Releases: eclipse-ditto/ditto
Release notes can be found here:
What's Changed
- UI - bugfix for create new environment by @thfries in #2041
- fixed JS mapping header serialization to string for array headers by @thjaeckle in #2043
- Bump jsonpath-plus from 7.2.0 to 10.0.0 in /ui by @dependabot in #2044
- fix WoT tm validation "dynamic" config Helm template by @thjaeckle in #2045
- prepare Ditto 3.6.1 release notes by @thjaeckle in #2046
- fix enter button submitting wrong button in login dialog by @thjaeckle in #2048
- updating pekko to 1.1.0 by @thjaeckle in #2009
- fix that only aggregated metrics for filters which actually matched >0 things are reported by @thjaeckle in #2050
- enhance Helm chart to configure Ditto services via ConfigMap by @thjaeckle in #2051
- provide Ditto 3.6.2 release notes by @thjaeckle in #2057
- Add new endpoint checkpermissions by @hu-ahmed in #2047
- Bump jsonpath-plus from 10.0.0 to 10.0.7 in /ui by @dependabot in #2059
- Fixing CVEs by @alstanchev in #2061
- fixed tracing and moving traces to their correct parent in many places by @thjaeckle in #2060
- fix Webrick securite warning by @alstanchev in #2062
- Enhance Helm chart by startupProbe by @thjaeckle in #2063
- Bump org.apache.kafka:kafka-clients from 3.6.1 to 3.7.1 in /bom by @dependabot in #2064
- #2067 Support for boolean value for filter in aggregation metric by @alstanchev in #2068
- Fix Pod Disruption Budget value for thingssearch by @vvasilevbosch in #2070
- Fix resolving WoT submodels from extended model by @thjaeckle in #2069
- prepare release notes for Ditto 3.6.3 by @thjaeckle in #2071
- fix aggregation metrics config unnecessary force of tags by @alstanchev in #2073
- Fix WoT model validation calculating wrong path by @thjaeckle in #2075
- fix missing headers from message after js mapper by @alstanchev in #2078
- fix connectivity grafana dashboards by @alstanchev in #2079
- Bump ch.qos.logback:logback-core from 1.5.7 to 1.5.13 in /bom by @dependabot in #2080
- #2074: fix creating a thing with a merge/patch request keeps null values by @thjaeckle in #2082
- prepare release notes for Ditto 3.6.4 by @thjaeckle in #2083
- Fix that generated default for WoT array properties contained one generated "neutral element" by @thjaeckle in #2086
- add missing thingId to log of failed WoT validations by @thjaeckle in #2087
- fix configuration bug in WoT validation-context and log-warning-instead-of-failing-api-calls setting by @thjaeckle in #2085
- fix Gateway trace not keeping correct parent "hierarchy" when receiving existing "traceparent" header by @thjaeckle in #2088
- provide Ditto 3.6.5 release notes by @thjaeckle in #2089
- provide Ditto 3.6.7 release notes by @thjaeckle in #2090
- fix wrongly done validation of removal of desired feature properties by @thjaeckle in #2093
- fix spans for consuming messages to not be the "parent" span for following spans by @thjaeckle in #2094
- fix wrongly calculated path in WoT validation errors by @thjaeckle in #2091
- provide Ditto 3.6.8 release notes by @thjaeckle in #2095
- #2096: fix entityId header was added in the wrong format by @thjaeckle in #2097
- fix NPE in ScriptedOutgoingMapping when value from script resolved to null by @thjaeckle in #2100
- fix WoT action validation was only done for application/json content-type by @thjaeckle in #2102
- missing customField closing bracket by @alstanchev in #2104
- fix tracing propagation in general by @thjaeckle in #2105
- #2072: add configuration option to configure pre-defined "extraFields" by @thjaeckle in #2076
- #2108 MQTT Connection - add posibility to configure if server address should be resolved by ditto or on demand by mqtt client by @vvasilevbosch in #2109
- provide Ditto 3.6.10 release notes by @thjaeckle in #2110
- privilage escalation and nonRootUser config for pod deletetion job by @alstanchev in #2113
- Bump jsonpath-plus from 10.0.7 to 10.2.0 in /ui by @dependabot in #2114
- fixed regression in message response WoT validation done at wrong place by @thjaeckle in #2118
- Bump esbuild from 0.23.0 to 0.25.0 in /ui by @dependabot in #2117
- #2115: fix exceptions during outbound mapping not being recorded via "metrics" by @thjaeckle in #2119
- fix "If-Equal" header predicate for new different from predicate for existing by @thjaeckle in #2116
- provide Ditto 3.6.11 release notes by @thjaeckle in #2120
- #2055: provide entity-revision header for all command responses and all events by @thjaeckle in #2121
- fix ExistsThingPredicateVisitor did not flatten arrays correctly by @thjaeckle in #2123
- add new wot-models definition update endpoint #1843 by @hu-ahmed in #2103
- add throttling option to the thingSearch persistence updater by @hu-ahmed in #2125
- update dependencies by @thjaeckle in #2126
- Bump dompurify from 3.1.6 to 3.2.4 in /ui by @dependabot in #2124
- Bump jsonpath-plus from 10.2.0 to 10.3.0 in /ui by @dependabot in #2128
- #2084: update to Rhino 1.8.0 by @thjaeckle in #2127
- add namespace to all Helm managed k8s resources by @thjaeckle in #2130
- provide Ditto 3.7.0 release notes, blogpost and preparation in general by @thjaeckle in #2131
Full Changelog: 3.6.11...3.7.0
Release notes can be found here:
Full Changelog: 3.6.10...3.6.11
Release notes can be found here:
Full Changelog: 3.6.9...3.6.10
Release notes can be found here:
Full Changelog: 3.6.8...3.6.9
Release notes can be found here:
Full Changelog: 3.6.7...3.6.8
Release notes can be found here:
Full Changelog: 3.6.5...3.6.7
Release notes can be found here:
Full Changelog: 3.6.4...3.6.5
Release notes can be found here:
Full Changelog: 3.6.3...3.6.4
Release notes can be found here:
Full Changelog: 3.6.2...3.6.3