react image viewer.
Because i can`t comfortable use viewerjs in react, so i create react-viewer to replace it.
npm install react-viewer --save
import * as React from 'react';
import Viewer from 'react-viewer';
import 'react-viewer/dist/index.css';
class App extends React.Component<any, any> {
constructor() {
this.state = {
visible: false,
render() {
return (
<button onClick={() => { this.setState({ visible: !this.state.visible }); } }>show</button>
onClose={() => { this.setState({ visible: false }); } }
images={[{src: '', alt: ''}]}
props | type | default | description | required |
visible | string | false | Viewer visible | true |
onClose | function | - | Specify a function that will be called when Visible close | true |
images | ImageDecorator[] | [] | image source array | true |
activeIndex | number | 0 | active image index | false |
zIndex | number | 1000 | Viewer css z-index | false |
container | HTMLElement | null | set parent node(inline mode) | false |
drag | boolean | true | whether to drag image | false |
attribute | boolean | true | whether to show image attribute | false |
zoomable | boolean | true | whether to show 'zoom' button | false |
rotatable | boolean | true | whether to show 'rotate' button | false |
scalable | boolean | true | whether to show 'scale' button | false |
onMaskClick | (e) => void | - | callback function when mask is clicked | false |
downloadable | boolean | false | whether to show 'download' | false |
noClose | boolean | false | to not render close button | false |
noNavbar | boolean | false | to not render the navbar | false |
noToolbar | boolean | false | to not render the toolbar | false |
noImgDetails | boolean | false | to not render image detail (WxH) | false |
noFooter | boolean | false | to not render the entire footer | false |
changeable | boolean | true | wheather to show change button | false |
customToolbar | (defaultToolbarConfigs: ToolbarConfig[]) => ToolbarConfig[] | - | customer toolbar | false |
zoomSpeed | number | 0.05 | zoom speed | false |
defaultSize | ViewerImageSize | - | default image size | false |
defaultImg | viewerdefaultimg | - | if load img failed, show default img | false |
props | type | default | description | required |
src | string | - | image source | true |
alt | string | - | image description | false |
downloadUrl | string | - | image downlaod url | false |
defaultSize | ViewerImageSize | - | image size | false |
props | type | default | description | required |
width | number | - | image width | true |
height | number | - | image height | true |
props | type | default | description | required |
src | number | - | image source | true |
width | number | - | image width | false |
height | number | - | image height | false |
props | type | default | description | required |
key | string | - | tool key | true |
render | React.ReactNode | - | tool render | false |
onClick | function | - | callback function when action is clicked | false |
: Close viewer.←
: View the previous image.→
: View the next image.↑
: Zoom in the image.↓
: Zoom out the image.Ctrl + 1
: Reset the image.Ctrl + ←
: Rotate left the image.Ctrl + →
: Rotate right the image.