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Gem Version Build Status License: MIT

texd is a Ruby client for the texd web service.

It leverages ActionView's template rendering mechanism to compile .tex templates to PDF documents. The primary use case is to render documents in background jobs.


The following Rails and Ruby versions are supported and tested; older versions of Ruby and Rails may work, but this is not guaranteed.

↓ Rails / Ruby → 2.71 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Notes
6.0 (1)
6.1 (1)
7.0 (1)
7.1 (1)
7.2 (2)
8.0 (3)
main branch (3)
  1. Rails upto 7.2 depends on a version of Nokogiri which isn't available for Ruby 3.2+
  2. Rails 7.2 requires Ruby 3.1+2
  3. Rails 8.0+ requires Ruby 3.2+3

Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing:

$ bundle add texd


Before you can use texd, you need to tell it where your instance is located.

By default, this gem reads the TEXD_ENDPOINT environment variable and falls back to http://localhost:2201/render, should it be empty.

If this does not match your environment, you need can reconfigure texd:

Texd.configure do |config|
  config.endpoint = ENV.fetch("TEXD_ENDPOINT", "http://localhost:2201/")
Full default config (click to open)
Texd.configure do |config|
  config.endpoint       = ENV.fetch("TEXD_ENDPOINT", "http://localhost:2201/")
  config.open_timeout   = ENV.fetch("TEXD_OPEN_TIMEOUT", 60)
  config.read_timeout   = ENV.fetch("TEXD_READ_TIMEOUT", 180)
  config.write_timeout  = ENV.fetch("TEXD_WRITE_TIMEOUT", 60)
  config.error_format   = ENV.fetch("TEXD_ERRORS", "full")
  config.error_handler  = ENV.fetch("TEXD_ERROR_HANDLER", "raise")
  config.tex_engine     = ENV["TEXD_ENGINE"]
  config.tex_image      = ENV["TEXD_IMAGE"]
  config.helpers        = []
  config.lookup_paths   = []
  config.lookup_paths   = [] # Rails.root.join("app/tex") is always prepended
  config.ref_cache_size = 128

For development environments, you can start the texd server like so (requires Docker and about 4GB of disk space for the included TeX live installation):

$ docker run --rm -d -p localhost:2201:2201 --name texd-dev digineogmbh/texd

Head to the texd project page to learn about other installation methods.


First, create a few files:


This is the default layout. Here, you should define a \documentclass and use yield. In this example, we're using ERB (Erubi) to include dynamic content into a .tex file.

<%= content_for :preamble %>

<%= yield %>

In document/doc.tex, we're specifying some stuff for the preamble, render a partial, and add content for the document:

<% content_for :preamble do %>

\title{Demo document}
\author{<%= user.full_name %>}
<% end %>

<%= render partial: "document/title_page" %>


OK, that wasn't true. We're leveraging the blindtext package to add content for us :)

The user variable is passed as local method to Texd.render (see below).


This partial embeds an image and creates the title page.

  \includegraphics[width=0.5\linewidth]{<%= texd_attach "logo.png" %>}


With texd_attach, we're referencing a file outside ActionView's lookup paths, but in Texd's lookup paths (RAILS_ROOT/app/tex by default).

You can use this directory to store and deploy static assets.

Please be aware, that attachments will be renamed (att00123.png) in the POST body, and att00123.png will be returned from texd_attach. You can skip the renaming, if you want/need to:

% attaches RAILS_ROOT/app/tex/logo.png, and inserts "logo.png":
<%= texd_attach "logo.png", rename: false %>

% attaches RAILS_ROOT/app/tex/logo.png, and inserts "assets/logo.png":
<%= texd_attach "logo.png", rename: "assets/logo.png" %>

% attaches RAILS_ROOT/app/tex/common.tex, and inserts "att00042" (or similar):
<%= texd_attach "common.tex", without_extension: true %>

(Imagine your logo here.)

With those files in place, you can create a PDF document:

  blob = Texd.render(template: "documents/doc", locals: {
    user: User.find(1)
  Rails.root.join("tmp/doc.pdf").open("wb") { |f|
    f.write blob
rescue Texd::Client::QueueError => err
  # texd server is busy, please retry in a moment
rescue Texd::Client::InputError => err
  # file input processing failed, maybe some file names were invalid
rescue Texd::Client::CompilationError => err
  # compilation failed
  if err.logs
    # TeX compiler logs, only available if Texd.config.error_format
    # is "full" or "condensed"

All errors inherit from Texd::Client::RenderError and should have a details attribute (a Hash) containing the actual error returned from the server.

Global error reporting

texd can be configured with external error reporting, like Sentry.

This example sends the LaTeX compilation log and compiled main input .tex file to Sentry:

Texd.configure do |config|
  config.error_handler = ->(err, doc) {
    Sentry.set_context "texd", {
      details: err.details, # if config.error_format == "json"
      logs:    err.logs,    # otherwise

    raise err # re-raise, so that your code can decide further actions

config.error_handler must respond to call, and receives the error (an instance of Texd::Client::CompilationError) and the document context (an instance of Texd::Document::Compilation).


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in lib/texd/version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to

You may want to run a texd server instance locally. This is easiest done by calling make texd-docker (which pulls and runs the Docker image). If you need to develop/test against the bleeding edge, you can clone and run texd from source:

$ cd ~/code/
$ git clone [email protected]:digineo/texd
$ cd texd
$ mkdir -p tmp/refs
$ make run-container EXTRA_RUN_ARGS='--reference-store dir://./tmp/refs'

Note: In order to run the tests against the latest rails/main commit, you need to have Ruby 3.2+ installed. To run the tests against all released Rails versions, Ruby 2.7 currently suffices.

I'd recommend running USE_DOCKER=1 make test-all to run against all minimally supported Ruby versions in Docker containers. This obviously requires Docker to be installed.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


This gem is open source under the terms of the MIT license. It is based heavily on the rails-latex gem.

  • © 2022, Dominik Menke
  • © 2010-2015, Geoff Jacobsen, Jan Baier and contributors


  1. We're currently tracking the Ruby version shipped with Ubuntu Focal (20.04 LTS). This may jump to Ubuntu Noble (24.04 LTS) and Ruby 3.2 in the future.

  2. See [commit 6ba2fdb][] and [PR #50491][] in the Rails repository.

  3. See [commit c7b9bb1][] in the Rails repository