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Is there a recommended way of parsing the content of messages? #12

Closed Answered by crmne
diegoquiroz asked this question in Q&A
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Looking at your examples, I think you're running into an issue because you're using the library in a way that wasn't intended.

The ask() method is designed to take a string as its first positional argument, not a set of named parameters. The API is meant to be used like this:

# Correct usage:
chat.ask("Hello there!")

# With additional parameters:
chat.ask("What's in this image?", with: { image: "path/to/image.jpg" })

When you do:

chat.ask(message: "Hello there!")

You're actually passing a Ruby hash as the first argument, which gets converted to a string representation and stored directly. That's why you're seeing Ruby hash syntax in your content field.

The only reason this doesn't raise …

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