Adding a REST API to a MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQL Server or SQLite database.
This is an attempt to port php-crud-api to golang.
Therefore, parts of this documentation refers to or copies the orginal projet readme.
- Download latest release from Github and start it
- Or clone it and compile :
[email protected]:dranih/go-crud-api.git
cd go-crud-api/cmd/gocrudapi/
go install
gocrudapi looks for a gcaconfig.yml config file in current dir then $HOME if not found.
The GCA_CONFIG_FILE environnement variable can also be set to the path of yaml configuration file.
Config file example :
https: true
driver: "sqlite"
controllers: "records,columns,cache,openapi,geojson,status"
address: "/tmp/gocrudtests.db"
database: "go-crud-api"
username: "go-crud-api"
password: "go-crud-api"
- basicAuth:
- mode: "optional"
- realm: "GoCrudApi : Username and password required"
- passwordFile: "../../test/test.pwd"
These are all the configuration options and their default value :
server block :
Option Description Default value address Address the web server will be listening to :http
http Start the http server (boolean) true
https Start the https server (boolean) false
httpPort Address the http server will be listening to (int) 8080
httpsPort Address the https server will be listening to (int) 8443
HttpsCertFile Path to the PEM cert file for tls will generate a self-signed certificate if https on HttpsKeyFile Path to the PEM key file for tls will generate a self-signed certificate if https on gracefulTimeout Duration in seconds the web server will try to gracefully stop (int) 15
writeTimeout See http.Server (int) 15
readTimeout See http.Server (int) 15
idleTimeout See http.Server (int) 60
api block :
Option Description Default value driver mysql
address Hostname (or filename) of the database server localhost
port TCP port of the database server (int) defaults to driver default username Username of the user connecting to the database no default password Username of the user connecting to the database no default database Database the connecting is made to no default tables Comma separated list of tables to publish defaults to 'all' mapping List of table/column mappings no mapping middlewares List of middlewares to load (see Middlewares for configuration) cors
controllers List of controllers to load records,geojson,openapi,status
customControllers Not implemented yet N/A openApiBase OpenAPI info {"info": {"title": "GO-CRUD-API", "version": "0.0.1"}}
cacheType TempFile
cachePath Path/address of the cache defaults to system's temp directory cacheTime Number of seconds the cache is valid (int) 10
debug Show errors in the "X-Exception" headers (boolean) false
basePath Not implemented yet N/A
All configuration options are also available as environment variables. Write the config option with capitals, a "GCA_" prefix and underscores for word breakes, so for instance:
- GCA_API_ADDRESS=localhost
- GCA_API_DATABASE=php-crud-api
- GCA_API_USERNAME=php-crud-api
- GCA_API_PASSWORD=php-crud-api
The environment variables take precedence over the yaml file configuration.
In addition, this golang implementation has some more limitations :
- Not actively used in production
- Using gotemplate for handlers instead of pure php code.
Missing features : customControllers, basePath
See php-crud-api#treeql-a-pragmatic-graphql
One of the main drawback of GO-CRUD-API compared to PHP-CRUD-API is the use of gotemplate syntax for the user provided handlers which is more complex and less powerful than php (or go) code.
The middlewares options have to be configured in the yaml configuration file, ex :
- basicAuth:
- mode: "optional"
- realm: "GoCrudApi : Username and password required"
- passwordFile: "../../test/test.pwd"
- json:
- controllers: "records"
- tables: "products"
- columns: "properties"
- xml:
- cors:
- validation:
- handler: "{{ if and (eq .Column.GetName \"post_id\") (and (not (kindIs \"float64\" .Value)) (not (kindIs \"int\" .Value))) }}must be numeric{{ else }}true{{ end }}"
See php-crud-api#openapi-specification
Functional tests from PHP-CRUD-API had been implemented in the apiserver package.
More unit tests are needed in all the packages.
The test folder contains the procedure and the configuration files used to launch the tests with all four kind of databases (mysql, pgsql, sqlite and sqlserver).
The build and test github action only starts tests with sqlite database at the moment.
Those go packages are used :
Package | Usage |
---|---| | Routing requests | | XML decode/encode | | Handling sessions | | Reading configuration | | Sqlite database driver | | Mssql database driver | | Postgresql database driver | | Mysql database driver | | Adds functions to go template | | Parsing text to date | | Memcache client library | | Redis client library | | In-memory cache (not maintained ?) |
- Fix bug with seq in renaming tables in sqlserver (records test 080_add_barcode_with_ip_address_A fail after columns tests)
- Tests :
- more unit tests
- implement php-crud-api tests
- Other drivers (only sqlite now)
- Cache mecanism
- Finishing controllers
- Custom controller (compile extra go code at launch like ?)
- Finishing middlewares
- Add a github workflow
- Init
- Add pgsql, mysql and sqlserver testing
- Find why somes linters are not working : linked to golang/go#26863, should rewrite condition interface. See also golang/go#28254 (comment)
- Release pipeline
- Add an alter table function for sqlite (create new table, copy data, drop old table)
- Review packages structure
- Logger options
- https
- Write a README
- Comment code
- 🎉