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(/fold wrappers/)

Model wrappers for 3rd party libraries.
To be used with Fold.

Explore the docs »

Available models

Name Link Supports
Wrapper Name
& Import Location
StatsDorecast Logo StatsForecast GitHub WrapStatsForecast
from fold_wrappers import WrapStatsForecast
NeuralForecast Logo NeuralForecast (beta) GitHub WrapNeuralForecast
from fold_wrappers import WrapNeuralForecast
XGBoost Logo XGBoost GitHub WrapXGB
from fold_wrappers import WrapXGB
LightGBM Logo LightGBM GitHub WrapLGBM
from fold_wrappers import WrapLGBM
Sktime Logo SKTime (beta) GitHub WrapSktime
from fold_wrappers import WrapSktime
Statsmodels Logo Statsmodels GitHub WrapStatsModels
from fold_wrappers import WrapStatsModels
Prophet Logo Prophet GitHub WrapProphet
from fold_wrappers import WrapProphet
Scikit-Learn Logo Sklearn
(natively available in fold)
GitHub 🟡
Sklearn doesn't need to be wrapped,
just pass in the models.


  • Prerequisites: python >= 3.7 and pip

  • Install from pypi:

    pip install fold-wrappers
  • Depending on what model you'd like to wrap, you can either install the library directly or run

    pip install "fold-wrappers[<your_library_name>]"


You can quickly train your chosen models and get predictions by running:

  from fold import ExpandingWindowSplitter, train_evaluate
  from fold.utils.dataset import get_preprocessed_dataset
  from statsforecast.models import ARIMA

  from fold_wrappers import WrapStatsForecast

  X, y = get_preprocessed_dataset(
      "weather/historical_hourly_la", target_col="temperature", shorten=1000
  model = WrapStatsForecast(
      model_class=ARIMA, # Pass in the class
      init_args={"order": (1, 0, 0)}, # and the arguments to pass in at `init()`
      online_mode=False, # Enable online updates where available
  splitter = ExpandingWindowSplitter(initial_train_window=0.2, step=50)

  scorecard, predictions, trained_pipeline = train_evaluate(model, X, y, splitter)

You can also wrap a model that you have initiate first:

wrapped_model = WrapStatsForecast.from_model(
    ARIMA(order=(1, 0, 0)),
    online_mode=False # Enable online updates where available

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Licence & Usage

Fold-wrappers is under the MIT Licence, but fold is not. Read more