A repository for the papaer: https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.14839
QuantNAS for super resolution: searching for efficient quantization-friendly architectures against quantization noise
To search with different bit widths set desired bit widths in "configs/quant_config.yaml"
- arch.bits = [8,4,2] will perform mixed precision search for all specified bit-widths.
- arch.bits = [32] will perform full precision search.
- arch.bits = [32,4] will perform mixed precision search for all specified bit-widths, proper relu activations for 32 bit-widths will be used (not HWGQ).
To run experiment with different penalty and seed use "batch_exp.py" and edit "./configs/fp_config.yaml or quant_config.yaml".
python3 batch_exp.py -v 0 0.0001 0.001 0.005 0.01 -d experiment_name -r 1 -g 3 -c quant_config.yaml
-d Experiment name
-r Number of runs
-g Gpu number
-v Values for harware penalties
-c config for quantization or full precision NAS: quant_config.yaml or fp_config.yaml, some hyperparameters are different.
This script will run search, train and validate the final models. One step of search and the following train may take up to 24 hours depending on your GPU and search space size.
If you want to run architecture search or train selected model separately you can run "search_sr.py" and "augment_sr.py" manually.
Usage example: python search_sr.py
Don't forget to edit "./configs/quant_config.yaml". "train" section can be ignored.
After script execution best architechture will be saved in best_arch.gen and you can pass it to augment_sr.py to train found architechture from scratch.
Usage example: python augment_sr.py
Don't forget to edit "./configs/quant_config.yaml". "search" section can be ignored. Specify train.genotype_path to pass architectures genotype. Genotype example (8 and 2 specify bit widths for selected layer):
head=[('simple_5x5_grouped_3', 8), ('simple_3x3', 8)],
body=[('simple_1x1_grouped_3', 2), ('simple_1x1', 2)],
skip=[('decenc_3x3_2', 2)],
upsample=[('simple_3x3_grouped_3', 8)]
Another example of quantized architechture:
It is possoble to modify it by editing "configs/quant_config.yaml". Tail block can removed at all if set to 0.
Our general scheme looks like this and the results in the paper are based on this design.
Example of a scheme above with B body type: *tail can be set as 0, other parts can not be skipped.
arch_pattern: # the number of blocks of different types
head: 2
skip: 1
tail: 2
body: 2
upsample: 1
body_cells: 3
head: ["simple_3x3", "simple_5x5", "simple_3x3_grouped_3", "simple_5x5_grouped_3"]
body: ["conv_5x1_1x5", "conv_3x1_1x3", "simple_3x3", "simple_5x5"]
skip: ["simple_1x1", "simple_3x3", "simple_5x5"]
tail: ["simple_1x1", "simple_3x3", "simple_5x5","simple_5x5_grouped_3","simple_3x3_grouped_3"]
upsample: ["simple_5x5_grouped_3",simple_3x3_grouped_3, "simple_3x3", "simple_5x5"]
Default operations can be set in genotypes.py. Example:
. . .
skip = [
"head": head,
"body": body,
"skip": skip,
"tail": tail,
"upsample": upsample,
. . .
skip_mode: False # If False -> use ADM
quant_noise: True
- download DIV2K from the original website https://data.vision.ee.ethz.ch/cvl/DIV2K/, only original high resolution images are needed.
- set path to image folder in ./prep/config.yaml
- run ./prep/make_set.py
For validation sets download Set14 & Set5 and set according paths in ./sr_models/valsets4x.yaml. Validation will be performed on all the datasets specified in ./sr_models/valsets4x.yaml.
QuantNAS , models found with different hardware penalty values: 0, 1e-4, 1e-3, 5e-5. QuantNAS with AdaDM in blue, SAN with AdaDM in green and original procedure with shared weights in brown.
Importance weights for different operations through epochs for QuantNas search, for 8 (solid) and 4 (dashed) bit widths. Entropy regularisation set to 1e-3.