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LicenseChecker is a command line tool checking licenses of swift package libraries that your app depends on.


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LicenseChecker is a command line tool checking licenses of swift package libraries that your app depends on.
It can detect libraries that are not included in a whitelist specifying the license type or library name.

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Execution Example

$ license-checker --source-packages-path ~/SourcePackages --white-list-path ~/white-list.json
✔︎ abseil               Apache
✔︎ BoringSSL-GRPC       BoringSSL
✔︎ Firebase             Apache
✔︎ GoogleAppMeasurement Apache
✔︎ GoogleDataTransport  Apache
✔︎ GoogleUtilities      MIT
✔︎ gRPC                 Apache
✔︎ GTMSessionFetcher    Apache
✔︎ Kanna                MIT
✔︎ KeychainAccess       MIT
✔︎ Kingfisher           MIT
✔︎ leveldb              BSD
✔︎ LicenseList          MIT
✔︎ nanopb               zlib
✔︎ ObjectMapper         MIT
✔︎ Promises             Apache
✔︎ R.swift.Library      MIT
✔︎ Reachability         MIT
✔︎ RxGesture            MIT
✔︎ RxSwift              MIT
✔︎ SwiftProtobuf        Apache
✅ No problems with library licensing.


  • Development with Xcode 16.2+
  • Written in Swift 6.0
  • Compatible with macOS 14.0+

How to Use

  1. Prepare a white list (white-list.json).
  • Specify the type of license to approve.
  • Specify the name of library to approve (for private libraries).

LicenseChecker supports the following licenses:

license type white list key
Apache license 2.0 Apache
MIT License MIT
BSD 3-clause Clear license BSD
zLib License zlib
BoringSSL BoringSSL

Sample of white-list.json

  "licenses": [
  "libraries": [

XcodeBuildToolPlugin (for Xcode Project)

  1. Put white-list.json to the project root (white-list.json is in the same location as xcodeproj).
  2. File > Add Package Dependencies…
  3. Search
  4. Use plugin in Build Phases.

BuildToolPlugin (for Swift Package Project)

  1. Put white-list.json to the package root (white-list.json is in the same location as Package.swift).

  2. Add the dependency of plugin to Package.swift.

    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "", exact: "2.1.0")
  3. Use plugin in the target (Package.swift).

    targets: [
            name: "SomeFeature",
            plugins: [
                .plugin(name: "LicenseCheckerPlugin", package: "LicenseChecker")

CommandPlugin & Run Script in BuildPhases (for Xcode Project)

If your project directory structure is special and you want to specify the path to white-list.json, use CommandPlugin.

  1. Add binary target & plugin to Package.swift.

    targets: [
            name: "license-checker",
            url: "",
            checksum: "e11383d96a492599f3b6cd961899508c5c4bc3224353213c51aeb169f5f3e6a9"
            name: "LicenseCheckerPlugin",
            capability: .command(
                intent: .custom(verb: "license-checker", description: "Check Licenses."),
                permissions: []
            dependencies: ["license-checker"]
  2. Code Plugins/LicenseCheckerPlugin/main.swift.

    import Foundation
    import PackagePlugin
    struct LicenseCheckerPlugin: CommandPlugin {
        func performCommand(context: PluginContext, arguments: [String]) async throws {
            let tool = try context.tool(named: "license-checker")
            let process = try, arguments: arguments)
            guard process.terminationReason == .exit else {
                Diagnostics.error("Termination Other Than Exit")
            guard process.terminationStatus == EXIT_SUCCESS else {
                Diagnostics.error("Command Failed")
  3. Add a Run Script in BuildPhases.

    SOURCE_PACKAGES_PATH=`echo ${BUILD_DIR%Build/*}SourcePackages`
    xcrun --sdk macosx \
      swift package --package-path ./PluginPackages plugin --allow-writing-to-directory . \
      license-checker -s ${SOURCE_PACKAGES_PATH} -w [Path to white-list.json]

license-checker (command help)

$ swift run license-checker -h
Building for debugging...
Build complete! (0.10s)
OVERVIEW: A tool to check license of swift package libraries.

USAGE: license-checker --source-packages-path <source-packages-path> --white-list-path <white-list-path>

  -s, --source-packages-path <source-packages-path>
                          Path to SourcePackages directory
  -w, --white-list-path <white-list-path>
                          Path to white-list.json
  --version               Show the version.
  -h, --help              Show help information.


LicenseChecker is a command line tool checking licenses of swift package libraries that your app depends on.






Contributors 4

