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Application for manage wallet sessions and execute wallet request, like:

  • Get account address
  • Generate new mnemonic wallet
  • Validate mnemonic seed phrase
  • Sign data by private key by internal mnemonic account

This application is an environment for checking requests and transferring them for processing to the plugin, which makes cryptographic work for a specific blockchain.

HdWallet-api application is a second part of hdwallet applications bundle. Another third part of bundle - target blockchain plugin.



Infrastructure dependencies

  • Hashicorp Vault as service provider of secrets management and as provider of encrypt/decrypt sensitive information flow
  • Plugin with implementation Hierarchical Deterministic Wallet for target blockchain.

Hashicorp Vault

Tron example

Example for tron blockchain:

Auth token: bc-wallet-tron-hdwallet-api

vault token create -display-name bc-wallet-tron-hdwallet-api


  • crypto-bundle/bc-wallet-common/transit
  • crypto-bundle/bc-wallet-tron-hdwallet/common

Application required two encryption keys:

  • Common for whole crypto-bundle project transit key - crypto-bundle-bc-wallet-common-transit-key. Value with transit key name will be loaded from VAULT_COMMON_TRANSIT_KEY Vault variable, which stored in common bucket - crypto-bundle/bc-wallet-common/transit.

  • Target encryption key for hdwallet-controller and hdwallet-api - crypto-bundle-bc-wallet-tron-hdwallet Value with transit key name will be loaded from VAULT_APP_ENCRYPTION_KEY Vault variable, which stored in common bucket - crypto-bundle/bc-wallet-tron-hdwallet/common.

HdWallet plugin

Implementation of HdWallet plugin must contains next exported functions:

  • NewPoolUnit func(walletUUID string, mnemonicDecryptedData string) (interface{}, error)
  • GenerateMnemonic func() (string, error)
  • ValidateMnemonic func(mnemonic string) bool
  • GetChainID() int
  • SetChainID(chainID int) error
  • GetSupportedChainIDsInfo() string
  • GetHdWalletCoinType() int
  • SetHdWalletCoinType(coinType int) error
  • GetSupportedCoinTypesInfo() string
  • GetPluginName func() string
  • GetPluginReleaseTag func() string
  • GetPluginCommitID func() string
  • GetPluginShortCommitID func() string
  • GetPluginBuildNumber func() string
  • GetPluginBuildDateTS func() string

Function NewPoolUnit must return implementation for interface

import (
    pbCommon ""


type WalletPoolUnitService interface {
	UnloadWallet() error

	GetWalletUUID() string
	LoadAccount(ctx context.Context,
		accountParameters *anypb.Any,
	) (accountAddress *string, err  error)
	GetAccountAddress(ctx context.Context,
		accountParameters *anypb.Any,
	) (accountAddress *string, err error)
	GetMultipleAccounts(ctx context.Context,
		multipleAccountsParameters *anypb.Any,
	) (accountCount uint, accountsList []*pbCommon.AccountIdentity, err error)
	SignData(ctx context.Context,
		accountParameters *anypb.Any,
		dataForSign []byte,
	) (accountAddress *string, signedData []byte, err error)

Examples of plugin implementations:


Repository of hdwallet-controller - bc-wallet-common-hdwallet-controller

Application must work in pair with instance bc-wallet-common-hdwallet-controller. For example in case of Tron blockchain: Instance of bc-wallet-common-hdwallet-controller - bc-wallet-tron-hdwallet-controller must work with instance of bc-wallet-common-hdwallet-api - bc-wallet-tron-hdwallet-api.

Communication between hdwallet-controller and hdwallet-api works via gRPC unix-file socket connection. You can control socket file path by change HDWALLET_UNIX_SOCKET_PATH environment variable. Also, you can set target blockchain of hdwallet-controller and hdwallet-api via PROCESSING_NETWORK env variable.

Environment variables

Full example of env variables you can see in env-api-example.env file.


Currently, support only kubernetes deployment flow via Helm


Application must be deployed as part of bc-wallet-<BLOCKCHAIN_NAME>-hdwallet bundle. Application must be started as single container in Kubernetes Pod with shared volume.

You can see example of HELM-chart deployment application in next repositories:


bc-wallet-common-hdwallet-api is licensed under the MIT NON-AI License.


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