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Official PHP modules for FlexForms (charts, HTML editor, etc). MIT or LGPL.

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FlexForms Modules for PHP

Official PHP modules for FlexForms. Choose from a MIT or LGPL license.

Formerly called Admin Pack Modules. The modules in this repository extend FlexForms and also Admin Pack.

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  • Officially supported modules for FlexForms.
  • Modules have a liberal open source license. MIT or LGPL, your choice.
  • Designed for relatively painless integration into your project.
  • Sits on GitHub for all of that pull request and issue tracker goodness to easily submit changes and ideas respectively.

Available Modules

  • Calendar - Adds a new field type (calendar) that replaces the input array with a set of standard FlexForms tables to display a calendar.
  • Chart - Adds a new field type (chart) that displays a variety of C3.js charts.
  • File Uploader - Adds new options to the 'file' field type to display a fancy file uploader that supports drag-and-drop, previews, client-side file naming, chunked uploads, and more.
  • HTML Editor - Adds new options to the 'textarea' field type to convert a textarea into a TinyMCE HTML editor. Filtering content submitted to the server for cross-site scripting (XSS) injection attempts is up to the developer, but using TagFilter is highly recommended.
  • Preview URL - Adds new options to all field types to show a preview dialog on click for supported MIME types. Can preview images, audio, video, and 'iframe' content. Applied to elements that have a 'data-preview-type' attribute which specifies the MIME type.
  • Stop Password Manager - Adds a new option to the 'password' field type that can be used to stop password managers from attempting to store entered passwords.
  • reCAPTCHA - Adds a new field type (recaptcha) that displays and can validate Google reCAPTCHA.
  • Table Filter - Adds new options to the 'table' field type to display a search field at the top of the table to quickly find matching rows more efficiently than built-in browser searching.
  • Text Counter - Adds new options to the 'text' and 'textarea' field types to display a counter that shows the number of characters (or words) entered.


Copy all the files for a specific module into the same directory that FlexForms resides in (e.g. support/flex_forms.php). Then use require_once directives to include the required functionality after including FlexForms. Modules register themselves automatically with the FlexForms class.

The following new field types are added:

  • calendar (via Calendar) - Replaces the input with one or more standard FlexForms tables to display a calendar.
  • chart (via Chart) - Displays C3.js charts.
  • recaptcha (via reCAPTCHA) - Displays a Google reCAPTCHA.

New type-specific options for array fields:

  • startyear (calendar) - An integer containing the starting year (inclusive) (Default is date("Y")).
  • startmonth (calendar) - An integer containing the starting month (inclusive) (Default is date("m")).
  • endyear (calendar) - An integer containing the ending year (inclusive) (Default is date("Y")).
  • endmonth (calendar) - An integer containing the ending month (inclusive) (Default is date("m")).
  • cols (calendar) - An array of strings containing the column text to use for each table header (Default is array("S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S")).
  • data (calendar) - An array of key-value pairs that maps date strings in YYYY-MM-DD format to custom HTML for that date (Default is array()).
  • monthcallback (calendar) - A valid callback function for a callback that will have an opportunity to alter the generated table field for a specific month. The callback function must accept three parameters - callback(&$field, $curryear, $currmonth).
  • daycallback (calendar) - A valid callback function for a callback that can alter the content output for a specific day of the month. The callback function must return a string (e.g. return $data;) and accept four parameters - callback($curryear, $currmonth, $currday, $data).
  • chart (chart) - A string containing one of "line", "spline", "step", "area", "area-spline", "area-step", "bar", "scatter", "pie", "donut", or "gauge".
  • colors (chart) - An array of strings containing HTML hex color codes. Mostly used for gauge charts.
  • thresholds (chart) - An array of strings containing percentages that correlate to the "colors" option. Mostly used for gauge charts.
  • x (chart) - An array containing x-axis values for the data points (e.g. dates in YYYY-MM-DD format).
  • data (chart) - An array containing key-value pairs where values are arrays of values.
  • options (chart) - An array of options to pass to C3.js (e.g. array("" => true, "zoom.enabled" => true)).
  • callbacks (chart) - An array of Javascript callbacks to pass to C3.js.
  • uploader (file + File Uploader) - A boolean indicating whether or not to replace the file input with a fancy file uploader.
  • maxchunk (file + File Uploader) - An integer containing the maximum amount of data, in bytes, to upload in chunked upload mode.
  • maxsize (file + File Uploader) - An integer containing the maximum amount of data, in bytes, to upload in normal upload mode.
  • uploader_options (file + File Uploader) - An array of options to pass to Fancy File Uploader.
  • uploader_callbacks (file + File Uploader) - An array of Javascript callbacks to pass to Fancy File Uploader.
  • html (textarea + HTML editor) - A boolean indicating whether or not to turn the textarea into a HTML editor.
  • html_options (textarea + HTML editor) - An array of options to pass to TinyMCE.
  • html_callbacks (textarea + HTML editor) - An array of Javascript callbacks to pass to TinyMCE.
  • previewurl (Preview URL) - A boolean that specifies whether or not to use preview URL.
  • previewurl_options (Preview URL) - An array of options to pass to PreviewURL.
  • previewurl_callbacks (Preview URL) - An array of Javascript callbacks to pass to PreviewURL.
  • passwordmanager (password + Stop Password Manager) - A boolean indicating whether or not to allow web browser password managers to work.
  • sitekey (recaptcha) - A string containing a site key.
  • size (recaptcha) - A string containing a valid size (depends on the version and sitekey but "invisible" for Invisible reCAPTCHA and "normal" or "compact" for reCAPTCHA v2).
  • options (recaptcha) - An array of extra options to pass to Invisible reCAPTCHA or reCAPTCHA v2. Note that callback options won't work.
  • filter (table + Table Filter) - A boolean indicating whether or not to enable the table filter module on the table.
  • filter_options (table + Table Filter) - An array of options to pass to FilterTable.
  • filter_callbacks (table + Table Filter) - An array of Javascript callbacks to pass to FilterTable.
  • counter (text/textarea + Text Counter) - A boolean of true, an integer, or an array of 'min' and 'max' options containing the limit on the number of characters to allow.
  • counter_options (text/textarea + Text Counter) - An array of options to pass to TextCounter.
  • counter_callbacks (text/textarea + Text Counter) - An array of Javascript callbacks to pass to TextCounter.


Example code showing how to use most modules can be found in the Admin Pack admin.php file.

reCAPTCHA Module Example

Since it doesn't really belong in Admin Pack, here's a brief example of using the reCAPTCHA module:

	// This example is derived from:

	require_once "support/str_basics.php";
	require_once "support/flex_forms.php";
	require_once "support/flex_forms_recaptcha.php";

	// ...

	$errors = array();
	if (isset($_REQUEST[$ff->GetHashedFieldName("name")]))
		// ...

		$result = FlexForms_reCAPTCHA::IsValid("[Your secret key goes here]");
		if (!$result["success"])  $errors["recaptcha"] = $result["error"] . " (" . $result["errorcode"] . ")";

		if (!count($errors))
			// ...

	// ...

	// Make your own site and secret key:

	$contentopts = array(
		"hashnames" => true,
		"fields" => array(
			// ...
				"title" => "Module:  Invisible reCAPTCHA",
				"type" => "recaptcha",
				"name" => "recaptcha",
				"sitekey" => "[Your site key here]",
				"size" => "invisible",
				"desc" => "Description for reCAPTCHA."
		"submit" => "Submit"

	$ff->Generate($contentopts, $errors);

Even though the 'recaptcha' name attribute is not output, it is used for displaying error messages regarding reCAPTCHA submissions.

FlexForms_reCAPTCHA::IsValid($secretkey, $remoteip = true, $allowedhosts = true)

Module: reCAPTCHA

Access: public static


  • $secretkey - A string containing a secret key.
  • $remoteip - A boolean that determines whether or not to pass the remote IP address of the client to reCAPTCHA or a string or IPAddr compatible array containing a specific IP address to pass (Default is true).
  • $allowedhosts - A boolean to allow all hosts or a string or an array to only allow specific hosts to be valid (Default is true).

Returns: A standard array of information.

This function sends the reCAPTCHA code in $_REQUEST["g-recaptcha-response"] to the Google reCAPTCHA verification server. The included HTTP, WebBrowser, and IPAddr classes are loaded as needed. The defaults are generally good enough but customizations of the sitekey/secretkey (e.g. removing domain restrictions, proxying requests) may require calling this function with corrected options for $remoteip and $allowedhosts to guarantee that the CAPTCHA was solved by a valid IP address and hostname.


Official PHP modules for FlexForms (charts, HTML editor, etc). MIT or LGPL.






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