This project aims to implement a timed quiz web application where students can take practice HTML.CSS or JavaScript coding quizzes. This application has the following features:
- Multiple quiz subjects (HTML/CSS/JavaScript).
- Difficutly levels.
- Max time per quiz depending on difficulty level.
- Number of quesitions in random order: 10 - multiple choice.
- Student score board featuring ranking, subject, difficulty level and quiz time/date.
- Student scores should be saved to local storage.
- Students can take the quiz as many times as desired. Note: If the student answers a question incorrectly, 10s are deducted from the remaining timer.
The application is implemented using JavaScript, HTML and CSS, and it features a responsive desing.
Respository can be accessed at Source code direct download is located at
To view the website, please visit
Started code & reset.css provided by UofA bootcamp. Quiz questions courtesy of