The purpose of this repository is to work through Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne's classic course on Algorithms, referring to their content on Coursera, The Book Site, and the Java Source Code.
My approach is to implement the Java classes in TypeScript (Visual Studio Code locally), generate documentation using TypeDoc and test implementations of the classes using Jest for TypeScript ts-jest.
After you git clone
and npm install
you'll need to download the official test data files from and then create a json file named sample-data-definitions.json under ./src/sample-data/ with test file names and file paths:
"tinyUF": "PARENT_DIRECTORY/algs4-data/tinyUF.txt",
"mediumUF": "PARENT_DIRECTORY/algs4-data/mediumUF.txt",
"largeUF": "PARENT_DIRECTORY/algs4-data/largeUF.txt"
To run the index.ts example implemtation use ts-node index.ts
To run the tests run npm run-script test