CWL Template for the CWL Novice tutorial.
This template contains some of the scripts used in the tutorial. It also contains instructions for installing the bio-cwl-tools library.
Before following the tutorial you will need to install VSCode, docker, and cwltool. You will also need a working python installation, and either pip
or conda
. See the course Setup page for more details.
This repository can be cloned directly to your computer, or the template can be used to create a new git repository, for you to store the scripts that you create during the tutorial for later reference. The steps for the two options are listed below. In each option the --recursive
flag is used when cloning the repository locally. This automatically loads the bio-cwl-tools library too, using git submodules
- Click the
Use this template
button, and create a new repository on github as you would usually- Before the next step you can, if you wish, copy this repository to a different git service (such as gitlab).
- Clone the repository locally, using
git clone --recursive [template address]
(the[template address]
can be got from theCode
button at the top of the page)
- Clone the repository locally, using
git clone --recursive
and graphviz
can be installed using the included conda environment file:
conda env create --file cwltutorial.yml
To activate the conda environment for these once they are installed use:
conda activate cwltutorial
If you do not wish to use conda to install these then alternative install instructions are included on the course Setup page.