This is a quick start blueprint for an MVC web applications
- Ready to develop in the cloud (Gitpod / Github CodeSpaces)
- Database connection setup (SQLite example)
- Router setup
- Background tasks setup
- Scheduler setup
- Controllers setup
- CMS setup (optional)
- Data Vault (optional)
- Blind Index (optional)
git clone
- Copy the
file to.env
cp .env_example .env
- Set the dev vault values
task env-dev
- Set the prod vault values
task env-prod
- Just starting
task dev:init
- Run in development mode
task dev
Use the link on the top of this README
Running all tests
task test
-Running individual test
go test -run ^TestGuestFunnelTestSuite$
task cover
Deploy Live:
task deploy:live
Deploy Staging:
task deploy:staging
List Routes:
go run . routes list
Run task:
go run . task run ...
Run job:
go run . job run ...