Restler is a simple and effective multi-format Web API Server written in PHP.
Just deal with your business logic in php, restler will take care of the REST!
- Developer Home
- Live Examples
- Updates on Facebook and Twitter
- Features
- Installation
- Quick Start Guide
- Change Log
- No Learning Curve
- Light weight
- Flexible
- Highly Customizable
- Many Examples that can be tried on your localhost to get started
- Supports HTTP request methods GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and PATCH
- Supports both RESTful and Pragmatic REST API Design
- Clients can use X-HTTP-Method-Override header
- Two way format(media type) conversion
- Pluggable Formatters
- Comes with JSON, XML, Yaml, Amf, and Plist(both XML and Binary) formats
- Pluggable Authentication schemes
OAuth 2
- Pluggable Filters to effectively manage API usage
- API Rate Limiting Filter
- Routing
- Manual Routing
- Using
@url GET my/custom/url/{param}
PHPDoc comments
- Using
- Auto Routing
- URL to Method mapping
- URL part to Method parameter mapping
- Query parameters to Method parameter mapping
- Request body to Method parameter mapping
Header to Method parameter mapping
- Manual Routing
- Cache
- Client Side Caching support
- Proxy Caching support
- Server Side Caching
ETag, If-None-Match support[planned]
Last-Modified, If-Modified-Since support
- API Features
- Always supports URLEncoded format for simplified input (POST vars)
- Automatic parameter validation and type conversion
- API versioning support by URL and/or vendor specific MIME
- API documentation and discovery using Restler API Explorer
- Throttling
- Management
Unit Testing using PHPUnit- Behavior Driven API testing using Behat and Guzzle
- Command line Project Management using Respect/Foundation
- Dependency Management using Composer
- Source code distributed under LGPL
Installation is a two step process. Do the following in the folder where you want Restler to be setup.
Before proceeding make sure your server has PHP 5.3 or higher.
Download and unpack Restler 3, or Checkout using Terminal/Commandline
git clone git:// -b v3 ./
This creates the following folder structure
├── features
│ ├── bootstrap
│ ├── examples
│ └── restler
├── public
│ └── examples
│ ├── _001_helloworld
│ ├── _002_minimal
│ ├── _003_multiformat
│ ├── _004_error_response
│ ├── _005_protected_api
│ ├── _006_routing
│ ├── _007_crud
│ ├── _008_documentation
│ ├── _009_rate_limiting
│ ├── _010_access_control
│ └── resources
└── vendor
└── Luracast
└── Restler
Download the dependencies using make at the Terminal/Commandline. This step is only needed if you want to use Restler API Explorer or complex formats such as Plist, Yaml, and AMF as they depend on some third party libraries. Otherwise you may safely skip this step.
make composer-install
This expands the vendor folder as shown below
└── vendor
├── ChiperSoft
│ └── CFPropertyList
├── Luracast
│ ├── Restler
│ └── explorer
├── behat
│ ├── behat
│ └── gherkin
├── composer
├── guzzle
│ └── guzzle
├── symfony
│ └── yaml
└── zendframework
└── zendamf
Now the vendor folder will have all dependencies.
Ideally public folder should be mapped as your web root (optional, but recommended)
Try the examples in your localhost
Update the base_url specified in behat.yml
and then try the following command
This will test the examples against the behaviors expected, for example
Feature: Testing CRUD Example
Scenario: Creating new Author with JSON
Given that I want to make a new "Author"
And his "name" is "Chris"
And his "email" is "[email protected]"
And the request is sent as JSON
When I request "/examples/_007_crud/authors"
Then the response status code should be 200
And the response should be JSON
And the response has a "id" property
All set, Happy Restling! :)
Once you have got restler installed with the above steps, you can quickly create your application by following these steps
Create your API classes with all needed public and protected methods
Create the gateway (index.php) as follows
require_once '../../../vendor/restler.php';
use Luracast\Restler\Restler;
$r = new Restler();
$r->addAPIClass('YourApiClassNameHere'); // repeat for more
$r->handle(); //serve the response
Enable URL Rewriting
Make sure all the requests are routed to index.php by enabling URL Rewriting for your website
For example:-
If you are on Apache, you can use an .htaccess file such as
DirectoryIndex index.php
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^$ index.php [QSA,L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [QSA,L]
<IfModule mod_php5.c>
php_flag display_errors On
Note:- This requires
to be set toAll
instead ofNone
in thehttpd.conf
Fine tune to suit your needs
require_once '../../../vendor/restler.php';
use Luracast\Restler\Restler;
use Luracast\Restler\Defaults;
//set the defaults to match your requirements
Defaults::$throttle = 20; //time in milliseconds for bandwidth throttling
//setup restler
$r = new Restler();
$r->addAPIClass('YourApiClassNameHere'); // repeat for more
$r->addAPIClass('Resources'); //from restler framework for API Explorer
$r->addFilterClass('RateLimit'); //Add Filters as needed
$r->handle(); //serve the response
If you have successfully completed Installation Step 2, you should have
Restler API Explorer installed in vendor/Luracast/explorer
Create a symbolic link of vendor/Luracast/explorer/dist
or copy the folder and name it as explorer
Place the explorer in the same folder as the index.php
Explore the api and try it out by openings explorer/index.html
from the web root on your browser
Happy Exploring! :)
You may use the following php doc comments to annotate your methods. All tags except @url can also be defined at the class level.
Tag | Description |
@url |
@url GET|POST|PUT|PATCH|DELETE custom/{dynamic}/routeExample: @url POST authors/{id}/booksOverrides auto routes and creates manual routes. use as many as you need |
@access |
@access private|public|protected|hybridExample: POST authors/{id}/booksAccess control for api methods. PHPDoc only supports private and public, Restler adds protected for api that needs authentication, hybrid for api that enhances resulting data for authenticated users. |
@smart-auto-routing |
@smart-auto-routing true|falseExample: @smart-auto-routing falseSmart auto routing is enabled by default. Avoids creating multiple routes that can increase the ambiguity when set to true. when a method parameter is optional it is not mapped to the url and should only be used in request body or as query string `/resource?id=value`. When a parameter is required and is scalar, it will be mapped as part of the url `/resource/{id}` |
@class |
@class ClassName {@propertyName value}Example: @class AccessControl {@requires user} {@level 5}Inject property of the specified class with specified value |
@cache |
@cache headerCacheControlValueExample: @cache max-age={expires}, must-revalidateSpecify value to set CacheControl Header, it can use @expires value as shown in the example |
@expires |
@expires numberOfSecondsExample: @expires 30Sets the content to expire immediately when set to zero alternatively you can specify the number of seconds the content will expire |
@throttle |
@throttle numberOfMilliSecondsExample: @throttle 3000Sets the time in milliseconds for bandwidth throttling, which will become the minimum response time for each API request. |
@status |
@status httpStatusCodeExample: @status 201Sets the HTTP Status code for the successful response. |
@header |
@header httpHeaderExample: @header Link: <meta.rdf>; rel=metaSets or overrides the specific HTTP Header. |
@param |
@param [type] Name [Description] {@name value}Example: @param int $num1 increment value {@min 5} {@max 100}Sets the HTTP Status code for the successful response. |
@throws |
@throws httpStatusCode [Reason]Example: @throws 404 No Author for specified idDocuments possible error responses for the API call. |
@return |
@return type [Description]Example: @return Author an instance of iValueObjectDocuments the structure of success response, user defined classes must extend iValueObject. |
Protect your api, authenticate and allow valid users
require_once '../../../vendor/restler.php';
use Luracast\Restler\Restler;
$r = new Restler();
$r->addAPIClass('YourApiClassNameHere'); // repeat for more
$r->addAuthenticationClass('CustomAuth'); //Add Authentication classes as needed
$r->handle(); //serve the response
Turn on production mode
require_once '../../../vendor/restler.php';
use Luracast\Restler\Restler;
//setup restler
$r = new Restler(true); //turns on production mode. make sure cache folder is writable
- Fixes to composer.json and publish stable release as composer package on packagist
- Moved to using the rodneyrehm/plist package for CFPropertyList.
- Removed required packages as they are not technically "required" perse, Restlec works out of the box.
- Created supported packages as require-dev instead which will be installed via
composer intall --dev
- Added suggested section for all the supported packages.
- Added keywords to package descriptor
- Added branch alias to indicate that v3 is the snapshot for v3.0.x-dev
- Released Restler as package on packagist.
- Added Defaults::$cacheDirectory to set cache directory in one central place
- Added JSONP support with JsFormat class by extending JsonFormat.
- Fixes fatal error when the JSON sent in the request body is not an object or array
- Improves inline comment parsing by array conversion when delimiter is found and tag is not @pattern
- RateLimit class re-written to support all range of time units second|minute|hour|day|week|month to have fine grained control
- Resources class improved to include description for body parameters
- Fixes Resources not to include namespace when the return type is array of custom class
- Fixed Resource not to include the API of another class when the current api name is a begins with part of the other API
- Added two more ways to exclude API's from explorer/documentation
- Fixes unescaped unicode bug in PHP < 5.4
- Fixes a bug with ValidationInfo parsing @choice inline comment
- Added Charset support
- Added Language (basic) support
- Updated the BDD tests to include new features
- Fixes a bug in Restler class which affects $_GET overriding
- Fixes a bug in XmlFormat parsing XML content to array
- Added support for JSONP via jsFormat extension of JsonFormat
- Fixes a bug in unicode un-escaping for JsonFormat in PHP < 5.4
- Fixes the order so that responseFormat->setCharset is called before encoding the response
- Documentiation improvements and minor bug fixes
- Filter classes can use authentication status and respond differently for authenticated users by implementing iUseAuthentication interface
class added to rate limit the api usage- Fixed a bug with setCompatibilityMode
- Resources updated to use only paths for resource identification instead of class name
- Enabled Access Control for Documentation
- Fixed CommentParser to ignore repeated white space so that it parses comments correctly
- Fixed comment parsing for @status and @expires tags
- Added the following Examples
- Documentation
- Rate Limit
- Access Control
- CRUD example updated to include PATCH support
Restler 3.0 is completely rewritten from Restler 2.0 with best practices in mind for
- PHP Coding
- RESTfulness and/or Pragmatic REST
- API Design
Restler 3.0
- uses namespaces, Late Static Bindings, and Closures and thus it is PHP 5.3+ only (if you need PHP 5.0+ support use Restler 2)
- provides backward compatibility for Restler 1 and 2.
- supports hybrid api which provides extended data to authenticated users
@access hybrid
PHPDoc comment - uses smart auto routing by default where API method parameters that have default values are no longer mapped to the URL, instead they are mapped to query strings to reduce ambiguity in the url.
- supports
as query string, when set to true; all http responses will be returned with HTTP OK with the errors in the body to accommodate mobile and less privileged clients. - has improved
which adds support for embedded data in multiple formats- inline doc comments
{@name value}
- query string params ``` param1=value¶m2=value2```
- json ``` {"parm1": value, "param2": value2}``` which can be placed in multi-lines
- inline doc comments
- has
class with static properties that can be changed to suit the needs - iAuthenticate is now using
method instead of__isAuthenticated
so that same class can be used for Authentication or Filtering - iUseAuthentication interface added to help hybrid access api methods and filters to find out about user authentication status
- iFilter interface updated to provide charset support
- ...(more to follow)
Restler 2.0 is a major rewrite to use convention over configuration and it is optimized for performance. Here are some of the major changes and improvements
- PHPDoc comments to map a method to URI are now optional.
- All public methods that does not begin with an underscore are mapped
automatically to the method name (
) - If we do not specify the second parameter for
it will be mapped to the class name instead of mapping it to the root - Restler 2 is written for PHP 5.3 and above but it make use of compat.php and work on any version of PHP starting from PHP 5.0