This implements a pose estimation processing block based on PoseNet in Edge Impulse. Use this block to turn raw images into pose vectors, then pair it with an ML block to detect what a person is doing.
Build the container:
$ docker build -t edge-detection-block .
Run the block:
$ docker run -p 4446:4446 -it --rm edge-detection-block
Install ngrok and open up port 4446 to the world:
$ ngrok http 4446
Note down the 'Forwarding' address that starts with https, e.g.:
Forwarding -> http://localhost:4446
In Edge Impulse, go to Create impulse, then:
- Set the image width / height to 192 x 192 (this is the only resolution that works).
- click Add a processing block, click Add custom block and enter the URL from the previous step.
- Click Add a learning block, click Classification.
- Click Save impulse.
You now have pose estimation as a preprocessing block:
Train your model as usual 🚀
Note: this flow is only available for enterprise customers.
Init the DSP block via:
$ edge-impulse-blocks init
Push the block via:
$ edge-impulse-blocks push
In Edge Impulse open a project owned by your organization, go to Create impulse, then:
- Set the image width / height to 192 x 192 (this is the only resolution that works).
- click Add a processing block, select the block.
- Click Add a learning block, click Classification.
- Click Save impulse.
Follow the steps above!
This block will run on Linux devices as-is. Just deploy as usual from the Studio.
Due to the size of the model and some unsupported ops it won't work on MCU in its current form. If you decide to train a smaller custom model, you'll need to replace model.tflite
. You'll get feedback on the model through the 'On-device performance widget' in the Studio: