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Publishing procedure

Devon Carew edited this page Mar 22, 2023 · 8 revisions

This GitHub Action is published to the GitHub Actions Marketplace here:

Follow these steps to publish a new version:

  1. Land the changes via PRs

  2. Make sure the is updated

  3. Get confirmation that the changes work by having someone use the new version using a commit tag, e.g.:

    • - uses: dart-lang/setup-dart@9a04e6d73cca37bd455e0608d7e5092f881fd603
  4. Use the GitHub flow for creating a new release with a release tag (e.g. v1.3.0):

  5. Move the v1 tag to point to the latest v1.x.y release as per the GitHub guidance:

    • Find the commit tag: git log --pretty=oneline
    • Move the v1 tag it: git tag -f v1 [commit tag]
    • Validate everything went as planned: git show v1
    • Push the tag to the origin repo: git push -f origin v1
    • Validate the new repo tag: git ls-remote --tags [email protected]:dart-lang/setup-dart.git v1
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