This is a Grunt plugin to wrap your CommonJS modules into the simplified CommonJS wrapper format, i.e.:
define(function (require, exports, module) {
// your CommonJS code here
It's based on amd-wrap, if you want this functionality outside of a Grunt plugin.
It doesn't take any options. You just configure it to map each source file to a destination file, and you end up with some wrapped-up-as-AMD modules. I'll give a few examples here, each under a different build target:
amdwrap: {
onlyOneFile: {
{ src: "lib/my-module.js", dest: "artifacts/amd/my-module.js" }
aFewFilesManually: {
{ src: "lib/my-module.js", dest: "artifacts/amd/my-module.js" },
{ src: "lib/helper-module.js", dest: "artifacts/amd/helper-module.js" }
usingDynamicExpansion: {
expand: true,
cwd: "lib/",
src: ["*.js"],
dest: "artifacts/amd/"
You'll probably want to use the last pattern most of the time. It's based on Grunt's dynamic mapping expansion feature.