make install # install dev components
cp .env.example .env # edit accordingly
make start-infra # starts containers and configures user
Note If would like to do this manually, here are the steps the above make start-infra
process is running:
docker-compose up -d # starts dev infra
cp .env.example .env # edit accordingly
docker exec -it oracledb-vertexai-demo-db-1 bash
sqlplus / as sysdba
needs to be able to select on v_$transaction
to execute the initial migrations.
grant connect, resource to app;
grant select on v_$transaction to app;
pdm run app database upgrade
- you can activate the virtual env manually (. .venv/bin/activate) or prefix every command with
pdm run
pdm run app database load-fixtures
pdm run app database load-vectors
pdm run app recommend
pdm run app run -p 5005 # set port accordingly