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Releases: contrailcirrus/pycontrails


19 Feb 05:19
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  • Add helper classmethods to Model, Cocip, and CocipGrid for generating lists of required variables from specific data sources.
  • Add a ValidateTrajectoryHandler to the spire module to validate spire ADS-B data. This work is experimental and will be improved in future releases.
  • Update Unterstrasser (2016)'s parameterised model of the contrail ice crystal survival fraction to the latest version (Lottermoser & Unterstrasser, 2025). This update:
    • improves the goodness of fit between the parameterised model and LES, and
    • expands the parameter space for application to very low and very high nvPM inputs, different fuel types (where the EI H2Os are different), and higher ambient temperatures (up to 235 K) to accommodate for contrails formed by liquid hydrogen aircraft.

Breaking changes

  • The MetDataset.standardize_variables method now returns a new MetDataset rather than modifying the existing dataset in place. To retain the previous behavior, use MetDataset.standardize_variables(..., inplace=True).


  • Change naming convention for eastward and northward wind fields in AircraftPerformance models for consistency with the Cocip and DryAdvection models. Fields on the source are now named u_wind and v_wind instead of eastward_wind and northward_wind. Under some paths of computation, this avoids a redundant interpolation.
  • Fix the AircraftPerformance.ensure_true_airspeed_on_source method in the case when the met attr is None and the fill_with_groundspeed parameter is enabled.


  • Make pycontrails compatible with pandas 2.0 and pandas 2.1.
  • Avoid auto-promotion of float32 to float64 within the Emissions model run-time.
  • Add convenience VectorDataset.get_constant method.


21 Jan 21:11
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  • Add support for generic (model-agnostic) meteorology data to Cocip and CocipGrid.

  • Add two new parameters to the DryAdvection model.

    • If the verbose_outputs parameter is enabled, additional wind-shear data is included in the output.
    • If the include_source_in_output parameter is enabled, the source data with any of the intermediate artifacts (e.g., interpolated met data, wind-shear data, etc.) is included in the output.

    Both parameters are disabled by default.


  • Update the CDS URL referenced throughout pycontrails from to


  • Suppress mypy return-value errors for functions in where mypy fails to correctly infer return types of numpy ufuncs applied to xarray objects.
  • Change AircraftPerformance and downstream implementations for better support in running over Fleet sources. The runtime of PSFlight remains the same.


18 Dec 23:12
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  • This release brings a number of very minor performance improvements to the low-level pycontrails data structures (VectorDataset and MetDataset). Cumulatively, these changes should bring in a small but nontrivial speedup (~5%) when running a model such as Cocip or DryAdvection on a single Flight source.
    • Core Flight methods such as copy, filter, and downselect_met are now ~10x faster for typical use cases.
    • Converting between Fleet and Flight instances via Fleet.from_seq and Fleet.to_flight_list are also ~5x faster.
  • Implement low-memory met-downselection logic in DryAdvection. This is the same logic used in CocipGrid to reduce memory consumption by only loading the necessary time slices of the met data into memory. If met is already loaded into memory, this change will have no effect.

Breaking Changes

  • Remove the copy parameter from GeovectorDataset.downselect_met. This method always returns a view of the original dataset.
  • Remove the validate parameter in the MetDataArray constructor. Input data is now always validated.


  • Make slightly more explicit when data is copied in the VectorDataset constructor: data is now always shallow-copied, and the copy parameter governs whether to copy the underlying arrays.
  • Call downselect_met in DryAdvection.eval. (This was previously forgotten.)
  • Fix minor bug in CocipGrid downselect met logic introduced in v0.54.4. This bug may have caused some met slices to be reloaded when running CocipGrid.eval with lazily-loaded met and rad data.


  • Add internal VectorDataset._from_fastpath and MetDataset._from_fastpath class methods to skip data validation.
  • Define __slots__ on MetBase, MetDataset, MetDataArray, and AttrDict.
  • When MetDataset and MetDataArray shared a common implementation, move the implementation to MetBase. This was the case for the copy, downselect, and wrap_longitude methods.


13 Dec 05:38
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  • Improve the _altitude_interpolation function used within Flight.resample_and_fill and ensure that it is consistent with the existing GAIA publication The function _altitude_interpolation now accounts for various scenarios. For example:

    1. Flight will automatically climb to an assumed cruise altitude if the first and next known waypoints are at very low altitudes with a large time gap.
    2. If there are large time gaps between known waypoints with a small altitude difference, then the flight will climb at the mid-point of the segment.
    3. If there are large time gaps and positive altitude difference, then the flight will climb at the start of its interpolation until the known cruising altitude and start its cruise phase.
    4. If there are large time gaps and negative altitude difference, then the flight will continue cruising and only starts to descend towards the end of the interpolation.
    5. If there is a shallow climb (ROCD < 500 ft/min), then always assume that the flight will climb at the next time step.
    6. If there is a shallow descent (-250 < ROCD < 0 ft/min), then always assume that the flight will descend at the final time step.

    Conditions (3) to (6) is based on the logic that the aircraft will generally prefer to climb to a higher altitude as early as possible, and descend to a lower altitude as late as possible, because a higher altitude can reduce drag and fuel consumption.

Breaking changes

  • Remove the optional input parameter climb_descend_at_end in Flight.resample_and_fill. See the description of the new _altitude_interpolation function for the rationale behind this change.
  • Remove the copy argument from Fleet.from_seq. This argument was redundant and not used effectively in the implementation. The Fleet.from_seq method always returns a copy of the input sequence.


  • Fix the ERA5 interface when making a pressure-level request with a single pressure level. This change accommodates CDS-Beta server behavior. Previously, a ValueError was raised in this case.
  • Bypass the ValueError raised by dask.array.gradient when the input array is not correctly chunk along the level dimension. Previously, Cocip would raise an error when computing tau cirrus in the case that the met data had single chunks along the level dimension.
  • Fix the CocipGrid met downselection process to accommodate cases where dt_integration is as large as the time step of the met data. Previously, due to out-of-bounds interpolation, the output of CocipGrid(met=met, rad=rad, dt_integration="1 hour") was zero everywhere when the met and rad data had a time step of 1 hour.
  • By default, don't interpolate air temperature when running the DryAdvection model in a point-wise manner (no wind-shear simulation).
  • Use native python types (as opposed to numpy scalars) in the PSAircraftEngineParams dataclass.
  • Ensure the PSGrid model maintains the precision of the source. Previously, float32 precision was lost per NEP 50.
  • Fix Fleet.resample_and_fill when the the "flight_id" field is included on (as opposed to Fleet.fl_attrs). Previously, this would raise a ValueError.
  • Use the supplied nominal_rocd parameter in Flight.resample_and_fill rather than constants.nominal_rocd (the default value of this parameter).


  • Add new AdvectionBuffers dataclass to override the zero-like values used in ModelParams with the buffer previously used in CocipParams. This is now a base class for CocipParams and DryAdvectionParams. In particular, the DryAdvection now uses nonzero values for the met downselect buffers.
  • Change the order of advected points returned by DryAdvection to be consistent with the input order at each time step.
  • Add the RUF ruleset for linting and formatting the codebase.
  • Update type hints for numpy 2.2 compatibility. Additional changes may be required after the next iteration of the numpy 2.2 series.
  • Relax the tolerance passed into scipy.optimize.newton in ps_nominal_grid to avoid some convergence warnings. (These warnings were more distracting than informative.)
  • Remove the _verify_altitude check in Flight.resample_and_fill. This was often triggered by a flight with corrupt waypoints (ie, independent from the logic in Flight.resample_and_fill).


21 Nov 21:43
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Breaking changes

  • Update the default load factor from 70% to 83% to be consistent with historical data. This is used whenever an aircraft performance model is run without a specified load factor.
  • By default, the CocipGrid.create_source static method will return latitude values from -90 to 90 degrees. This change is motivated by the new advection scheme used near the poles. Previously, this method returned latitude values from -80 to 80 degrees.


  • Create new function ps_grid.ps_nominal_optimize_mach which computes the optimal mach number given a set of operating conditions.
  • Add a new jet.aircraft_load_factor function to estimate aircraft (passenger/cargo) load factor based on historical monthly and regional load factors provided by IATA. This improves upon the default load factor assumption. Historical load factor databases will be continuously updated as new data is released.
  • Use a 2D Cartesian-like plane to advect particles near the poles (>80° in latitude) to avoid numerical instabilities and singularities caused by convergence of meridians. This new advection scheme is used for contrail advection in the Cocip, CocipGrid, and DryAdvection models. See the geo.advect_horizontal function for more details.


  • Ensure the fuel type is preserved when calling Flight.resample_and_fill.
  • Update the CLIMaCCF dependency to pull the head of the main branch in CLIMaCCF. Update the installation instructions.
  • Update the ACCFParams.forecast_step to None, which allows CLIMaCCF to automatically determine the forecast step based on the met data.
  • Update the ACCF NOx parameter for the latest CLIMaCCF version.
  • Ensure a custom "horizontal_resolution" param passed into ACCF is not overwritten.
  • Remove duplicated variable in ACCF.met_variables.
  • Allow the ACCF model to accept relative humidity as a percentage or as a proportion.
  • Include ecmwf.RelativeHumidity in ACCF.met_variables so that ERA5(..., variables=ACCF.met_variables) no longer raises an error.


  • Improve computation of mach limits to accept vectorized input/output.
  • Test against python 3.13 in the GitHub Actions CI. Use python 3.13 in the docs and doctest workflows.
  • Publish to PyPI using trusted publishing.
  • Update pycontrails-bada installation instructions. Install pycontrails-bada from GCP artifact repository in the test workflow.
  • Floor the pycontrails version when running the docs workflow. This ensures that the hosted documentation references the last stable release.
  • Update literature and bibliography in the documentation.
  • Move the engine_deterioration_factor from PSFlightParams to AircraftPerformanceParams so it can be used by both the PS model and BADA.
  • Include engine_deterioration_factor in AircraftPerformanceGridParams.


16 Oct 12:49
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  • Add cache_download parameter to the GFSForecast interface. When set to True, downloaded grib data is cached locally. This is consistent with the behavior of the ERA5ModelLevel and HRESModelLevel interfaces.


  • Update GFS variable names "uswrf" -> "suswrf" and "ulwrf" -> "sulwrf". This accommodates a breaking change introduced in eccodes 2.38.


  • Remove overrides dependency. Require typing-extensions for python < 3.12.
  • Upgrade some type hints for more modern python language features.


08 Oct 20:45
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Breaking changes

  • Remove attrs["crs"] usage from GeoVectorDataset and child classes (Flight, Fleet). All spatial data is assumed to be EPSG:4326 (WGS84). This was previously assumed implicitly, but now the crs attribute is removed from the attrs dictionary.
  • Change the return type of GeoVectorDataset.transform_crs to a pair of numpy arrays representing x and y coordinates in the target CRS.
  • Remove deprecated MetDataset.variables property in favor of MetDataset.indexes.
  • Remove **kwargs in MetDataArray constructor.
  • Rename ARCOERA5 to ERA5ARCO for consistency with the ERA5 and ERA5ModelLevel interfaces.


  • Fix the integration time step in CocipGrid.calc_evolve_one_step. The previous implementation assumed a time interval of params["dt_integration"]. This may not be the case for all source parameters (for example, this could occur if running CocipGrid over a collection of ADS-B waypoints).
  • Raise an exception in constructing MetDataset(ds, copy=False) when ds["level"] has float32 dtype. Per interpolation conventions, all coordinate variables must have float64 dtype. (This was previously enforced in longitude and latitude, but was overlooked in the level coordinate.)
  • Allow AircraftPerformance.ensure_true_airspeed_on_source to use eastward_wind and northward_wind fields on the source if available. This is useful when the source has already been interpolated to met data.


16 Sep 22:30
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  • Perform model-level to pressure-level conversion in-house instead of relying on metview. This update has several advantages:

    • The ARCOERA5 and ERA5ModelLevel interfaces no longer require metview to be installed. Similarly, grib files and the associated tooling can also largely be avoided.
    • The computation is performed using xarray and dask tooling, which means the result can be computed lazily if desired.
    • The computation is defined using numpy operations (some of which release the GIL) and can be parallelized using threading through dask (this is the default behavior).
    • The computation is generally a bit faster than the metview implementation (this depends on the exact chunking of the model level meteorology data). This chunking can be tuned by the user to optimize runtime performance or memory usage.

    See the ml_to_pl function for low-level details.

  • Update the ARCOERA5 and ERA5ModelLevel interfaces to use the new model-level to pressure-level conversion. The ERA5 model level data is now downloaded as the netcdf format instead of grib. This format change decreases the download size.

Breaking changes

  • Rename levels -> model_levels in the ARCOERA5 and ERA5ModelLevel constructors. Rename cache_grib -> cache_download.
  • Rename pressure_levels_at_model_levels -> model_level_reference_pressure. Add a new model_level_pressure method that requires surface pressure data.


  • Update ERA5ModelLevel for the new CDS-Beta server.


  • Use ruff to format the codebase in place of black.
  • Run ruff linting and formatting over the notebook examples in the documentation.
  • Update development documentation with new links.


21 Aug 19:03
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  • Support ERA5 downloads from CDS-Beta. The updated interface is backwards compatible with the legacy CDS server. The choice of CDS server is governed by the url parameter in the ERA5 constructor.


13 Aug 22:02
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Breaking changes

  • Drop python 3.9 support per NEP 29.


  • Build wheels for python 3.13. (These wheels are available on PyPI, but other pycontrails dependencies may not yet support python 3.13.)


  • Fix PycontrailsRegularGridInterpolator for compatibility with the latest scipy version.


  • Defer import of skimage and rasterio.