Development Status :: 3 - Alpha
Copyright (c) 2023 MinWoo Park, South Korea
Preparing a beta release
, including usability improvements, refactoring, and document simplification.
You can contribute by reading the contribution rules and guidelines.
Integrates AI-assisted debugging notifications into Python try-except statements for various messaging applications.
The ExceptNotifier Python package offers a flexible approach to receiving notifications by enhancing Python's try-except statement. This package enables you to receive alerts through various messaging applications or emails.
With ExceptNotifier, you can obtain detailed compilation errors, including debug information, sent directly to your preferred messaging platform or email. By integrating OpenAI's ChatGPT, you can receive additional error code information as long as you provide the required API model name and key. This feature ensures that error handling and notifications are more informative and accessible, streamlining your debugging process.
Although most explanations involve the try-except block, in actual use cases, once you override the ExceptNotifier only once, an alert will be sent to the pre-configured messenger application when an error occurs, even without the try-except statement.
When you look at the GIF in Python Package Co-Coder, you can see what it means that even when overriden once, a message is sent every time an exception occurs at different code line or shell in ipython. Be sure to check it out.
Applicable to both IPython and Python, but needs to be ported differently only in ExceptNotifier
. Please refer to the detailed example. (SuccessNotifier
and SendNotifier
have the same syntax.)
- Telegram
- Discord
- Slack
- Google Mail
- Line
- AWS Chime
- Microsoft Teams
- Kakao Talk
- Wecaht
- SMS Sending using Twilio
- Desktop Notification using Plyer
- Beep Sound from system
- Opea AI API - If you have OpenAI API Key and model name, you can get information and code examples for debugging in any application.
- Google Bard Python package BardAPI - Starting from Exceptnotifier version 0.2.5 - Using the Python package Bard API, if you declare the __Secure-1PSID value as a global variable , you can receive debugging hints and explanations about errors in your code through Google Bard.
The latest stable release (and required dependencies) can be installed from PyPI(v0.2.11):
pip install ExceptNotifier
You may instead want to use the development version from Github for contributing:
pip install git+
- The variables in the following table must not be contaminated.
- Depending on the situation, consider designating them as global variables for use.
- As you already know, API Keys or security tokens must be secured. Note that the key values which exposured in github will be expired after insecured.
- We are trying to maintain the current architecture as much as possible by considering various methods such as inheriting decorators and Excepthook. We set it as an environment variable as follows, and we are refactoring and testing for a better method.
App | Required Enviroment Variables | Free or Paid | Ease of Setup | Time Required for Setup | Guide Tutorial Link |
Beep | N/A | Free | N/A | 0min | ExceptBeep |
Desktop | N/A | Free | N/A | 0min | ExceptDesktop |
Telegram | _TELEGRAM_TOKEN |
Freemium | Easy | 2min | ExceptTelegram |
Freemium | Easy | 1min | ExceptDiscord |
Freemium | Easy | 1min | ExceptChime |
Freemium | Easy | 3min | ExceptSlack |
Restricted free | Medium | 3min | ExceptMail |
Freemium | Medium | 4min | ExceptLine |
Not free | Medium | 5min | ExceptSMS |
Microsoft Teams | _TEAMS_WEBHOOK_URL |
Not Free | Medium | 5min | ExceptTeams |
Freemium | Hell | >=10min(Token refreshes daily) | ExceptKakao |
If you add the following two variables to the required variables for each application in the table above, you can receive error location and explanation, as well as examples, from OpenAI's model
API | Required Variables | Free or Paid | Ease of Setup | Time Required for Setup | Guide Tutorial Link |
OpenAI API | Required variables for each application + _OPEN_AI_MODEL ,_OPEN_AI_API |
Not free | Easy | 2min | APIOpenAI |
Google Bard API | Required variables for each application + _BARD_API_KEY ,_BARD_ADVICE_LANG |
Free | Easy | 1min | Google Bard |
- Starting from v0.2.5, you can receive debugging hints and examples through Google Bard using the same syntax as the OpenAI API. However, due to time constraints, examples will only be added for Telegram and Discord.
- Starting from v0.2.6, you can receive debugging hints in Korean or Japanese by setting
to 'ko' or 'jp'. The default language is english. - Starting from v0.2.10, you can customize AI advice message by setting
system variable.
I will update tutorial ASAP.
is sufficient, but read the application's official documentation if necessary. However, we are preparing a more detailed and friendly tutorial.
- Main-tutorials: Notebook
- Sub-tutorial-folder: Tutorials for each function can be found in this folder. The tutorial is synchronized with the Python file name provided by ExceptNotifier.
In this example, some API keys were exposed by creating and removing a test application, but for security reasons, your API key should not be exposed to the outside world.
To use the desired application, you must define the necessary variables. Ensure that the variable names remain unchanged, and you can use either local or global variables. If you are using Telegram
, an example is attached as an image.
If you use Python's try except statement as it is, but change except as follows, you can receive notifications through your application.
- Format: Except
- Type: class ExampleClass
ExceptChime, ExceptTelegram, ExceptDiscord, ExceptSMS, ExceptMail, ExceptKakao, ExceptLine, ExceptSlack, ExceptTeams, ExceptDesktope, ExceptBeep
import sys, os
from ExceptNotifier import ExceptTelegram
sys.excepthook = ExceptTelegram()
os.environ['_TELEGRAM_TOKEN'] = "xxxx"
except ExceptTelegram: # sending except message to telegram
You can receive debugging information from ChatGPT via OpenAI's API when using the Except statement. The syntax remains the same, but you'll need to configure these two variables:
import sys, os
from ExceptNotifier import ExceptTelegram
sys.excepthook = ExceptTelegram()
os.environ['_TELEGRAM_TOKEN'] = "xxxx"
except ExceptTelegram: # sending msg WITH AI DEBUGGING to telegram
You can receive debugging information from Google Bard via the python package Bard API. you'll need to configure a variable:
(Optional) Google Bard officially supports Korean, so you can set the language of Bard Advice to Korean. Additionally, if _BARD_ADVICE_LANG
is set to korean, debugging hints for code in Korean are provided. Just set a variable _BARD_ADVICE_LANG
as 'ko'. Japanese is also supported. Set as 'jp'.
from ExceptNotifier import ExceptTelegram, SuccessTelegram, SendTelegram
import sys, os
sys.excepthook = ExceptTelegram()
os.environ['_TELEGRAM_TOKEN'] = "xxxxxxxxx"
# os.environ['_BARD_ADVICE_LANG']="ko"
send_success = SuccessTelegram()
send = SendTelegram()
send_success() #1. success sender
except ExceptTelegram as e: #2. except sender
send() #3. customized sender
- Format: Success
- Type: Class
By placing the try except in python at the end of the try statement, applications can be notified that the try statement worked normally.
SuccessChime, SuccessTelegram, SuccessDiscord, SuccessSMS, SuccessMail, SuccessKakao, SuccessLine, SuccessSlack, SuccessTeams, SuccessDesktope, SuccessBeep
import sys, os
from ExceptNotifier import SuccessTelgeram
sys.excepthook = ExceptTelegram()
os.environ['_TELEGRAM_TOKEN'] = "xxxx"
send_success = SuccessTelgeram()
send_success() # sending success message to telegram
- Format: Send
- Type: class
Place it anywhere on the line of code you want, and you'll be notified when that line of code is reached.
SendChime, SendTelegram, SendDiscord, SendSMS, SendMail, SendKakao, SendLine, SendSlack, SendTeams, SendDesktope, SendBeep
import sys, os
from ExceptNotifier import SendTelegram
sys.excepthook = ExceptTelegram()
os.environ['_TELEGRAM_TOKEN'] = "xxxx"
send = SendTelegram()
send() # sending message to telegram
SendTelegram().__call__() # sending message to telegram
It is recommended to conduct a simple message sending test through the
. Assuming that you can communicate with REST API or WEBHOOK normally, ExceptNotifier
can work normally.
- Every application's ExceptNotifier uses the sender method.
- Format: send_
_msg - Type: Function
send_chime_msg, send_telegram_msg, send_discord_msg, send_sms_msg, send_gmail_msg, send_kakao_msg, send_line_msg, send_slack_msg, send_teams_msg, send_desktop_msg, beep
from ExceptNotifier import send_telegram_msg
send_telegram_msg(_TELEGRAM_TOKEN, "Any Test Message")
IMPORTANT:: In the case of IPython, the example is marked as except, but in fact, if you set it to set_custom_exc only once, a message will be sent even if an exception occurs in any cell from then on, even if it is not a try-except statement. Please refer to the following article.
You can use all the same except for the python code and ExceptNotifier
mentioned above. In other words, the SuccesNotifier
, SendNotifier
, and Sender
functions can all be used same in IPython without any special processing. Only ExceptNotifier
is need to be defined.
You have to use raise
in Ipython ExceptNotifier.
- Format: Except[appName]
- Type: function
Example code without Open AI API
from ExceptNotifier import ExceptTelegramIpython
import os
os.environ['_TELEGRAM_TOKEN'] = "xxxxx"
get_ipython().set_custom_exc((Exception,), ExceptTelegramIpython)
Example code With Open AI API
from ExceptNotifier import ExceptTelegramIpython
import os
get_ipython().set_custom_exc((Exception,), ExceptTelegramIpython)
os.environ['_OPEN_AI_MODEL'] = "gpt-3.5-turbo"
os.environ['_OPEN_AI_API'] = "sk-xxxxx"
os.environ['_TELEGRAM_TOKEN'] = "xxxxx"
- Same syntax in Python. See Python Core above.
import sys
import os
from ExceptNotifier import SuccessTelegram
os.environ['_TELEGRAM_TOKEN'] = "xxxxx"
send_success = SuccessTelegram()
print(1/20) # Your Code Here
send_success() # Sending Success message
- Same syntax in Python. See Python Core above.
import sys
import os
from ExceptNotifier import SendTelegram
os.environ['_TELEGRAM_TOKEN'] = "xxxxx"
send = SendTelegram()
send() # Sending telegram message
- Same syntax in Python. See Python Core above.
from ExceptNotifier import send_telegram_msg
send_telegram_msg(_TELEGRAM_TOKEN, "This is test message")
You can receive debugging information from ChatGPT via OpenAI's API when using the Except statement. The syntax remains the same, but you'll need to configure these two variables:
You can receive debugging information from Google Bard via the python package Bard API when using the Except statement. The syntax remains the same, but you'll need to configure a variable:
(Optional) Google Bard officially supports Korean, so you can set the language of Bard Advice to Korean. Additionally, if _BARD_ADVICE_LANG
is set to korean, debugging hints for code in Korean are provided. Just set a variable _BARD_ADVICE_LANG
as 'ko'. Japanese is also supported. Set as 'jp'.
As all classes function the same, the example will only use one image, like in Telegram.
- a. Open your telegram app and search for BotFather. (A built-in Telegram bot that helps users create custom Telegram bots)
- b. Type /newbot to create a new bot
- c. Give your bot a name & a username
- d. Copy your new Telegram bot’s token
- e. You have to click
and must enter anything to your bot.- Before use Notifier, Please use this to check if you follow guide. The Telegram bot may have a slight delay and it responded within 2-3 minutes.
- Before use Notifier, Please use this to check if you follow guide. The Telegram bot may have a slight delay and it responded within 2-3 minutes.
from ExceptNotifier import send_telegram_msg
_TELEGRAM_TOKEN = "xxxxx:xxxxx-xxxx"
send_telegram_msg(_TELEGRAM_TOKEN, 'msg')
For more infomation, visit Telegram Bot Father API
This is a Python (*.py) example. If you are using IPython, please click the Google Colab icon above to view the example code.
from ExceptNotifier import ExceptTelegram, SuccessTelegram, SendTelegram
import sys, os
sys.excepthook = ExceptTelegram()
os.environ['_TELEGRAM_TOKEN'] = "xxxx"
send_success = SuccessTelegram()
send = SendTelegram()
send_success() #1. success sender
except ExceptTelegram as e: #2. except sender
send() #3. customized sender
- If you just set
environment variables in all application use case, AI MODEL will automatically send debugging information as a message. Currently, it is mainly based on theGPT-3.5-TURBO
model, but we plan to update it so that other models can be used later. Notifier
from ExceptNotifier import ExceptTelegram, SuccessTelegram, SendTelegram
import sys, os
sys.excepthook = ExceptTelegram()
os.environ['_TELEGRAM_TOKEN'] = "xxxx"
send_success = SuccessTelegram()
send = SendTelegram()
send_success() #1. success sender
except ExceptTelegram as e: #2. except sender
send() #3. customized sender
- Just set
. If you would like to receive guidance in Korean, you can optionally set the following. Set_BARD_ADVICE_LANG
. Notifier
from ExceptNotifier import ExceptTelegram, SuccessTelegram, SendTelegram
import sys, os
sys.excepthook = ExceptTelegram()
os.environ['_TELEGRAM_TOKEN'] = "xxxxxxxxx"
# os.environ['_BARD_ADVICE_LANG']="ko"
send_success = SuccessTelegram()
send = SendTelegram()
send_success() #1. success sender
except ExceptTelegram as e: #2. except sender
send() #3. customized sender
In the except statement, an email is sent along with the error message. Additionally, you can send emails from any desired line.
- a. Log in with the sender's email ID.
- b. Obtain an app password for sending Google Mail at the following link or google document.
from ExceptNotifier import send_gmail_msg
_GMAIL_SENDER_ADDR = '[email protected]'
_GAMIL_RECIPIENT_ADDR = '[email protected]'
subject_msg = "Test Title"
body_msg = "Test Body"
This is a Python (*.py) example. If you are using IPython, please click the Google Colab icon above to view the example code.
import sys, os
from ExceptNotifier import ExceptMail, SuccessMail, SendMail
sys.excepthook = ExceptMail()
# Define the next two variables optionally when using OpenAI's API.
# os.environ['_OPEN_AI_MODEL']="gpt-3.5-turbo"
# os.environ['_OPEN_AI_API']="sk-xxxxxx"
os.environ['_GAMIL_RECIPIENT_ADDR'] = '[email protected]'
os.environ['_GMAIL_SENDER_ADDR'] = '[email protected]'
os.environ['_GMAIL_APP_PASSWORD_OF_SENDER'] = 'zzzzzz'
send_success = SuccessMail()
send = SendMail()
main() # Your Code Here
send_success() # No Exception -> Send Success mail.
except ExceptMail: # Exception -> Send Fail mail.
send() # When Process Ended -> Any Line mail.
See Example...
import sys, os
from ExceptNotifier import ExceptMail, SuccessMail, SendMail
# Define the next two variables optionally when using OpenAI's API.
# os.environ['_OPEN_AI_MODEL']="gpt-3.5-turbo"
# os.environ['_OPEN_AI_API']="sk-xxxxxx"
os.environ['_GAMIL_RECIPIENT_ADDR'] = '[email protected]'
os.environ['_GMAIL_SENDER_ADDR'] = '[email protected]'
os.environ['_GMAIL_APP_PASSWORD_OF_SENDER'] = 'zzzzzz'
sys.excepthook = ExceptMail()
send_success = SuccessMail()
send = SendMail()
# 02.Locate your code
send_success() # Success Mail
except ExceptMail as e: # Exception Mail
send() # Put Any Line: Sending mail
Snippet for Python developers...
import sys, os
from ExceptNotifier import ExceptMail, SuccessMail, SendMail
sys.excepthook = ExceptMail()
# Define the next two variables optionally when using OpenAI's API.
# os.environ['_OPEN_AI_MODEL']="gpt-3.5-turbo"
# os.environ['_OPEN_AI_API']="sk-xxxxxx"
os.environ['_GAMIL_RECIPIENT_ADDR'] = '[email protected]'
os.environ['_GMAIL_SENDER_ADDR'] = '[email protected]'
os.environ['_GMAIL_APP_PASSWORD_OF_SENDER'] = 'zzzzzz'
send_success = SuccessMail()
send = SendMail()
'your code'
except ExceptMail:
- a. Select the channel to receive notifications.
- b. Click
Edit Channel
in the upper right corner of the chat window. - c. Click
-New Webhook
. - d. Then click
Copy Webhook
from ExceptNotifier import send_discord_msg
send_discord_msg(_DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL, "Any Test Message")
This is a Python (*.py) example. If you are using IPython, please click the Google Colab icon above to view the example code.
import sys, os
from ExceptNotifier import ExceptDiscord, SuccessDiscord, SendDiscord
sys.excepthook = ExceptDiscord()
# Define the next two variables optionally when using OpenAI's API.
# os.environ['_OPEN_AI_MODEL']="gpt-3.5-turbo"
# os.environ['_OPEN_AI_API']="sk-xxxxxx"
os.environ['_DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL'] = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
send_success = SuccessDiscord()
send = SendDiscord()
send_success() #1 success sender
except ExceptDiscord as e: #2 except sender
send() #3 customized sender
- a. Select the Chat room to receive notifications.
- b. Click
Room Setting
in the upper right corner. - c. Click
Manage Webhook and bot
- d. Create Add Webhook, set it up, then click
Copy Webhook
from ExceptNotifier import send_chime_msg
send_chime_msg(_CHIME_WEBHOOK_URL, "Any Test Message")
This is a Python (*.py) example. If you are using IPython, please click the Google Colab icon above to view the example code.
import sys, os
from ExceptNotifier import SuccessChime, ExceptChime, SendChime
sys.excepthook = ExceptChime()
# Define the next two variables optionally when using OpenAI's API.
# os.environ['_OPEN_AI_MODEL']="gpt-3.5-turbo"
# os.environ['_OPEN_AI_API']="sk-xxxxxx"
os.environ['_CHIME_WEBHOOK_URL'] = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
send_success = SuccessChime()
send = SendChime()
send_success() #1 success sender
except ExceptChime as e: #2 except sender
send() #3 customized sender
- a. visit
- b.
Create an app
-From scratch
-Create App
- c. Add webhook: Click
Incoming Webhooks
- Activate IncommingOn
- Add New Webhook to Workspace - d. Copy
Webhook URL
from ExceptNotifier import send_slack_msg
send_slack_msg(_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL, "Any Test Message")
This is a Python (*.py) example. If you are using IPython, please click the Google Colab icon above to view the example code.
import sys
from ExceptNotifier import ExceptSlack, SuccessSlack, SendSlack
sys.excepthook = ExceptSlack()
# Define the next two variables optionally when using OpenAI's API.
# os.environ['_OPEN_AI_MODEL']="gpt-3.5-turbo"
# os.environ['_OPEN_AI_API']="sk-xxxxxx"
os.environ['_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL'] = ''
send_success = SuccessSlack()
send = SendSlack()
send_success() #1 success sender
except ExceptSlack as e: #2 except sender
send() #3 customized sender
- a. Register
- b. Go to mypage
- c. Click
Generate Token
, enter Service Name and click1-on-1 chat with LINE
(anything you like) - d. Copy Token.
from ExceptNotifier import send_line_msg
send_line_msg(_LINE_NOTIFY_API_TOKEN:, "Any Test Message")
This is a Python (*.py) example. If you are using IPython, please click the Google Colab icon above to view the example code.
import sys
from ExceptNotifier import ExceptLine, SuccessLine, SendLine
sys.excepthook = ExceptLine()
# Define the next two variables optionally when using OpenAI's API.
# os.environ['_OPEN_AI_MODEL']="gpt-3.5-turbo"
# os.environ['_OPEN_AI_API']="sk-xxxxxx"
os.environ['_LINE_NOTIFY_API_TOKEN'] = 'xxxxxxxxxxx'
send_success = SuccessLine()
send = SendLine()
send_success() #1 success sender
except ExceptLine as e: #2 except sender
send() #3 customized sender
- a. Sign up for Twilio.
- b. Click Console in the upper right corner.
- c. Copy the variables provided in the console.
from ExceptNotifier import send_sms_msg
_TWILIO_SID = 'xxxx'
_TWILIO_TOKEN = "xxxx"
"Any Test Message")
This is a Python (*.py) example. If you are using IPython, please click the Google Colab icon above to view the example code.
import sys
from ExceptNotifier import ExceptSMS, SuccessSMS, SendSMS
sys.excepthook = ExceptSMS()
# Define the next two variables optionally when using OpenAI's API.
# os.environ['_OPEN_AI_MODEL']="gpt-3.5-turbo"
# os.environ['_OPEN_AI_API']="sk-xxxxxx"
os.environ['_TWILIO_SID'] = 'xxxx'
os.environ['_TWILIO_TOKEN'] = 'yyyyyy'
send_success = SuccessSMS()
send = SendSMS()
send_success() #1 success sender
except ExceptSMS as e: #2 except sender
send() #3 customized sender
- a. Create the channel that you want to notify.
- b.
-Search: webhook
-Incoming Webhook - c. Click
Request Approval
After you can use webhook incomming. Proceed to next steps. Microsoft Teams allows limited application access per organization, so it can only be used if the webhook incoming application is available. - c. Go to the team channel to receive notifications, and click
in Settings. - d.
After configuring webhook incoming in Connector, copy the webhook URL.
from ExceptNotifier import send_teams_msg
send_teams_msg(_TEAMS_WEBHOOK_URL, "Any Test Message")
This is a Python (*.py) example. If you are using IPython, please click the Google Colab icon above to view the example code.
import sys
from ExceptNotifier import ExceptTeams, SuccessTeams, SendTeams
sys.excepthook = ExceptTeams()
# Define the next two variables optionally when using OpenAI's API.
# os.environ['_OPEN_AI_MODEL']="gpt-3.5-turbo"
# os.environ['_OPEN_AI_API']="sk-xxxxxx"
os.environ['_TEAMS_WEBHOOK_URL'] = 'microsoft webhook _TEAMS_WEBHOOK_URL'
send_success = SuccessTeams()
send = SendTeams()
send_success() #1 success sender
except ExceptTeams as e: #2 except sender
send() #3 customized sender
- a. Sign up at the following site:
- b. Click
My Application
on the top bar. - c. Click
Add an application
, set a name, and create it. - d. Click
Kakao Login
in the left menu, then change the State ofKakao Login Activation
to ON on the resulting page. - e. In
My Application > Product Settings > Kakao Login
, be sure to setRedirect URI
as follows: - f. In the left Consent Items menu, set
Send message in KakaoTalk
to optional agreement. - g. Copy the
inMy Application > App Settings > Summary
. - h. If you have successfully completed all of the above steps, go to the following document and follow the instructions: ./tutorials/kakao_token_generator.ipynb
from ExceptNotifier import send_kakao_msg
_KAKAO_TOKEN_PATH = 'xxx/xx/xxx.json'
send_kakao_msg(_KAKAO_TOKEN_PATH, msg)
This is a Python (*.py) example. If you are using IPython, please click the Google Colab icon above to view the example code.
import sys
from ExceptNotifier import ExceptKakao, SuccessKakao, SendKakao
sys.excepthook = ExceptKakao()
# Define the next two variables optionally when using OpenAI's API.
# os.environ['_OPEN_AI_MODEL']="gpt-3.5-turbo"
# os.environ['_OPEN_AI_API']="sk-xxxxxx"
os.environ['_KAKAO_TOKEN_PATH'] = 'xxxx/xxx/xxx.json'
send_success = SuccessKakao()
send = SendKakao()
send_success() #1 success sender
except ExceptKakao as e: #2 except sender
send() #3 customized sender
a. Get Webhook URL by visiting here
from ExceptNotifier import send_wechat_msg
send_wechat_msg(_WECHAT_WEBHOOK_URL, msg)
This is a Python (*.py) example. If you are using IPython, please click the Google Colab icon above to view the example code.
import sys
from ExceptNotifier import ExceptWechat, SuccessWechat, SendWechat
# Define the next two variables optionally when using OpenAI's API.
# os.environ['_OPEN_AI_MODEL']="gpt-3.5-turbo"
# os.environ['_OPEN_AI_API']="sk-xxxxxx"
os.environ['_WECHAT_WEBHOOK_URL'] = "xxxxxxxxxxx"
sys.excepthook = ExceptWechat()
send_success = SuccessWechat()
send = SendWechat()
send_success() #1 success sender
except ExceptWechat as e: #2 except sender
send() #3 customized sender
No setup is required. Use as follows.
from ExceptNotifier import beep
beep(sec=1, freq=1000)
from Exceptnotifier import ExceptBeep, SuccessBeep, SendBeep(), beep()
os.environ['BEEP_TIME'] = 1
sys.excepthook = ExceptBeep()
send_success = SuccessBeep()
send = SendBeep()
send_success() #1 success beep-beep
except ExceptBeep as e: #2 except beep-beep
send() #3 customized beep-beep
No setup is required. Use as follows.
from ExceptNotifier import send_desktop_msg
title_msg = "Test Title"
body_msg = "Test Body"
send_desktop_msg(title_msg, body_msg, DISP_TIME)
from ExceptNotifier import ExceptDesktop, SuccessDesktop, SendDesktop
sys.excepthook = ExceptDesktop()
# Define the next two variables optionally when using OpenAI's API.
# os.environ['_OPEN_AI_MODEL']="gpt-3.5-turbo"
# os.environ['_OPEN_AI_API']="sk-xxxxxx"
send_success = SuccessDesktop()
send = SendDesktop()
send_success() #1 success sender
except ExceptDesktop as e: #2 except sender
send() #3 customized sender
Official Document:
Documentation can be automatically generated by Sphinx. But, I do not use Google style because it requires the Napoleon extension for Sphinx. I will use m2r to convert the file to .rst so that it can be included.
Having generated it with Sphinx, we can also host the documentation freely at
ExceptNotifier: MIT
Licenses apply the each dependencies package, and the created posts follow CC BY-NC-SA.
Sincerely grateful for any reports on new features or bugs. Your valuable feedback on the code is highly appreciated. [Open a new issue]
You can contribute to the project by referring to the following CONTRIBUTING GUIDE document.
Everyone participating in the ExceptNotifier
project, and in particular in the issue tracker, pull requests, and social media activity, is expected to treat other people with respect and more generally to follow the guidelines articulated in the Python Community Code of Conduct.
- Core maintainer: Daniel Park, South Korea
- Email: [email protected]
- Developer note: Link
Applying ExceptNotifier in Python
In Python, we use sys.excepthook to call the exceptnotifier by taking advantage of the interpreter calling sys.excepthook with three arguments (exception class, exception instance, traceback object) when an exception occurs. Since sys.excepthook is the highest-level exception handler that occurs just before the system shuts down, exceptnotifier is implemented as a class that inherits from baseexception and overrides sys.excepthook. For overriding exceptions that cannot be raised or exceptions raised in threads, please refer to the sys.unraisablehook() function and the threading.excepthook() function, respectively.
Application of ExceptNotifier in iPython
Strictly, iPython is a package, not a programming language like Python, but it has been classified to aid understanding. IPython (Interactive Python) is a package consisting of a command shell for interactive computing for multiple programming languages.
It is a very useful package that allows you to compile Python bit by bit in an interactive session through the concept of an interactive shell, but in iPython, control by sys.excepthook occurs just before the prompt is returned, so it is impossible to receive a traceback object using sys.excepthook and send an error message to each messenger app. Additionally, because it was necessary to inherit from baseexception, it was necessary to override other functions in iPython.
Therefore, at first, we considered the magics in cell, but the problem of having to import the magic function every time in the cell can be cumbersome to use, so we decided to use the set_custom_exc in iPython, which can work even by overriding it once. The set_custom_exc allows you to set a custom exception handler that is called when an exception in the exc_tuple occurs in the main loop (especially the run_code() method), and is designed so that the handle can return a structured traceback or None. Therefore, we can receive the traceback and send it to each messenger app. The order of top-level exception handling in iPython is different. You can use by
raise in theexcept
statement. -
Using Environment Variables (environ) In Python's except statement, it was designed to inherit exceptionbase, so we thought about how to pass variables into the class and decided to set variables through os.environ to use them by distributing them as a package. Additionally, since the user's webhook URL or API key will not change, we named the variables in uppercase and set special names to prevent contamination from duplicate variables. Since the variables are used within the class, we added an underscore before the variable name.
About example code
For explanation, in Python, the example uses the overrided
in the except statement, likeexcept ExceptTelegram as e:
. However, you can use it simply by overridingsys.excepthook
once and callingraise
in theexcept
statement. In IPython, you can useset_custom_exc
to override theException
with a user-defined function once, and then callraise
in theexcept
statement to repeatedly take the desired ExceptNotifier action. Also, although the example usesExceptTelegram.__call__
, these are expressions to aid understanding, and you can change them to a more concise form if you prefer.

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