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Test scripts for testing new versions of generation numbers

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Generation Number Performance Test

Git uses the commit history to answer many basic questions, such as computing a merge-base. Some of these algorithms can benefit from a reachability index, which is a condition that allows us to answer "commit A cannot reach commit B" in some cases. These require pre- computing some values that we can load and use at run-time. Git already has a notion of generation number, stores it in the commit- graph file, and uses it in several reachability algorithms.

You can read more about generation numbers and how to use them in algorithms in this blog post.

However, generation numbers do not always improve our algorithms. Specifically, some algorithms in Git already use commit date as a heuristic reachability index. This has some problems, though, since commit date can be incorrect for several reasons (clock skew between machines, purposefully setting GIT_COMMIT_DATE to the author date, etc.). However, the speed boost by using commit date as a cutoff was so important in these cases, that the potential for incorrect answers was considered acceptable.

When these algorithms were converted to use generation numbers, we added the extra constraint that the algorithms are never incorrect. Unfortunately, this led to some cases where performance was worse than before. There are known cases where git merge-base A B or git log --topo-order A..B are worse when using generation numbers than when using commit dates.

This report investigates four replacements for generation numbers, and compares the number of walked commits to the existing algorithms (both using generation numbers and not using them at all). We can use this data to make decisions for the future of the feature.


The reachability indexes below are implemented in the reach-perf branch in This implementation is in a very rough condition, as it is intended to be a prototype, not production-quality.

Using this implementation, you can compute commit-graph files for the specified reachability index using git commit-graph write --reachable --version=<V>. The git client will read the version from the file, so our tests store each version as .git/objects/info/commit-graph.<V> and copy the necessary file to .git/objects/info/commit-graph before testing.

The algorithms count the number of commits walked, as to avoid the noise that would occur with time-based performance reporting. We use the (in progress) trace2 library for this. To find the values reported, use the GIT_TR2_PERFORMANCE environment variable.

To ignore reachability indexes entirely and use the old algorithms (reported here as "OLD" values) use the environment variable GIT_TEST_OLD_PAINT=1.

Running the tests

To run the tests from a fresh clone of this repository, run This script does the following:

  1. Clone the necessary repos (
  2. Build the prototype version of Git
  3. Compute the commit-graph files with different indexes (
  4. Run the performance tests:,,

Reachability Index Versions

V0: (Minimum) Generation Number. The generation number of a commit is exactly one more than the maximum generation number of a parent (by convention, the generation number of a commit with no parents is 1). This is the definition currently used by Git (2.19.0 and later). Given two commits A and B, we can then use the following reachability index:

If gen(A) < gen(B), then A cannot reach B.

Commentary: One issue with generation numbers is that some algorithms in Git use commit date as a heuristic, and allow incorrect answers if there is enough clock skew. Using that heuristic, the algorithms can walk fewer commits than the algorithms using generation number. The other reachability indexes introduced below attempt to fix this problem.

V1: (Epoch, Date) Pairs. For each commit, store a pair of values called the epoch and the date. The date is the normal commit date. The epoch of a commit is the minimum X such that X is at least the maximum epoch of each parent, and at least one more than the epoch of any parent whose date is larger than the date of this commit (i.e. there is clock skew between this commit and this parent). In this way, we can use the following reachability index:

If epoch(A) < epoch(B), then A cannot reach B. If epoch(A) == epoch(B) and date(A) < date(B), then A cannot reach B.

V2: Maximum Generation Numbers. The maximum generation number of a commit (denoted by maxgen(A)) is defined using its children and the total number of commits in the repo. If A is a commit with no children (that is, there is no commit B with A as a parent) then maxgen(A) is equal to the number of commits in the repo. For all other commits A, maxgen(A) is one less than the minimum maxgen(B) among children B. This can be computed by initializing maxgen(C) to the number of commits, then walking the commit graph in topological order, assigning maxgen(P) = min { maxgen(P), maxgen(C) - 1 } for each parent P of the currently-walking commit C. We then have the same reachability index as minimum generation number:

If maxgen(A) < maxgen(B), then A cannot reach B.

Commentary: The known examples where (minimum) generation numbers perform worse than commit date heuristics involve commits with recent commit dates but whose parents have very low generation number compared to most recent commits. In a way, minimum generation numbers increase the odds that we can say "A cannot reach B" when A is fixed and B is selected at random. Maximum generation numbers increase the odds that we can say "A cannot reach B" when B is fixed and A is selected at random. This helps us when we are exploring during a reachability algorithm and have explored few commits and want to say that the large set of unexplored commits cannot reach any of the explored commits.

V3: Corrected Commit Date. For a commit C, let its corrected commit date (denoted by cdate(C)) be the maximum of the commit date of C and the commit dates of its parents.

If cdate(A) < cdate(B), then A cannot reach B.

V4: FELINE Index. The FELINE index is a two-dimentional reachability index as defined in Reachability Queries in Very Large Graphs: A Fast Refined Online Search Approach by Veloso, Cerf, Jeira, and Zaki. The index is not deterministically defined, but instead is defined in the following way:

  1. Compute a reverse topological order of the commits. Let felineX(C) be the position in which C appears in this list. Since this is a reverse topological order, felineX(C) > felineX(P) for each parent P of C.

  2. Compute a reverse topological order of the commits using Kahn's algorithm, but when selecting among a list of commits with in-degree zero, prioritize the commit by minimizing felineX. Let felineY(C) be the position in which C appears in this list.

Essentially, the felineY order is selected with the goal of swapping positions of topologically-independent commits relative to the felinX ordering. The resulting reachability index is as follows:

If felineX(A) < felineX(B), then A cannot reach B. If felineY(A) < felineY(B), then A cannot reach B.

Commentary: In terms of comparing two commits directly, this index is quite strong. However, when we are performing our reachability algorithms that care about reachable sets (git log --graph), or boundaries between reachable sets (git merge-base, git log --graph A..B) we need to track a single pair (minX,minY) for comparion. In order to not miss anything during our search, we need to update this pair to be the minimum felineX(A) and minimum felineY(B) among all explored commits A and B. That is, the pair (minX, minY) is below our entire explored set. This can be a disadvantage for these algorithms.

Comparing Reachability Index Versions Viability

Before considering how well these indexes perform during our algorithm runs, let's take a moment to consider the implementation details and how they relate to the existing commit-graph file format and existing Git clients.

  • Compatible? In our test implementation, we use a previously unused byte of data in the commit-graph format to indicate which reachability index version we are using. Existing clients ignore this value, so we will want to consider if these new indexes are backwards compatible. That is, will they still report correct values if they ignore this byte and use the generation number column from the commit-graph file assuming the values are minimum generation numbers?

  • Immutable? Git objects are immutable. If you change an object you actually create a new object with a new object ID. Are the values we store for these reachability indexes also immutable?

  • Local? Are these values locally computable? That is, do we only need to look at the parents of a commit (assuming those parents have computed values) in order to determine the value at that commit?

Index Compatible? Immutable? Local?
Minimum Generation Number Yes Yes Yes
(Epoch, Date) pairs Yes Yes Yes
Maximum Generation Number Yes No No
Corrected Commit Date No Yes Yes
FELINE index Yes No No

Note: The corrected commit date uses the generation number column to store an offset of "how much do I need to add to my commit date to get my corrected commit date?" The values stored in that column are then not backwards-compatible.

Note: The FELINE index requires storing two values instead of just one. One of these values could be stored in the generation number column and the other in an optional chunk, hence it could be backwards compatible. (This is not how it is implemented in our example implementation.)


We focused on three types of performance tests that test the indexes in different ways. Each test lists the git command that is used, and the table lists which repository is used and which inputs.

Test 1: git log --topo-order -N

This test focuses on the number of commits that are parsed during a git log --topo-order before writing N commits to output.

You can reproduce this test using and see all the data in topo-order-summary.txt. The values reported here are a sampling of the data, ignoring tests where all values were the same or extremely close in value.

Repo N V0 V1 V2 V3 V4
android-base 100 5,487 8,534 6,937 6,419 6,453
android-base 1000 36,029 44,030 41,493 41,206 45,431
chromium 100 101 424,406 101 101 101
gerrit 100 8,212 8,533 164 159 162
gerrit 1000 8,512 8,533 1,990 1,973 3,766
Linux 100 12,458 12,444 13,683 13,123 13,124
Linux 1000 24,436 26,247 27,878 26,430 27,875
Linux 10000 30,364 28,891 27,878 26,430 27,875
electron 1000 19,927 18,733 1,072 18,214 18,214
Ffmpeg 10000 32,154 47,429 10,435 11,054 11,054
jgit 1000 1,550 6,264 1,067 1,060 1,233
julia 10000 43,043 43,043 10,201 23,505 23,828
odoo 1000 17,175 9,714 4,043 4,046 4,111
php-src 1000 19,014 27,530 1,311 1,305 1,320
rails 100 1,420 2,041 1,757 1,428 1,441
rails 1000 7,952 10,145 10,053 8,373 8,373
swift 1000 1,914 4,004 2,071 1,939 1,940
tensorflow 1000 10,019 39,221 6,711 10,051 10,051
TypeScript 1000 2,873 12,014 3,049 2,876 2,876

Test 2: git log --topo-order -10 A..B

This test focuses on the number of commits that are parsed during a git log --topo-order A..B before writing ten commits to output. Since we fix a very small set of output commits, we care more about the part of the walk that determines which commits are reachable from B but not reachable from A. This part of the walk uses commit date as a heuristic in the existing implementation.

You can reproduce this test using and see all the data in topo-compare-summary.txt. The values reported here are a sampling of the data, ignoring tests where all values were the same or extremely close in value.

Note: For some of the rows, the A and B values may be swapped from what is expected. This is due to (1) a bug in the reference implementation that doesn't short-circuit the walk when A can reach B, and (2) data-entry errors by the author. The bug can be fixed, but would have introduced strange-looking rows in this table.

Repo A B OLD V0 V1 V2 V3 V4
android-base 53c1972bc8f 92f18ac3e39 39,403 1,544 6,957 26 1,015 1,098
gerrit c4311f7642 777a8cd1e0 6,457 7,836 10,869 415 414 445
electron 7da7dd85e addf069f2 18,164 945 6,528 17 17 18
julia 7faee1b201 e2022b9f0f 22,800 4,221 12,710 377 213 213
julia ae69259cd9 c8b5402afc 1,864 1,859 13,287 12 1,859 1,859
Linux 69973b830859 c470abd4fde4 111,692 77,263 96,598 80,238 76,332 76,495
Linux c3b92c878736 19f949f52599 167,418 5,736 4,684 9,675 3,887 3,923
Linux c8d2bc9bc39e 69973b830859 44,940 4,056 16,636 10,405 3,475 4,022
odoo 4a31f55d0a0 93fb2b4a616 25,139 19,528 20,418 19,874 19,634 27,247
swift 4046359efd b34b6a14c7 13,411 662 321 12 80 134
tensorflow ec6d17219c fa1db5eb0d 10,373 4,762 36,272 174 3,631 3,632
TypeScript 35ea2bea76 123edced90 3,450 267 10,386 27 259 259

Test 3: git merge-base A B

This test focuses on the number of commits that are parsed during a git merge-base A B. This part of the walk uses commit date as a heuristic in the existing implementation.

You can reproduce this test using and see all the data in merge-base-summary.txt. The values reported here are a sampling of the data, ignoring tests where all values were the same or extremely close in value.

Repo A B OLD V0 V1 V2 V3 V4
android-base 53c1972bc8f 92f18ac3e39 81,999 109,025 81,885 77,475 81,999 82,001
gerrit c4311f7642 777a8cd1e0 6,468 7,995 6,566 6,478 6,468 6,468
electron 7da7dd85e addf069f2 18,160 19,871 18,670 2,231 18,160 18,160
julia 7faee1b201 e2022b9f0f 22,803 42,339 42,212 6,803 22,803 22,803
julia c8b5402afc ae69259cd9 7,076 42,909 42,770 2,690 7,076 7,076
Linux 69973b830859 c470abd4fde4 44,984 47,457 44,679 38,461 44,984 44,984
Linux c3b92c878736 19f949f52599 111,740 111,027 111,196 107,835 111,771 111,368
Linux c8d2bc9bc39e 69973b830859 167,468 635,579 630,138 33,716 167,496 153,774
odoo 4a31f55d0a0 93fb2b4a616 25,150 27,259 23,977 24,041 23,974 26,829
swift 4046359efd b34b6a14c7 13,434 13,254 13,940 16,023 13,127 15,008
tensorflow ec6d17219c fa1db5eb0d 10,377 10,448 10,377 8,460 10,377 10,377
TypeScript 35ea2bea76 123edced90 3,464 3,439 3,464 3,581 3,464 3,464


Based on the performance results alone, we should remove minimum generation numbers, (epoch, date) pairs, and FELINE index from consideration. There are enough examples of these indexes performing poorly.

In contrast, maximum generation numbers and corrected commit dates both performed quite well. They are frequently the top two performing indexes, and rarely significantly different.

The trade-off here now seems to be: which property is more important, locally-computable or backwards-compatible?

  • Maximum generation number is backwards-compatible but not locally-computable or immutable.

  • Corrected commit-date is locally-computable and immutable, but not backwards-compatible.

Editor's Note: Every time I think about this trade-off, I can't come to a hard conclusion about which is better. Instead, I'll leave that up for discussion.


Test scripts for testing new versions of generation numbers






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