Tools to manipulate a giellalt corpus in different ways.
These tools are a part of Apertium nightly packages.
For Mac users, running the
suffices, Linux users will have
to run <package-manager> install <name of package>
, as well (search for corpustools in
the package system).
To update the tools on Mac, run
. On Linux, update packages
using the package manager.
- Install pipx
- Run
pipx install --force git+
- python3
- wvHtml (only needed for convert2xml)
- pdftohtml (only needed for convert2xml)
- latex2html (only needed for convert2xml)
- Java (only needed for parallelize)
On Mac, do:
sudo port install wv latex2html poppler
On Debian/Ubuntu, do:
sudo apt install wv latex2html poppler-utils
On Arch Linux, do:
sudo pacman -S wv
- convert2xml: Convert original files to giellatekno xml
- ccat: Print the contents of a converted corpus file as plain text
- analyse_corpus: Do syntactic analysis of converted files
- parallelize: Sentence align file pairs
- reparallelize: Reconvert and realign a given .tmx.html file
- tmx2html: Convert tmx files to html files
- add_files_to_corpus: Add file(s) to a corpus directory
- saami_crawler: Crawl saami sites, add files to corpus
- move_corpus_file: Move or rename a file inside the corpus
- remove_corpus_file: Remove a file from the corpus
- normalise_corpus_names: Program to normalise file names
- paracheck: Check if the parallel files found in the metadata files exist
- duperemover: Remove duplicate files from the given directory
- dupefinder: Find files with more than 90% similarity in the given directory
- clean_prestable:Remove files in prestable that have no original files
- pick_parallel_docs: Pick out parallel files from converted to prestable/converted
- update_metadata: Update metadata files in given directories
- pytextcat: textcat implemented in Python
- generate_anchor_list: Generate paired anchor list for languages lang1 and lang2
- html_cleaner: Program to print out a nicely indented html document
- epubchooser: Program to set metadata of an epub file
- make_training_corpus: Program to make training corpus from giella xml analysed files
Convert corpus format xml to clean text.
ccat has three usage modes, print to stdout the content of:
- converted files (produced by convert2xml)
- converted files containing errormarkup (produced by convert2xml)
- analysed files (produced by analyse_corpus)
To print out all sme content of all the converted files found in $GTFREE/converted/sme/admin and its subdirectories, issue the command:
ccat -a -l sme $GTFREE/converted/sme/admin
It is also possible to print a file at a time:
ccat -a -l sme $GTFREE/converted/sme/admin/sd/other_files/vl_05_1.doc.xml
To print out the content of e.g. all converted pdf files found in a directory and its subdirectories, issue this command:
find converted/sme/science/ -name "*.pdf.xml" | xargs ccat -a -l sme
The analysed files produced by analyse_corpus contain among other one dependency element and one disambiguation element, that contain the dependency and disambiguation analysis of the original files content.
ccat -dis sda/sda_2006_1_aikio1.pdf.xml
Prints the content of the disambiguation element.
ccat -dep sda/sda_2006_1_aikio1.pdf.xml
Prints the content of the dependency element.
The usage pattern for printing these elements is otherwise the same as printing the content of converted files.
Printing dependency elements
ccat -dep $GTFREE/analysed/sme/admin
ccat -dep $GTFREE/analysed/sme/admin/sd/other_files/vl_05_1.doc.xml
find analysed/sme/science/ -name "*.pdf.xml" | xargs ccat -dep
Printing disambiguation elements
ccat -dis $GTFREE/analysed/sme/admin
ccat -dis $GTFREE/analysed/sme/admin/sd/other_files/vl_05_1.doc.xml
find analysed/sme/science/ -name "*.pdf.xml" | xargs ccat -dis
This usage mode is used in the speller tests. Examples of this usage pattern is found in the make files in $GTBIG/prooftools.
usage: ccat [-h] [--version] [-l LANG] [-T] [-L] [-t] [-a] [-c] [-C] [-ort]
[-ortreal] [-morphsyn] [-syn] [-lex] [-format] [-foreign]
[-noforeign] [-typos] [-f] [-S] [-dis] [-dep]
targets [targets ...]
Print the contents of a corpus in XML format The default is to print paragraphs
with no type (=text type).
positional arguments:
targets Name of the files or directories to process. If a
directory is given, all files in this directory and
its subdirectories will be listed.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
-l LANG Print only elements in language LANG. Default is all
-T Print paragraphs with title type
-L Print paragraphs with list type
-t Print paragraphs with table type
-a Print all text elements
-c Print corrected text instead of the original typos &
-C Only print unclassified (§/<error..>) corrections
-ort Only print ortoghraphic, non-word ($/<errorort..>)
-ortreal Only print ortoghraphic, real-word
(¢/<errorortreal..>) corrections
-morphsyn Only print morphosyntactic (£/<errormorphsyn..>)
-syn Only print syntactic (¥/<errorsyn..>) corrections
-lex Only print lexical (€/<errorlex..>) corrections
-format Only print format (‰/<errorformat..>) corrections
-foreign Only print foreign (∞/<errorlang..>) corrections
-noforeign Do not print anything from foreign (∞/<errorlang..>)
-typos Print only the errors/typos in the text, with
corrections tab-separated
-f Add the source filename as a comment after each error
-S Print the whole text one word per line; typos have tab
separated corrections
-dis Print the disambiguation element
-dep Print the dependency element
Replace hyph tags with the given argument
Convert original files in a corpus to giellatekno/divvun xml format.
convert2xml depends on these external programs:
- pdftotext
- wvHtml
Convert all files in the directory $GTFREE/orig/sme and its subdirectories.
convert2xml $GTFREE/orig/sme
The converted files are placed in $GTFREE/converted/sme with the same directory structure as that in $GTFREE/orig/sme.
Convert only one file:
convert2xml $GTFREE/orig/sme/admin/sd/file1.html
The converted file is found in $GTFREE/orig/sme/admin/sd/file1.htm.xml
Convert all sme files in directories ending with corpus
convert2xml *corpus/orig/sme
If convert2xml is not able to convert a file these kinds of message will appear:
A log file will be found in
explaining what went wrong.
The complete help text from the program:
usage: convert2xml [-h] [--version] [--serial] [--lazy-conversion]
[--write-intermediate] [--goldstandard]
sources [sources ...]
Convert original files to giellatekno xml.
positional arguments:
sources The original file(s) or directory/ies where the
original files exist
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
--serial use this for debugging the conversion process. When
this argument is used files will be converted one by
--lazy-conversion Reconvert only if metadata have changed.
--write-intermediate Write the intermediate XML representation to, for debugging the XSLT. (Has no
effect if the converted file already exists.)
--goldstandard Convert goldstandard and .correct files
Analyse converted corpus files.
analyse_corpus depends on these external programs:
- vislcg3
- hfst
To be able to use this program you must either use the nightly giella packages or build the needed resources for the supported languages (exchange "sma" with "sme, smj" ad lib):
{{cd $GTLANGS/langs-sma}}
Configure the language, use at least these to options --prefix=$HOME/.local --enable-tokenisers
./configure --prefix=$HOME/.local --enable-tokenisers # add your own flags to taste
make install
Then you must convert the corpus files as explained in the convert2xml section.
When this is done you can analyse all files in the directory $GTFREE/converted/sme (and sma, smj) and its subdirectories by issuing this command:
analyse_corpus $GTFREE/converted/sme
The analysed file will be found in {{$GTFREE/analysed/sme}}
To analyse only one file, issue this command:
analyse_corpus --serial sme $GTFREE/converted/sme/file.html.xml
The complete help text from the program:
analyse_corpus --help
usage: analyse_corpus [-h] [--version] [--serial] [-k {xfst,hfst,hfst_thirties,hfst_eighties,hfst_no_korp,trace-smegram-dev,trace-smegram}]
converted_entities [converted_entities ...]
Analyse files in parallel.
positional arguments:
converted_entities converted files or director(y|ies) where the converted files exist
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
--serial When this argument is used files will be analysed one by one.
-k {xfst,hfst,hfst_thirties,hfst_eighties,hfst_no_korp,trace-smegram-dev,trace-smegram}, --modename {xfst,hfst,hfst_thirties,hfst_eighties,hfst_no_korp,trace-smegram-dev,trace-smegram}
You can set the analyser pipeline explicitely if you want.
The complete help text from the program is as follows:
usage: add_files_to_corpus [-h] [-v] [-p PARALLEL_FILE] [-l LANG]
origs [origs ...]
Add file(s) to a corpus directory. The filenames are converted to ascii only
names. Metadata files containing the original name, the main language, the
genre and possibly parallel files are also made. The files are added to the
working copy.
positional arguments:
origs The original files, urls or directories where the
original files reside (not the corpus repo)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
Path to an existing file in the corpus that will be
parallel to the orig that is about to be added
-l LANG, --lang LANG Language of the file to be added
The directory where the origs should be placed
Examples: Download and add parallel files from the net to the corpus:
Adding the first file
The command
add_files_to_corpus -d orig/sme/admin/sd/other_files
Gives the message:
Added orig/sme/admin/sd/other_files/sametingets_ay-rsmelding_2013_-_nordsamisk.pdf
Adding the parallel file
add_files_to_corpus -p orig/sme/admin/sd/other_files/sametingets_ay-rsmelding_2013_-_nordsamisk.pdf -l nob
Gives the message:
Added orig/nob/admin/sd/other_files/sametingets_ay-rsmelding_2013_-_norsk.pdf
After this is done, you will have to commit the files to the working copy, like this:
git commit
NOTE! This section is partly outdated. Some files are moved from svn to github (especially the langs
Parallelize parallel corpus files, write the results to .tmx and .txm.html files.
NB! When debugging alignment, use reparallelize, it reconverts all files and realigns the file anew.
parallelize depends on various files from the Divvun/Giellatekno SVN, at least the following directories need to exist in $GTHOME:
- langs (specifically, the abbr.txt files)
- gt/common
- gt/script
It also requires Java if you wish to use the default (included) alignment program TCA2. For convenience, a pre-compiled version of TCA2's alignment.jar-file is included in SVN and installed by CorpusTools, but if you have ant installed, you can recompile it by simply typing "ant" in corpustools/tca2.
Alternatively, you can align with Hunalign, if you have that installed (or don't have Java). Hunalign is faster, and the quality is less dependent on predefined dictionaries (though it can use those as well). Neither system gives perfect alignments.
By default, it uses the $GTHOME/gt/common/src/anchor.txt file as an anchor dictionary for alignment. If your language pair is not in this dictionary, you can provide your own with the --dict argument. If you do not have a dictionary, you can use "--dict=<(echo)" to provide an "empty" dictionary – in this case, you should also use "--aligner=hunalign".
XXX is the iso code for the language you work with in $GTLANGS/lang-XXX:
cd $GTLANGS/lang-XXX
./configure --prefix="$HOME"/.local \
--enable-tokenisers \
make install
To prepare for parallelising e.g. nob and sme files, do the following:
for LANG in sme nob # Replace sme and nob by languages for your own needs
cd $GTLANGS/lang-$LANG
./configure --prefix="$HOME"/.local \
--with-hfst \
make install
The complete help text from the program is as follows:
usage: parallelize [-h] [--version] [-s] [-f] [-q] [-a {hunalign,tca2}]
[-d DICT] -l2 LANG2
sources [sources ...]
Sentence align file pairs.
positional arguments:
sources Files or directories to search for parallelisable
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
-s, --stdout Whether output of the parallelisation should be
written to stdout or a files. Defaults to
-f, --force Overwrite output file if it already exists.This is the
-q, --quiet Don't mention anything out of the ordinary.
-a {hunalign,tca2}, --aligner {hunalign,tca2}
Either hunalign or tca2 (the default).
-d DICT, --dict DICT Use a different bilingual seed dictionary. Must have
two columns, with input_file language first, and
--parallel_language second, separated by `/'. By
default, $GTHOME/gt/common/src/anchor.txt is used, but
this file only supports pairings between
-l2 LANG2, --lang2 LANG2
Indicate which language the given file shouldbe
parallelised with
You run the program on the files created by convert2xml by running a command with the following syntax:
for instance, with nob as SOURCE_LANGUAGE and sma as TARGET_LANGUAGE
parallelize -l2 sma converted/nob/admin/ntfk/tsaekeme.html.xml
This will create a file named tmx/nob2sma/admin/ntfk/tsaekeme.html.tmx
If you want to parallelize all your sma files with nob in one go, you can do e.g.
convert2xml orig/{sma,nob}
parallelize -l2 sma converted/nob
The files will end up in corresponding directories under tmx/nob2sma.
CAVEAT 1: ''If you get a message such as''
parallelize -l2 sma converted/sma/admin/ntfk/tsaekeme.html.xml
Error reading file '/Users/xxx/freecorpus/converted/sma/admin/ntfk/.xml':
failed to load external entity "/Users/xxx/freecorpus/converted/sma/admin/ntfk/.xml"
then you gave nob as l1 but the path to a sma-file as argument.
CAVEAT 2: ''If you get a similar error message as''
parallelize -l2 sma converted/nob/admin/ntfk/rup_2013_trykt_versjon.pdf.xml
ERROR: /Users/xxx/gtsvn/langs/nob/tools/preprocess/tokeniser-gramcheck-gt-desc.pmhfst does not exist
you have to recompile the language tool of the respective language (in the example above it is nob) with a different configuration, as in the following example with nob as language to recompile, have a look at the info above on how to compile dependencies
After that you can go back to the directory where you are working with the parallelizing files and try to parallelize the files anew. You might recompile the language tools for ALL the languages you are working with.
CAVEAT 3: ''If you get a message like''
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: aksis/alignment/Alignment : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClassCond(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
then you need to recompile the Java parts and reinstall CorpusTools. Make sure you have Apache ant installed, then do:
cd $GTHOME/tools/CorpusTools/corpustools/tca2
Then follow the instructions on how to install CorpusTools
Add files to freecorpus from a given site.
Only able to crawl now, will collect html files only for now.
Run it like this:
The complete help text from the program is as follows:
usage: saami_crawler [-h] [-v] sites [sites ...]
Crawl saami sites (for now, only
positional arguments:
sites The sites to crawl
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
Pytextcat is an implementation of the "N-Gram-Based Text Categorization" algorithm.
Original article:
Cavnar, W. B. and J. M. Trenkle, ''N-Gram-Based Text Categorization'' In Proceedings of Third Annual Symposium on Document Analysis and Information Retrieval, Las Vegas, NV, UNLV Publications/Reprographics, pp. 161-175, 11-13 April 1994.
Original Perl implementation and article available from []
usage: pytextcat [-h] [--version] [-V] {proc,complm,compwm,compdir} ...
Create or use n-gram models for language classification.
positional arguments:
(try e.g. 'proc -h' for help with that subcommand)
proc Language classification
complm Compile character model from stdin to stdout.
compwm Compile word model from stdin to stdout.
compdir Compile language from directory.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
-V, --verbose Print some info to stderr
usage: [-h] [-v] [--lang1 LANG1] [--lang2 LANG2]
[--outdir OUTDIR]
input_file [input_file ...]
Generate paired anchor lisit for languages lg1 and lg2. Output line format
e.g. njukčamán* / mars. Source file is given command line, the format is
tailored for the file gt/common/src/anchor.txt.
positional arguments:
input_file The input file(s)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
--lang1 LANG1 First languages in the word list
--lang2 LANG2 Second languages in the word list
--outdir OUTDIR The output directory
Normalise the filenames of the files found in the given directories.
usage: normalise_corpus_names [-h] [--version] target_dirs [target_dirs ...]
Program to normalise names in given directories. The filenames are downcased,
non ascii characters are replaced by ascii ones and some unwanted characters
are removed.
positional arguments:
target_dirs The directory/ies where filenames should be normalised.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
usage: move_corpus_file [-h] [-v] oldpath newpath
Program to move or rename files inside the corpus.
positional arguments:
oldpath The path of the old file.
newpath The place to move the file to. newpath can be either a
filename or a directory
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
usage: paracheck [-h] [-v] orig_dir
Check the if the files in the parallel_text entries found in the metadata files
positional arguments:
orig_dir The directory where the original corpus files are
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
usage: html_cleaner [-h] [-v] inhtml outhtml
Program to print out a nicely indented html document. This makes it easier to
see the structure of it. This eases debugging the conversion of html
positional arguments:
inhtml The path of the html to indent.
outhtml The place where the indented html doc is written
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
usage: duperemover [-h] [-v] dir
Remove duplicate files from the given directory
positional arguments:
dir The directory where the converted files exist
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
usage: dupefinder [-h] [-v] dir
Find files with more than 90% similarity in the given directory
positional arguments:
dir The directory where the converted files exist
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
usage: move_corpus_file [-h] [-v] oldpath newpath
Program to move or rename a file inside the corpus.
positional arguments:
oldpath The path of the old file.
newpath The place to move the file to. newpath can be either a
filename or a directory
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
usage: remove_corpus_file [-h] [-v] oldpath
Program to remove a file from the corpus.
positional arguments:
oldpath The path of the old file.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
usage: pick_parallel_docs [-h] [-v] -p PARALLEL_LANGUAGE --minratio MINRATIO
--maxratio MAXRATIO
Pick out parallel files from converted to prestable/converted.
positional arguments:
language1_dir directory where the files of language1 exist
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
The language where we would like to find parallel
--minratio MINRATIO The minimum ratio
--maxratio MAXRATIO The maximum ratio
usage: clean_prestable [-h] [--version] corpusdirs [corpusdirs ...]
Remove files in prestable that have no original files.
positional arguments:
corpusdirs Corpus directories
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
usage: reparallelize [-h] [--version] [--files] [--convert] tmxhtml
Sentence align a given file anew. Files are converted before being
parallelised. This is mainly thought of as a debugging program when trying to
solve issues in parallelised files.
positional arguments:
tmxhtml The tmx.html file to realign.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
--files Only show the interesting filenames that are needed for
improving sentence alignment.
--convert Only convert the original files that are the source of the
.tmx.html file. This is useful when improving the content of the
converted files.
usage: tmx2html [-h] [--version] sources [sources ...]
Convert tmx files to html
positional arguments:
sources Files or directories to search for tmx files
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
usage: update_metadata [-h] [--version] directories [directories ...]
Update metadata files to look like XSL-template.xsl, but with original
content. This script exists because the XSL-template is updated with new
variables and documentation. This script will propagate these changes to
existing metadata files.
positional arguments:
directories Directories where metadata files should be updated.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
usage: epubchooser [-h] [--version] epubfile
Choose which chapters and html ranges should be omitted from an epub file.
positional arguments:
epubfile Path to an epub file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
Make training corpus from analysed giella xml files. Sentences with words
unknown for the giella fsts are not included.
positional arguments:
langs The languages to make a training corpus for.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit