A small example application for sending protobuffer messages over network using sockets. See https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/pythontutorial
Tested on Ubuntu 18.04 with proto3 and Python3.6.
Install the protobuffer compiler
apt-get install protobuf-compiler
Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/deadkey/protobuf-example.git
and navigate to the folder in a terminal.
In the example file tof.proto, the message type is defined:
syntax = "proto3";
package kp;
message Sensor {
string id = 1;
int64 int_ex = 2;
float float_ex = 3;
double double_time = 4;
double double_value = 5;
message ToF {
repeated Sensor sensors = 1;
This means that each ToF message can have multiple sensors, each with an id, time and different values.
Compile the proto-message for python
protoc -I=. --python_out=. ./tof.proto
This creates a tof_pb2.py file in the current folder.
In the send.py is an example of a socket server that sends values for two sensors in one ToF message to a client in the rec.py file.