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CodinGame PHP tests

A project to test your CodinGame PHP code. It is not intended to have solutions. It only contains PHPUnit tests to let you code in your favorite IDE, outside of the CodinGame web site.

License PHP version

This project now uses PHP 8.4. Unfortunaly, CodinGame is still on PHP 7.3 which is not supported anymore. If you want to run your code on PHP 7.3, you can use a version up to 3.x of this software which do not receive further update.


This project uses Git to download/update the project and Docker to run the code. You can use this software without Git and Docker, but no support will be provided to that end.

Download the project :

user@host ~$ cd [PATH_WHERE_TO_PUT_THE_PROJECT] # E.g. ~/projects/
user@host projects$ git clone
user@host projects$ cd codingame-php-tests

Copy some configuration files for Docker and PHPUnit :

user@host projects$ cp ./ci/phpunit.dist.xml ./ci/phpunit.xml
user@host projects$ cp ./.env.dist ./.env
user@host projects$ cp ./.ashrc.dist ./.ashrc
user@host projects$ cp ./compose.override.yaml.dist ./compose.override.yaml

Edit the ./.env to add your user to the container. The ./ci/phpunit.xml, ./.ashrc, ./.env and ./compose.override.yaml files are ignored by git, you can modify them to your needs. The ./.ashrc and ./compose.override.yaml add some aliases to your container.

Install the dependencies :

user@host codingame-php-tests$ docker compose run --rm app composer install -o
user@host codingame-php-tests$ docker compose run --rm app phive install --trust-gpg-keys 4AA394086372C20A,12CE0F1D262429A5,5E6DDE998AB73B8E,C5095986493B4AA0

Generate the code and test files :

user@host codingame-php-tests$ docker compose run --rm app bin/generate-tests

Existing code, test, input and output files will not be overwritten. To generate a file again, you must delete it first.

Add your code

Every classes in ./src/**/*CGCode.php files have an execute() method with the default CodinGame code. A test executes the CGCode::execute() method. You can add your code in and arround it.

Test your solution

Launch a container and connect to it :

user@host codingame-php-tests$ docker compose run --rm app ash

Execute all the tests :


Execute tests of a group :

phpunit --group [GROUP_NAME]

To view the list of test groups :

phpunit --list-groups

You can also execute tests from outside of the container :

user@host codingame-php-tests$ docker compose run --rm app ./tools/phpunit -c ./ci/phpunit.xml

Tip : to activate HTML coverage report and testdox logging, you can uncomment their configuration in phpunit.xml.

Add your test (optional)

Every tests in ./tests/**/CGTest.php files include the tests from CodinGame. You can add your own tests and add them to a group with the Group attribute.

Back to CodinGame

When you copy your code back to CodinGame, you must change every $stdin in fscanf(), stream_get_line(), ... by STDIN :

// In this project :
fscanf($stdin, "%d", $N);
// On CodinGame :
fscanf(STDIN, "%d", $N);

Time limit

The maximum time allowed may differ from CodinGame.


A project to test your CodinGame PHP code.






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