This is our ESLint config used across our frontend JavaScript and TypeScript projects, including our React web apps and API wrapper.
To install this package, run the following command:
bun i -D @carp-dk/eslint-config
We have a GitHub workflow for doing this. Bump the package.json
to the desired version, then create a release on GitHub, which will trigger the workflow for you.
Note: the NPM token is set in the [](GitHub secrets section) and has an expiry date, after which a new token needs to be created and updated.
In your .eslintrc.js
file, extend our config:
module.exports = {
parserOptions: {
project: './tsconfig.json',
sourceType: 'module',
ecmaFeatures: {
jsx: true,
ecmaVersion: 2020,
tsconfigRootDir: __dirname,
extends: '@carp-dk'
Make a .prettierrc.js
export default [{
"trailingComma": "es5",
"tabWidth": 2,
"semi": true,
"singleQuote": true,
"plugins": [import.meta.resolve('prettier-plugin-organize-imports')]
In our ESLint configuration, we use several plugins to enforce specific coding standards and practices. Here's a brief explanation of what each plugin does:
: This plugin helps to identify any imports that are not being used in the code. It helps to keep the code clean and efficient by removing unnecessary imports. -
: This plugin integrates Prettier with ESLint. Prettier is an opinionated code formatter that enforces a consistent style by parsing your code and re-printing it with its own rules. -
: This plugin enforces the use of arrow functions over traditional function expressions where possible. Arrow functions provide a more concise syntax and lexically bind thethis
value. -
: This plugin is used for fast refresh functionality in React applications. It helps to preserve the React state between hot reloads. -
: This plugin provides specific linting rules for React and JSX syntax to enforce best practices. -
: This plugin enforces the rules of Hooks. Hooks are a new addition in React that lets you use state and other React features without writing a class. -
: This plugin is used for fast refresh functionality in React applications. It helps to preserve the React state between hot reloads. -
: This plugin helps to identify any imports that are not being used in the code. It helps to keep the code clean and efficient by removing unnecessary imports.