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Crafter CMS Docker Compose

This project provides Docker compose files that allow you to run Docker containers for the following Crafter CMS environments:

  • Authoring
  • Delivery
  • Serverless Delivery (external OpenSearch service and content stored in S3)

NOTE: These files are intended for development use only. We recommend you create your own set of Docker compose files for production and use these as a reference.


  1. Install Docker (
  2. Install Docker Compose V2 (

For Windows and Mac, we recommend you give Docker Desktop at least 8GB of RAM and 4 CPUs. To do this, go to Docker Desktop's Preferences > Resources > Advanced, and then change the resource limits.

Docker Advanced Settings

Mount the Authoring site repositories directory to a host directory

Sometimes you'll need to have the Authoring site repositories available in the host filesystem, specially if you want to update the files from your IDE. To make the sites available, follow these steps:

NOTE: Performance may be slow when using WSL2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux 2) and a mounted Authoring site repositories directory to a host directory

NOTE: This will only work on an Authoring with no existing data. To clear the current data, run the same command you've been using to start up the environment, but replace the up part for down -v.

  1. Make sure the drive with the directory that will contain the sites is a shared drive (check Docker Desktop's Preferences > Resources > File Sharing)

  2. cd authoring

  3. Open the docker-compose.yaml in an editor and edit the crafter_data volume like the following (assume C is the shared drive, and replace the /host/path/to/sites for the actual host path):

      driver: local
        o: bind
        type: none
        device: C:/host/path/to/sites
      name: crafter_authoring_data
  4. Once you have started the Authoring environment, by following the steps below, go to the Authoring browser URL and create a site. You should be able to see the files in your host directory!

Start Authoring Environment

Start with script

$ cd scripts
$ ./start authoring [--enterprise, -e]
$ ./logs authoring # to output log

Start manual

  1. cd authoring.
  2. docker compose up to run the containers in the foreground or docker compose up -d to run them detached in the background (and docker compose logs -f to tail the logs).

Start Delivery Environment

Start with script

$ cd scripts
$ ./start authoring [--enterprise, -e]
$ ./start delivery [--enterprise, -e]
$ ./logs delivery # to output log

Start manual

  1. Start the Authoring environment.
  2. cd delivery.
  3. docker compose up to run the containers in the foreground or docker compose up -d to run them detached in the background (and docker compose logs -f to tail the logs).

Create a Delivery Site

  1. cd scripts.
  2. ./init-site <SITENAME> (remember to replace <SITENAME> for the actual site name).

Delete a Delivery Site

  1. cd scripts.
  2. ./remove-site <SITE_NAME> (remember to replace <SITE_NAME> for the actual site name).

Start Serverless Delivery Environment

  1. Start the Authoring environment.
  2. Follow from Step 1: Create the site in the authoring environment to Step 3: Create the AWS Target in Authoring Crafter Deployer. Don't do Step 4: Configure the Delivery Crafter Engine for Serverless Mode.
  3. cd serverless/s3/delivery.
  4. Specify in the serverless/s3/delivery/.env file the required environment variables:
    • ES_URL: The AWS OpenSearch endpoint (or any other valid OpenSearch URL).
    • The URL to the S3 bucket with the sites. Format is s3://<BUCKET_NAME>/<SITES_ROOT>/{siteName}. Example: s3://serverless/sites/{siteName}.
    • crafter.engine.s3.region: The AWS region of the S3 bucket.
    • crafter.engine.s3.accessKey: The AWS access key.
    • crafter.engine.s3.secretKey: The AWS secret key.
  5. docker compose up to run the containers in the foreground or docker compose up -d to run them detached in the background (and docker compose logs -f to tail the logs).

Stop an Environment

Stop with script

$ cd scripts
$ ./stop <ENVIRONMENT (authoring, delivery)> [--delete-volumes, -v]

Stop manual

  • If docker-compose is running in the foreground, CTRL+C should stop the containers.
  • If docker-compose is running detached, then call docker compose stop or docker compose down. The difference between the two is that down will also remove the containers and networks created.

You can also run docker compose down -v to delete the volumes, which contain the data and logs, when you want to start with a fresh install.

Backup Authoring/Delivery

  1. cd scripts
  2. ./backup <ENVIRONMENT> <BACKUP_FOLDER> (remember to replace <ENVIRONMENT> (authoring or delivery) and <BACKUP_FOLDER>). E.g. ./backup authoring C:/Users/jdoe/Documents/Backups

NOTE: In Windows, make sure /host/path/to/backups points to a path in a shared drive (check Docker Desktop's Settings > Shared Drives). To avoid issues when executing this script, enclose in double quotes ("") the path to your <BACKUP_FOLDER> in case it contains spaces. E.g. avoid backup.bat authoring "C:/Users/John Doe/Documents/Backups".

Restore Authoring/Delivery

  1. cd scripts
  2. ./restore <ENVIRONMENT> <BACKUP_FOLDER> <BACKUP_FILE> (remember to replace <ENVIRONMENT> (authoring or delivery), <BACKUP_FOLDER> and <BACKUP_FILE>). E.g. ./restore authoring C:/Users/jdoe/Documents/Backups

NOTE: In Windows and Mac, make sure /host/path/to/backups points to a path in a shared drive (check Docker Desktop's Settings > Shared Drives). To avoid issues when executing this script, enclose in double quotes ("") the path to your <BACKUP_FOLDER> in case it contains spaces. E.g. avoid backup.bat authoring "C:/Users/John Doe/Documents/Backups".

Run a command inside a running container

Running scripts or single commands inside a running container is pretty easy:

  1. cd to the authoring/delivery compose project folder.
  2. docker compose exec <SERVICE_NAME> su crafter -c "<CMD> <PARAMETERS>"


docker compose exec deployer su crafter -c "./bin/ mysite /data/authoring/repos/sites/mysite/published"

For each authoring and delivery compose files there are 3 services:

  • search
  • tomcat
  • deployer

For serverless S3 delivery there's only one service: tomcat.

Please ALWAYS use su crafter with docker compose exec. This ensures that all the commands are run as the crafter user and that all new files and directories created belong to crafter.

Open a shell to a container

Sometimes you'll need to get a shell to a container for debugging purposes or for executing Git operations. To do this, run the following command:

docker compose exec <SERVICE_NAME> su crafter

This will open a Bash shell as the crafter user. The current directory will be /opt/crafter.

Use Crafter CMS Enterprise Edition

To use the Enterprise Edition instead of the Community Edition follow these steps:

  2. Copy your Crafter license under ./license/crafter.lic
  3. docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.enterprise.yml up or docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.enterprise.yml up -d