This is a base NodeJS TypeScript Prisma App built with express and all configurations files included.
This repository is meant to be a base to build on top of for building an API.
git clone myproject;
cd myproject;
rm -rf .git;
git init;
git remote add origin;
- NodeJS v18.12.1 or NVM
While in project directory:
# FROM ./
nvm install;
# FROM ./
pnpm install; # npm install;
# FROM ./
docker compose up -d;
# FROM ./
cp .env.example .env;
# FROM ./
pnpm run db:migrate;
# FROM ./
pnpm run db:seed;
# FROM ./
pnpm dev; # npm dev;
# FROM ./
pnpm start; # npm start;
# FROM ./
pnpm run db:studio;
# FROM ./
docker compose down --remove-orphans -v;
# FROM ./
pnpm build; # npm run build
Build & Serve
# FROM ./
pnpm start; # npm start
All Tests
# FROM ./
pnpm test; # npm run test;
Jest Watch
pnpm test:jest; # npm run test:jest;
Jest Coverage
pnpm test:coverage; # npm run test:coverage;
pnpm test:lint; # npm run test:lint