Inspired and copied from the Python version:
Unofficial PHP wrapper for the Picnic API. While not all API methods have been implemented yet, you'll find most of what you need to build a working application are available.
This library is not affiliated with Picnic and retrieves data from the endpoints of the mobile application. Use at your own risk.
The easiest way to install is directly from composer:
composer install django23/PhPicnicAPI
// Composer
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// Load Env
$dotenv = Dotenv\Dotenv::createImmutable(__DIR__);
// Picnic
$picninc = new \PhPicnic\Client($_ENV['username'], $_ENV['password'], $_ENV['country_code']);
// or
$picninc = new \PhPicnic\Client('[email protected]', 'password', 'NL');
echo $picnic->search('coffee');
// [{'type': 'CATEGORY', 'id': 'coffee', 'links': [{'type': 'SEARCH', 'href': ''}], 'name': 'coffee', 'items': [{'type': 'SINGLE_ARTICLE', 'id': '10511523', 'decorators': [{'type': 'UNIT_QUANTITY', 'unit_quantity_text': '500 gram'}], 'name': 'Lavazza espresso koffiebonen', 'display_price': 599, 'price': 599, 'image_id': 'd3fb2888fc41514bc06dfd6b52f8622cc222d017d2651501f227a537915fcc4f', 'max_count': 50, 'unit_quantity': '500 gram', 'unit_quantity_sub': '€11.98/kg', 'tags': []}, ...
echo $picnic->getCart();
// {'type': 'ORDER', 'id': 'shopping_cart', 'items': [], 'delivery_slots': [...
All of these methods will return the shopping cart.
// adding 2 'Lavazza espresso koffiebonen' to cart
echo $picnic->addProduct('10511523', 2);
// removing 1 'Lavazza espresso koffiebonen' from cart
echo $picnic->removeProduct('10511523');
// clearing the cart
echo $picnic->clearCart();
echo $picnic->getCurrentDeliveries();
// []
echo $picnic->getDeliverySlots();