====== RTable is React component for fast rendering table data.
- Fast and simple render or data based on data and definitions array
- Support for filtering and row selection
- All event are fired with support of PubSub so that component is responsible only for rendering and nothing else
- Supplied as UMD module. So that you can use it as plain include, Require or common.js module
RTable has only following dependencies
For simple use you only need to clone git
$ git clone https://github.com/dlebedynskyi/RTable RTable
Or Use bower component
bower install -S rtable
Since RTable is supplied as UMD module you can reference it in several ways
- By simply adding it to page
` <script src="./bower_components/rtable/dist/rtable.min.js"></script>
` In this case RTable will look for 2 dependencies - React and Pubsub.
- using require.js AMD module
- as Common JS module. You may find Common JS modules in cjs folder
You can mount component to DOM using standard React methods
var settings = {},
reactElement = React.createElement(RTable.Component, settings);
React.render(reactElement, document.getElementById('app'));
Following setting are supported to set as settings.
var settings = {
//Array with data rows for table. Order sensitive
data : [], //default is empty array
//Columns definitions. Order sensitive
definitions : [], //default is empty array
//Property that defines where in data object to look for values to display.
//example. If dataProp === 'values' then each object in data array need to have {values : { ...} } as a place to store values for columns
dataProp : '.',//defualt is '.' - points that root of data object will be used to look for values
// In case definition of column is an object
//Property that will be looked for in each column object to use as property name to look for in data item.
//example. If columnFieldValueProp === 'field' then each column will have following { field :'testName', name :'Test Name' }. This will allow to get values from data array as data[i]['testName'] to be displayed
columnFieldValueProp : 'field', //default is 'field'
// In case definition of column is an object
//Property that will be looked for in each column object to use as property name to look for in data item.
//example. If columnNameProp === 'name' then each column will have following { field :'testName', name :'Test Name' }. This will display column header as Test Name
columnNameProp : 'name', //default is 'name'
//Should filters row be displayed.
enableFilters : true,
//Should the selection check-boxes be displayed before each row.
enableSelection : true,
//css classes to be added to table css class definition
classes : '',
//Table performance optimisation flag.
optimization : true,
//should table apply fixed header and only body content scrolling.
// This will add 'rtable-fixed-header' class to table css classes and will require correct css classes declarations.
fixedHeader : false
- Render simple table with pretty titles?
var settings = settings = { columnFieldValueProp : 'field', columnNameProp : 'title', dataProp : '.'},
reactElement = React.createElement(RTable.Component, settings),
component = React.render(reactElement, document.getElementById('app'));
var definitions = [{field : 'col_1', title : 'Column 1 '}, {field : 'col_2', title : 'Column 2 '}],
data = [{col_1 : 'TEST ROW 1 COL 1', col_2: 'TEST ROW 1 COL 2'},
{col_1 : 'TEST ROW 2 COL 1', col_2: 'TEST ROW 2 COL 2'}];
//updating props to render new values
component.setProps({definitions : definitions, data : data});
- Render table with fixed header ?
<!-- add following css styles -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="bower_components/rtable/css/styles.css">
var settings = {fixedHeader : true},
reactElement = React.createElement(RTable.Component, settings);
React.render(reactElement, document.getElementById('app'));
- Render new values?
Simply callsetProps
with new values
//updated all
component.setProps({definitions : definitions, data : data});
//update only data
component.setProps({data : data});
//update colums only
component.setProps({definitions : definitions});
Please visit github pages if you need more demo and examples
Want to contribute? Great!
At the current moment I'm using gulp with gulp-pure-cjs Open your favorite Terminal and run these commands.
First Tab:
$ gulp build watch
Second Tab:
$ gulp test
- Write Tests
- Write documentation
- Add Code Comments
- Write Angular directive wrapper
- Rethink pubsub to a simpler one or another approach
- Implement columns resize and variable width