansible packge source and prompt for a series of user variables used by the playbook.
If you'd like to run with options, the script passes options to ansible-playbook:
# This will run the playbook using roles with the development tag
./ -t development
If you'd like to contribute, I appreciate it! I'll happily consider any pull requests provided, but please consider the following things first...
- Ultimately this repo is designed to assist me in setting up my own personal development machine. I likely won't accept changes which would install packages or configuration I'm unlikely to use.
- I really only use Ubuntu right now. Other opreating systems aren't out of the question but if it makes maintenance too difficult for my primary use case it'll be a tough sell.
- Support for windows is highly unlikely at least until ansible can be run from a native windows host.
- I'm much more likely to accept a PR that has been vetted by a submitted issue first, or from a fork that is actively in use.
This repo is available under an MIT License.