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coursier jvm-index

Update index

This repository hosts and manages the JVM index used by the cs java and cs java-home commands of coursier, and more generally, the JVM management capabilities of coursier.

Available JDKs

JDK id in index
Eclipse Temurin (recommended / default) temurin
GraalVM community graalvm-community
Oracle JDKs oracle
Azul Zulu zulu
bellsoft Liberica liberica
bellsoft Liberica Native Image Kit liberica-nik
Amazon Corretto corretto
IBM Semeru ibm-semeru

Legacy JDKs

JDK id in index
AdoptOpenJDK adopt
Merge of AdoptOpenJDK and Eclipse Temurin JDKs adoptium

Index structure

The index comes in 2 shapes:

While the former is only available on GitHub, the latter is also pushed to Maven Central, under the io.get-coursier.jvm.indices organization.

Jabba-compatible index

That index consists in 4 nested JSON objects, with the successive keys of these objects being:

  • the OS
    • linux
    • darwin (macOS)
    • windows
    • linux-musl (for musl libc-based systems, like Alpine Linux),
    • aix
    • solaris
  • the CPU architecture
    • amd64
    • arm64 (a.k.a. aarch64, Raspberry PI or Mac M1-M4 CPUs)
    • x86 (32-bit)
    • arm (32-bit ARM)
    • ppc64
    • ppc64le
    • s390x
  • the JDK name, prefixed by jdk@, like
    • jdk@temurin
    • jdk@graalvm-community
    • jdk@liberica
    • jdk@liberica-nik
    • jdk@zulu
    • jdk@corretto
    • jdk@java-oracle
  • the JDK version, often prefixed with 1., like
    • 1.8.0-432

The values of the fourth nested object look like


${TYPE} being one of

  • tgz (for gzip-compressed tar archive JDKs, on Unixes typically)
  • zip (for zip-compressed JDKs, on Windows typically)

${URL} being the URL of the JDK archive, like

Value examples


Example commands to inspect the index locally:

$ cat "$(cs get" |
    jq 'keys'

$ cat "$(cs get" |
    jq '.darwin | keys'

$ cat "$(cs get" |
    jq '.darwin.amd64 | keys'

$ cat "$(cs get" |
    jq '.darwin.amd64["jdk@temurin"] | keys'

$ cat "$(cs get" |
    jq '.darwin.amd64["jdk@temurin"][""]'

Per-OS and CPU architecture indices

These consist in 2 nested JSON objects, whose keys are:

  • the JDK name, like
    • temurin
    • graalvm-community
    • liberica
    • zulu
    • corretto
    • java-oracle
  • the JDK version, like
    • 8.0-432
    • 17.0.13
    • 21.0.5
    • 23.0.1

The values of the second nested object look like those of the Jabba-compatible index:


${TYPE} being one of

  • tgz (for gzip-compressed tar archive JDKs, on Unixes typically)
  • zip (for zip-compressed JDKs, on Windows typically)

${URL} being the URL of the JDK archive, like

Value examples


These indices live at Maven coordinates like


${OS} being one of:

  • linux
  • darwin (macOS)
  • windows
  • linux-musl (for musl libc-based systems, like Alpine Linux),
  • aix
  • solaris

${CPU} being one of:

  • amd64
  • arm64 (a.k.a. aarch64, Raspberry PI or Mac M1-M4 CPUs)
  • x86 (32-bit)
  • arm (32-bit ARM)
  • ppc64
  • ppc64le
  • s390x

${INDEX_VERSION} can be found from directory listings or maven-metadata.xml files on Maven Central.

Example commands to inspect such an index locally:

$ unzip -l "$(cs get"
Archive:  ~/Library/Caches/Coursier/v1/https/
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
      332  11-14-2024 09:51   META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
        0  11-14-2024 09:51   META-INF/
        0  11-14-2024 09:51   coursier/
        0  11-14-2024 09:51   coursier/jvm/
        0  11-14-2024 09:51   coursier/jvm/indices/
        0  11-14-2024 09:51   coursier/jvm/indices/v1/
   157254  11-14-2024 09:51   coursier/jvm/indices/v1/darwin-arm64.json
---------                     -------
   157586                     7 files

$ unzip -p "$(cs get" coursier/jvm/indices/v1/darwin-arm64.json |
    jq keys

$ unzip -p "$(cs get" coursier/jvm/indices/v1/darwin-arm64.json |
    jq '.temurin | keys'

$ unzip -p "$(cs get" coursier/jvm/indices/v1/darwin-arm64.json |
    jq '.temurin["23.0.1"]'

Use by coursier


As of writing this (coursier 2.1.18), coursier relies by default on the Jabba-compatible single JSON file index, but is able to use the per-OS and CPU index from Maven Central.

import coursier.cache.FileCache
import coursier.jvm._
val cache = FileCache()
val jvmCache = JvmCache().withDefaultIndex
val javaHomeManager = JavaHome().withCache(jvmCache)
val javaHome = javaHomeManager.get("temurin:21")

Using the per-OS and CPU index from Maven Central:

import coursier.cache.FileCache
import coursier.jvm._
val cache = FileCache()
val jvmCache = JvmCache().withIndexChannel(
val javaHomeManager = JavaHome().withCache(jvmCache)
val javaHome = javaHomeManager.get("temurin:21")


The index generated here is now used by the java and java-home commands of coursier.

If you suspect one of those commands doesn't use a newer JVM version, pass --update --ttl 0 to them, like

$ cs java --env --jvm graalvm-community:23 --update --ttl 0

Use by Scala CLI

Scala CLI relies on coursier to manage JDKs. It automatically downloads JDKs if needed, based on the --jvm … option and //> jvm … directive.

Use by Mill

The Mill build tool allows its users to pick a JVM to compile / run / test code. As of writing this, this feature has just been merged via com-lihaoyi/mill#3716

How this repository works


The update-index workflow runs daily. It lists available JVMs from various providers, and re-generates the indices. If any change is found, a PR for it is opened.

Maintainers need to pick the PR, check that it doesn't contain anything suspicious, approve it, and merge it.

Upon merge, the Jabba-compatible index is immediately up-to-date. The publish workflow runs and pushes updated per-OS and CPU architecture indices to Maven Central. Once the publish workflow ran successfully, up to a few hours are sometimes needed for the newer indices to be available on Maven Central.

Generating the index locally

Generate an index with

$ GH_TOKEN="****" ./ src


scala-cli src

Just ./ src can work if GH_TOKEN is not set, but it usually gets rate-limited by the GitHub API. You can read more about creating a token here. Just having the public_repo scope will be enough for the access you need.

The index is written in index.json in the current directory.


Copyright (c) 2020-2022, Alexandre Archambault

Licensed under the Apache version 2 license.