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Structured output response support #11

dchuk opened this issue Mar 13, 2025 · 22 comments

Structured output response support #11

dchuk opened this issue Mar 13, 2025 · 22 comments


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dchuk commented Mar 13, 2025

Great looking project, very natural ruby approach!

Thinking about how to get official structured outputs supported (as in, not just validating a json schema against a text response from the LLM, but actually using the model’s officially supported output response formatting), it looks like there are two good projects that either can be leveraged in this project, or at least borrow some ideas from: (Official clone of instructor from python, but doesn’t look to have been updated recently)

Do you have initial thoughts on how you want to approach this?

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I got one, maybe for more inspiration

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nice, was also thinking about looking into this. happy to help out if needed

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Amazing gem! Structured output support would be very helpful indeed. Maybe it could be as simple as providing the schema as a ruby hash. Here's another example:

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adenta commented Mar 15, 2025

I’ve been using alexrudall/ruby-openai#508 (comment) for quite sometime.

Whatever direction we take should be different, because this is really brittle.

@kieranklaassen your thing looks great, I vote we use it as a dependency in this repo

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dchuk commented Mar 15, 2025

I think we’d want an implementation for schema definition and structured responses that doesn’t have to rely on rails given this is a Ruby gem that can optionally be used with rails. I’ve also used this before and it works well ( alexrudall/ruby-openai#508 (comment) ) but I really like the syntax of structify @kieranklaassen shared, especially the native chain of thought capability (which really helps improve output quality).

Seems like maybe the essence of structify’s approach can be tapped into in this gem without the dependency of rails/rails models?

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adenta commented Mar 15, 2025

@kieranklaassen are you comfortable if I point Claude 3.7 at your repo and have it extract/remove activerecord as a dependency?

Also, is this worth referencing?

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dchuk commented Mar 15, 2025

I actually just used repomix to pack both rubyllm and structify's repos to use with claude 3.7 to ask how to combine the capabilities, it created a reasonably good plan from my quick skimming. I don't have time right now to create a PR, but I'll share its output here for now:

RubyLLM Gem Code Changes


module RubyLLM
  # Schema class for defining structured output formats
  class Schema
    attr_reader :title, :description, :version, :fields, :thinking_enabled
    # Class-level DSL methods for defining schemas
    class << self
      attr_reader :schema_title, :schema_description, :schema_version, 
                  :schema_fields, :schema_thinking_enabled
      # Set the schema title
      # @param name [String] The title
      def title(name)
        @schema_title = name
      # Set the schema description
      # @param desc [String] The description
      def description(desc)
        @schema_description = desc
      # Set the schema version
      # @param num [Integer] The version number
      def version(num)
        @schema_version = num
      # Enable or disable thinking mode
      # @param enabled [Boolean] Whether to enable thinking mode
      def thinking(enabled)
        @schema_thinking_enabled = enabled
      # Define a field in the schema
      # @param name [Symbol] Field name
      # @param type [Symbol] Field type (:string, :integer, :number, :boolean, :array, :object)
      # @param required [Boolean] Whether field is required
      # @param description [String] Field description
      # @param enum [Array] Possible values for the field
      # @param items [Hash] For array type, schema for array items
      # @param properties [Hash] For object type, properties of the object
      # @param options [Hash] Additional options
      def field(name, type, required: false, description: nil, enum: nil,
                items: nil, properties: nil, **options)
        @schema_fields ||= []
        field_def = {
          name: name,
          type: type,
          required: required,
          description: description
        field_def[:enum] = enum if enum
        field_def[:items] = items if items && type == :array
        field_def[:properties] = properties if properties && type == :object
        # Add any additional options
        options.each { |k, v| field_def[k] = v }
        @schema_fields << field_def
      # Create an instance from class definition
      def create_instance
          title: @schema_title,
          description: @schema_description,
          version: @schema_version || 1,
          thinking: @schema_thinking_enabled || false,
          fields: @schema_fields || []
    def initialize(title: nil, description: nil, version: 1, thinking: false, fields: nil, &block)
      @title = title
      @description = description
      @version = version
      @thinking_enabled = thinking
      @fields = fields || []
      instance_eval(&block) if block_given?
    # Define a field in the schema
    # @param name [Symbol] Field name
    # @param type [Symbol] Field type (:string, :integer, :number, :boolean, :array, :object)
    # @param required [Boolean] Whether field is required
    # @param description [String] Field description
    # @param enum [Array] Possible values for the field
    # @param items [Hash] For array type, schema for array items
    # @param properties [Hash] For object type, properties of the object
    # @param options [Hash] Additional options
    def field(name, type, required: false, description: nil, enum: nil,
              items: nil, properties: nil, **options)
      field_def = {
        name: name,
        type: type,
        required: required,
        description: description
      field_def[:enum] = enum if enum
      field_def[:items] = items if items && type == :array
      field_def[:properties] = properties if properties && type == :object
      # Add any additional options
      options.each { |k, v| field_def[k] = v }
      @fields << field_def
    # Enable or disable thinking mode
    # @param enabled [Boolean] Whether to enable thinking mode
    def thinking(enabled)
      @thinking_enabled = enabled
    # Set the schema title
    # @param name [String] The title
    def title(name)
      @title = name
    # Set the schema description
    # @param desc [String] The description
    def description(desc)
      @description = desc
    # Set the schema version
    # @param num [Integer] The version number
    def version(num)
      @version = num
    # Convert to JSON schema for various LLM providers
    def to_json_schema
      required_fields = { |f| f[:required] }.map { |f| f[:name].to_s }
      properties = {}
      # Add chain_of_thought field if thinking mode is enabled
      if @thinking_enabled
        properties["chain_of_thought"] = {
          type: "string",
          description: "Explain your thinking process step by step before determining the final values."
      # Add all other fields
      @fields.each do |f|
        prop = { type: f[:type].to_s }
        prop[:description] = f[:description] if f[:description]
        prop[:enum] = f[:enum] if f[:enum]
        # Handle array specific properties
        if f[:type] == :array && f[:items]
          prop[:items] = f[:items]
        # Handle object specific properties
        if f[:type] == :object && f[:properties]
          prop[:properties] = {}
          object_required = []
          f[:properties].each do |prop_name, prop_def|
            prop[:properties][prop_name] = prop_def.dup
            if prop_def[:required]
              object_required << prop_name
          prop[:required] = object_required unless object_required.empty?
        properties[f[:name].to_s] = prop
      # Return the complete schema
        name: @title,
        description: @description,
        parameters: {
          type: "object",
          required: required_fields,
          properties: properties

  # Response parser class that converts structured JSON responses to Ruby objects
  class StructuredResponse
    attr_reader :raw_data, :schema
    def initialize(raw_data, schema)
      @raw_data = raw_data
      @schema = schema
    def method_missing(method, *args, &block)
      key = method.to_s
      if @parsed_data && @parsed_data.key?(key)
    def respond_to_missing?(method, include_private = false)
      key = method.to_s
      (@parsed_data && @parsed_data.key?(key)) || super
    def parse_response
      @parsed_data = {}
      # Skip parsing if empty response
      return if @raw_data.nil? || @raw_data.empty?
      # For each field in schema, extract and convert the value
      @schema.fields.each do |field|
        field_name = field[:name].to_s
        next unless @raw_data.key?(field_name)
        value = @raw_data[field_name]
        @parsed_data[field_name] = convert_value(value, field)
      # Include chain_of_thought if present
      if @schema.thinking_enabled && @raw_data.key?("chain_of_thought")
        @parsed_data["chain_of_thought"] = @raw_data["chain_of_thought"]
    def convert_value(value, field)
      case field[:type]
      when :integer
      when :number
      when :boolean
      when :array
      when :object
        value.is_a?(Hash) ? value : {}


module RubyLLM
  class Chat
    # Add a method for structured output
    def with_structured_output(schema_or_definition = nil, &block)
      schema = if schema_or_definition.is_a?(Schema)
               elsif schema_or_definition.is_a?(Class) && schema_or_definition < Schema
   , schema)
  # StructuredChat wraps a regular Chat but adds structured output capabilities
  class StructuredChat
    def initialize(chat, schema)
      @chat = chat
      @schema = schema
    # Forward most methods to the underlying chat
    def method_missing(method, *args, &block)
      @chat.send(method, *args, &block)
    def respond_to_missing?(method, include_private = false)
      @chat.respond_to?(method, include_private) || super
   # Override ask to handle structured responses
    def ask(prompt, **options)
      # Get the schema
      schema = @schema.to_json_schema
      # Determine which LLM provider we're using and adapt accordingly
      when /OpenAI/
        # For OpenAI, use JSON mode with response_format
        # First, prepare our system message with schema information
        system_message = "You will extract structured information according to a specific schema."
        if schema[:description]
          system_message += " " + schema[:description]
        # Prepare all messages including the system message
        all_messages = [
          {role: 'system', content: system_message}
        ] + @chat.conversation.messages + [{role: 'user', content: prompt}]
        # Call the API with JSON response format
        response = @chat.send(:perform_request, 
          model: options[:model] || @chat.provider.default_model,
          messages: all_messages,
          response_format: { 
            type: "json_object", 
            schema: schema[:parameters] 
          temperature: options[:temperature] || 0.7
        # Extract JSON from response
        if response['choices'] && response['choices'][0]['message']['content']
            # Parse the JSON response
            json_response = JSON.parse(response['choices'][0]['message']['content'])
            # Add response to conversation
            @chat.conversation.add('assistant', response['choices'][0]['message']['content'])
            # Create structured response object
  , @schema)
          rescue JSON::ParserError => e
            # Handle parsing error
            response_content = response['choices'][0]['message']['content']
            @chat.conversation.add('assistant', response_content)
            # Log error but return the raw response
            puts "Warning: Could not parse JSON response: #{e.message}"
          # Handle unexpected response format
          response_content = response['choices'][0]['message']['content'] rescue "No response content"
          @chat.conversation.add('assistant', response_content)
      when /Anthropic/
        # For Anthropic (Claude), use their tool calling
        tool = {
          type: "function",
          function: {
            name: "extract_structured_data",
            description: schema[:description] || "Extract structured data based on the provided schema",
            parameters: schema[:parameters]
        # Prepare the messages
        messages = do |msg|
          { role: msg[:role], content: msg[:content] }
        messages << { role: 'user', content: prompt }
        # Prepare tool choice
        tool_choice = {
          type: "function",
          function: { name: "extract_structured_data" }
        # Prepare request options
        request_options = options.merge(
          messages: messages,
          tools: [tool],
          tool_choice: tool_choice
        # Perform the request
        response = @chat.send(:perform_request, request_options)
        # Extract tool outputs from response
        if response['content'] && response['content'][0]['type'] == 'tool_use'
          tool_use = response['content'][0]['tool_use']
          function_args = JSON.parse(tool_use['arguments'])
          # Add response to conversation
          text_content = response['content'].find { |c| c['type'] == 'text' }
          @chat.conversation.add('assistant', text_content ? text_content['text'] : '')
          # Create structured response object
, @schema)
          # Handle regular response
          response_content = response['content'][0]['text']
          @chat.conversation.add('assistant', response_content)
        # For other providers, use standard prompt engineering
        system_prompt = "You must respond with a valid JSON object that follows this schema: #{schema.to_json}. " +
                        "Do not include any explanatory text outside the JSON."
        # Add system prompt
        @chat.conversation.add('system', system_prompt)
        # Call the API
        response = @chat.ask(prompt, **options)
        # Try to parse response as JSON
          json_response = JSON.parse(response)
, @schema)
        rescue JSON::ParserError
          # If parsing fails, return raw response

Usage Examples

require 'ruby_llm'

# Example 1: Define a schema class
class ArticleSchema < RubyLLM::Schema
  title "Article Extraction"
  description "Extract key information from article text"
  field :title, :string, required: true, description: "The article's title"
  field :summary, :text, description: "A brief summary of the article"
  field :category, :string, enum: ["tech", "business", "science"]
  field :tags, :array, items: { type: "string" }
  field :author_info, :object, properties: {
    "name" => { type: "string", required: true },
    "email" => { type: "string" }

# Use the schema class
chat =
response = chat.with_structured_output(ArticleSchema)
               .ask("Here's an article about AI developments: [article text...]")

# Now you can access fields as methods
puts "Title: #{response.title}"
puts "Summary: #{response.summary}"
puts "Category: #{response.category}"
puts "Tags: #{response.tags.join(', ')}"
puts "Author: #{response.author_info['name']}"

# Example 2: Define a schema inline
response = do
  title "Article Extraction"
  description "Extract key information from article text"
  thinking true # Enable chain of thought reasoning
  field :title, :string, required: true, description: "The article's title"
  field :summary, :text, description: "A brief summary of the article" 
  field :sentiment, :string, enum: ["positive", "neutral", "negative"]
end.ask("Here's a news article about climate change: [article text...]")

# Access the chain of thought reasoning
puts "Reasoning: #{response.chain_of_thought}"
puts "Title: #{response.title}"
puts "Summary: #{response.summary}"
puts "Sentiment: #{response.sentiment}"

# Example 3: Combining with tools
calculator ="Calculator", "Performs calculations") do |expression|

product_schema = do
  field :name, :string, required: true
  field :price, :number, required: true
  field :quantity, :integer, required: true
  field :total_cost, :number, required: true
  field :categories, :array, items: { type: "string" }

# Combine tools with structured output
response = chat.with_tool(calculator)
               .ask("I need a product entry for a MacBook Air that costs $1299. I'm ordering 3 units.")

puts "Product: #{}"
puts "Price: $#{response.price}"
puts "Quantity: #{response.quantity}"
puts "Total Cost: $#{response.total_cost}" # The LLM likely used the calculator to compute this

Integrating Structured Output into RubyLLM

This guide explains how to integrate the structured output capabilities into the existing RubyLLM gem.

Step 1: Add New Files

Add these new files to the gem:

  • lib/ruby_llm/schema.rb: Contains the Schema and StructuredResponse classes
  • lib/ruby_llm/structured_chat.rb: Contains the StructuredChat class

Step 2: Update the Main File

Modify lib/ruby_llm.rb to require the new files:

require "ruby_llm/version"
require "ruby_llm/providers"
require "ruby_llm/conversation"
require "ruby_llm/chat"
require "ruby_llm/tool"
require "ruby_llm/schema"          # Add this line
require "ruby_llm/structured_chat" # Add this line

module RubyLLM
  class Error < StandardError; end
  # ... rest of the file

Step 3: Add Method to Chat Class

Add the with_structured_output method to the Chat class in lib/ruby_llm/chat.rb:

module RubyLLM
  class Chat
    # ... existing methods
    # Add a method for structured output
    def with_structured_output(schema_or_definition = nil, &block)
      schema = schema_or_definition.is_a?(Schema) ? 
               schema_or_definition : 
   , schema)

Step 4: Update Tests

Add new test files:

  • spec/ruby_llm/schema_spec.rb: Tests for Schema class
  • spec/ruby_llm/structured_chat_spec.rb: Tests for StructuredChat class

Step 5: Update README and Documentation

Update the with examples of using structured output, similar to the usage examples provided.

Step 6: Version Update

Increment the gem version in lib/ruby_llm/version.rb to reflect the new functionality.

Step 7: Update Changelog

Add an entry to describing the new structured output feature.

Step 8: Integration with Existing Features

Ensure that structured output works well with existing features like tools, by testing combinations of methods like .with_tool(...).with_structured_output(...).

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dchuk commented Mar 15, 2025

(completely untested btw, not sure how well it would work but it's a good starting point it looks like)

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crmne commented Mar 17, 2025

Structured outputs are definitely on the roadmap. I like Kieran's approach with structify, but RubyLLM is committed to staying Rails-optional.

The code sample shared looks promising but has some rough edges - "thinking enabled" doesn't fit our design philosophy, and the response parsing should live within provider modules rather than being generic.

If anyone wants to tackle this, I'd love to see a PR that maintains our core principles:

  1. Beautiful, expressive Ruby code
  2. Minimal dependencies
  3. Provider-specific logic contained in provider modules

Check out sergiobayona/easy_talk and other alternatives before reinventing the wheel - but let's make sure our implementation is the cleanest in the ecosystem.

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adenta commented Mar 17, 2025

Can you elaborate on:

response parsing should live within provider modules rather than being generic.

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Would love to have this feature implemented!!!!!!!!

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I'm personally going to use kieranklaassen/structify with ruby_llm most likely because I need it to integrate with rails. I would love to see BYO here. What I do not like with most libraries is that they do too many things at once, I rather pick my faves and plug them together.

@crmne I like the feel of your lib a lot. I have also looked at every single other scheme definition lib but have not found any that I like. Maybe there is a way to extract something from kieranklaassen/structify or be inspired.

I'll keep you all posted on how it goes using the two together.

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crmne commented Mar 17, 2025

@adenta In the code sample shared earlier, there's parsing logic (JSON.parse, digs, etc.) in chat_extensions.rb. This doesn't align with RubyLLM's architecture, where parsing logic belongs in provider modules as it most likely provider specific.

I'd want to see that parsing code moved to provider-specific modules like lib/ruby_llm/providers/openai/structured_outputs.rb to maintain our clean separation of concerns.

@kieranklaassen Thank you!

I've been thinking more about this, and I believe we can create something even better than what's out there. What if we had a schema definition that felt truly Ruby-native?

class Delivery < RubyLLM::Schema
  datetime :timestamp
  array :dimensions
  string :address, required: true

# Then use it like:
response = chat.with_structured_output(Delivery)
               .ask("Extract delivery info from: Next day delivery to 123 Main St...")

puts response.timestamp   # => 2025-03-20 14:30:00
puts response.dimensions  # => [12, 8, 4] 
puts response.address     # => "123 Main St, Springfield"

This approach would be lightweight, expressive, and completely framework-agnostic. RubyLLM would handle adapting it to each provider's specific structured output mechanism.

I'd be very interested in collaborating on extracting something like this from structify. The core schema definition could be a standalone gem that other libraries could build upon. If you're up for it, let's think about what that might look like!

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adenta commented Mar 17, 2025 via email

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crmne commented Mar 17, 2025

After a quick search, I think we should make use of RBS as it's ruby native and very pretty:

class Delivery
  @timestamp : DateTime?  # ? means it can be nil
  @dimensions : Array[Integer]?
  @address : String

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kieranklaassen commented Mar 17, 2025

I like the PORO route.

What about nested more complex json schemas? Enums, max-min etc?

for me it also should be easy to use in Rails, since that is where most people would use it and store it. So that's why I created structify. But it would be great if we can create some kind of Ruby like pydantic that works well for LLMs. I have not seen anything I like the syntax of. I'm not sure if I love rbs type annotations. Are they extendible enough?

Love the collaboration here!

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I wouldn't couple Rails with the RubyLLM interface for structured outputs. I would like to be able to pass in some data structure that represents the schema I am looking for, which then gets used in the LLM API calls, that will then feedback out a JSON / hash structure with the response from the LLM.

Moving in and out of Rails objects, I could do that on my own side decoupled from the interaction with the LLM for the purposes of coding my own business logic / etc.

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hey there glad to see my gem mentioned sergiobayona/easy_talk would gladly help integrating with ruby_llm.

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kieranklaassen commented Mar 18, 2025

I'm thinking it would be really great if we can bring our own system too, since we all need something slightly different. Like we can use @sergiobayona sergiobayona/easy_talk or my more Rails focussed kieranklaassen/structify.

Maybe an interface like this:

# RubyLLM
class Delivery
  @timestamp : DateTime?  # ? means it can be nil
  @dimensions : Array[Integer]?
  @address : String

# Structify
class Delivery < ApplicationRecord
  include Structify::Model
  schema_definition do
    field :timestamp, :datetime
    field :dimensions, :array, items: { type: "number" }
    field :address, :string, required: true

# Easytalk
class Delivery
  include EasyTalk::Model
  define_schema do
    property :timestamp, DateTime
    property :dimensions, T::Array[Float], optional: true
    property :address, String

# Then use it like:
response = chat.with_structured_output(Delivery)
               .ask("Extract delivery info from: Next day delivery to 123 Main St...")

puts response.timestamp   # => 2025-03-20 14:30:00
puts response.dimensions  # => [12, 8, 4] 
puts response.address     # => "123 Main St, Springfield"

We can use an adapter pattern. Thoughts?

Also maybe we can add a raw_response, so you can do your own processing?

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adenta commented Mar 18, 2025

I support the above proposal. At the end of the day the schema is getting evaluated down to jsonschema, so however one wants to get there should be fine

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kieranklaassen commented Mar 19, 2025

This is how Langchain does it:

parser = Langchain::OutputParsers::StructuredOutputParser.from_json_schema(json_schema)
prompt = "Generate details of a fictional character.\n{format_instructions}\nCharacter description: {description}", input_variables: ["description", "format_instructions"])
prompt_text = prompt.format(description: "Korean chemistry student", format_instructions: parser.get_format_instructions)

While I do not like this long name Langchain::OutputParsers::StructuredOutputParser The idea of a parser is a good abstraction. Sometimes you want to extract using regex or something custom as well.

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kieranklaassen commented Mar 19, 2025

question for community, can you all post some json schemas to get an idea of all the shapes?

This is one of mine:

  "name": "newsletter_summary",
  "description": "Extracts essential metadata from a newsletter or digest-style email and returns a detailed summary. Follows these writing rules: always use past tense (e.g., 'Matt asked'), be concrete and specific, and if there is a question in the subject, provide an answer in the summary. For digest emails, summarize the main story in one extensive paragraph, then list the three most important stories or points in three concise sentences (or lines).",
  "parameters": {
    "type": "object",
    "required": [
    "properties": {
      "chain_of_thought": {
        "type": "string",
        "description": "Explain your thought process step by step before determining the final values."
      "title": {
        "type": "string"
      "summary": {
        "type": "text"
      "priority": {
        "type": "integer",
        "description": "Priority rating for the newsletter: 0 means it's mostly promotional or unimportant, 1 indicates it has moderate usefulness, and 2 indicates high value and relevance.",
        "enum": [
      "newsletter_url": {
        "type": "string",
        "description": "Direct URL to the web version of the newsletter if available, otherwise null. Do NOT include any unsubscribe link."
      "cover_image_url": {
        "type": "string",
        "description": "URL of the newsletter's cover image if present, otherwise null."
      "labels": {
        "type": "array",
        "description": "Relevant thematic tags describing the newsletter content, e.g. 'AI', 'Productivity', 'Leadership'.",
        "items": {
          "type": "string"

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